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Everything posted by 2Valen

  1. I'm from ILLINOIS and there is no poloitician that can't be bought, and if we give them a small cut of the profit we would be in.
  2. Welcome to the forum, and to answer your question I have never seen a screw on top of a knob before. Should there be a screw on the knob it would be close to the bottom of the knob, either a small Allen or a flat head screw would show up. Some of the older knobs were just tight and hard to remove. Just pull straight and evenly and it should come off. Don't pry it up because it will break due to it's age. Others on this forum may have a better answer than I do as they have been around more detectors than I have.
  3. I still think we all should buy the mine and split the finds!
  4. I read the article yesterday and just wondered what other forms of life are being dropped on us from outer space. Who knows what it will turn into.
  5. Simon, Do I need to remove the microphone from their hands first? Just kidding I hadn't thought about that and will give it a try. I have several sizes of weights that I can use so that I get the tones down. Thanks for the information about the sinkers.
  6. Nice looking finds and great story also. Wish I could find that type of gold with my 800 around here, but there is only some very small pieces near me and it has been to cold this winter to get where it is. Come summer I will be trying my hand at finding some of it, but I still have to learn what gold sounds like on the 800. Wishing you luck on your next hunt.
  7. Amazing finds and I wish you more luck in the near future.
  8. Great finds on areas that have been picked to death. I guess luck and knowledge goes hand in hand when your swinging a detector. I know I feel that way sometimes and it gets me when I don't find anything except trash.
  9. Great water hunt, and sorry for your loss on the ring. Wish I lived close to the ocean and had the same gear you have.
  10. The item with the bouquet of flowers on it, is it silver? If so it would have fit inside a holder ring for a necklace. I have seen some of those same items in the past that were the size of a nickel. All of them had a holding rings to attach the item. Great finds and isn't that hotel supposed to be haunted, be careful of what you find there.
  11. Now after all the calculations I believe that if everyone on the forum just chips in a few dollars, and put Steve H. in charge we all might make about $16.78 by the end of this year. Who's up for it?
  12. Don't you miss the good old days when a person could have shot them, not to kill anyone but just to let them know to stay out. We had a farmer who would load his shotgun with rock salt and pepper anyone in his watermelon patch. Yes I know this from experience and I learned my lesson at an early age. How times have change in 50 years!
  13. Same here, and I finally got out for a while after I took the dog to the lake for a walk. When I got back my 800 looked at me kind of funny and when I got it outside it only showed me a lawnmower bolt I had lost 10 years ago. However it was an hour outside with my detector! Years ago, I was into the antique jewelry very heavily and learned a lot from a good friend. I sent him the pictures and he confirmed my thoughts on it. With a little polishing to the ring, I am sure that your wife will love it. I have learned a lot about antiques over the years and I have also forgotten a lot of it also and that is why when in doubt I ask a friend who might know more than I. Hope you had better luck than I did today.
  14. That appears to be from the late 50's to early 60's. The maker is from a Armenian jewelry manufacture which is now out of business. They closed their doors in early 1973 and at that time only had silver necklaces left. You are correct that it is Amber and it is from their region, that is why it is a deeper color. The ring was sold as a set, with earrings, and a necklace. The reason there are 2 markings for the silver content is because the maker had to place their mark and then the government had placed theirs. It was a way for the government to keep track of the precious metals at the time and make sure there were honest people making the jewelry. Fair market price is around $100.00 because of it's age only. Great find on the ring, but as you know it was a set do you need to go find the rest of it.
  15. Steve, Did you notice that they were using the 800? Thanks for the article nice to see the great finds with what I have, now I just have to get better with mine.
  16. oro, Welcome to this forum, the people are great and have been around a long time with the knowledge of the best to share with everyone. Steve H is a great person with a great forum and should you want to share your secrets and finds this is the place to do it. Check out the Equinox 800 as it is a very good detector, and also the Vanquish it's brother has also been found to be very good also. Good luck on finding a boat you may want to post on one of the prospecting forum and see if someone will go with you.
  17. Steve, First I want to thank you for having the best site and so easy to use. The best people are here and it just can't get any better. Now for what you said above: but she won't meet me there!
  18. I have to check him out and find out if his father was related to my step father. I am thinking about getting a book now as I want to learn to find gold with my 800.
  19. Welcome Billy, I am sort of new to this also, and you picked a really great forum to be on. The people here will help you out and they are very nice. Should you have anything that will help someone feel free to help them and should you need help there are always good people who are here for you.
  20. Great job, and very good description of the procedure that you have done. Thanks for sharing everything with the forum. The photos really showed a lot and nicely done.
  21. Great news, and I am going to make notes on how these do come apart should I need to do it. Most of the headphones that I have had to work on just snapped together so thanks again for the information.
  22. They should snap together like several other brands that I have repaired before. To keep from scratching them I had to use a small blade dull knife to open. I heat them up a little to make the pieces more flexible. I HAVE NEVER OPENED THIS BRAND BEFORE, so be careful.
  23. Some people say that Hoffa was dumped in a barrel up that direction, you might get lucky and find him. Lake Michigan is also a good place to look also, there are a lot of things out there.
  24. One possibility is that it might be melted tungsten from somewhere possibly from space debris. Just a thought as it melts above 3,400 C.
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