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Everything posted by matt

  1. Check the local craigslist lost and found. Sorry that happened to you.
  2. That's a really fun to see! We see the humpback whales in Maui doing the same type of things. They show up after Christmas to bread and then head back to Alaska in spring time. My wife loves to go out on the pontoon boat trips whale watching. When they go under the boat in that clear water is kind of scary. They are bigger than the boat!
  3. I've been to "Craters of the Moon" several times. It really is a neat place to check out. Last time there was 2017. My parents live in Ketchum and Ashton 6+ months of the year so we usually stop at craters of the moon since it's on the highway between homes. What a nice place to live! Let me know if you are ever interested in that old tote gote to fix up sometime. It would give me an excuse to come up to Idaho.
  4. Wow that turned out really nice! On another note, I hope you have those ramps secured to your truck when driving the coot up them. All it takes it one wheel kicking one out (especially a rear tire) and you may never drive that coot again. If you haven't already, please do a search for what happens to people that don't secure their ramps when loading vehicles. You can get really hurt or worse.
  5. What a great find! Hope you go out to that spot and find the vein it came from!
  6. I saw a video from gigmeister on youtube and followed his results using stainless steel shot (amazon $15) and dawn dish soap in a tumbler from harbor freight. All coins except the very badly corroded zink cents came out looking great. I just roll them and take them to the bank a deposit them into my kids college accounts.
  7. I saw that the gold show in Grass Valley has been cancelled. They are now having "Gold Rush Days" in Downieville this August. There is a center page spread in the ICMJ about it. It's four days and they were able to get permission for attendees to pan in the rivers in town. Anybody planning to attend?
  8. Wow great find! That's a nice hefty piece of gold.
  9. Every time I read a story like this it makes me wonder why someone would take a $20k watch to a beach? And then take it off? Crazy!
  10. Or get a Blu3 Nemo or Nomad? It's still a good idea to get certified for diving whether using surface supplied air or compressed air. I am hoping to use my Nemo or Nomad in Maui in a couple weeks along with a deus ii. Ususally I beach detect but have been really wanting to try underwater detecting.
  11. I did that yesterday! Not for detecting yesterday because had a long round trip drive to SoCal from NorCal. Exactly what I do when going out detecting in warm weather.
  12. Thanks! I just emailed them. I did see that through their chat they say all exceed coils are waiting list right now. I will respond when they answer my email.
  13. Thanks! Yes, I checked with Rob a few days ago and they are on backorder. I'll try Lucky Strike and see if I can get lucky!
  14. Great finds! Wish I could find a 12x7 in stock somewhere. Anybody know where to get one right now?
  15. Now that's a great find! Was there a front cover?
  16. That's a great find. I hope that stone is a real emerald. My wife or daughter would lobe that ring!
  17. Sweet finds for sure! That little ring is a beauty!
  18. That's awesome. Glad you were able to return it! Hope the good karma pays off on your next hunt!
  19. Wish I had a summer place in Alaska to go mining and would be at that store weekly to purchase all kinds of stuff. I need to stop dreaming! No, I need to start looking for a mine in Alaska!
  20. Thanks for that info! I'll give it a try next time in Hawaii. I know a beach that I can't wait to try it on!
  21. Those wed sticks can sure be a pita. I always hated the tar weed in the summer months. It smells and sticks to everything! It looks like the same type of ground. Do you get that nasty tar weed too?
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