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In the last week I have found 12 silver coins at some incredible depths with the Equinox 800. Dimes, quarters, and wheat cents at up to 12". Both Park1 and Park2 have been used depending on the soil. I think Park1 may be a little deeper than Park2. Regardless of which Park program I use I run Iron Bias in F2-0-1, Multi 5 tones, Recovery 4, Sensitivity 22-24 if EMI is low, but even at 20 I have achieved some incredible depths. I've had buddies swing over these with Etrac's and CTX's with large coils and they can't touch some of these deep coins. One buddy used his Etrac, Deus, and Anfibio and was skunked on the deep silver at this place.   

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That’s awesome! Congrats! 

Have you been finding real deep coins since you’ve been swinging your Nox? Was this a new site (or sites) you’ve never hunted before?

I found 13 silver this past week with my Nox, and all of my finds were from heavily hunted sites I’ve been detecting since 2010, but just recently have hunted with my Nox. None were deeper than 9”.


2 Rosies I found yesterday are not in my pic below.


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One site was new. It has very sandy soil and most all silver found was probably lost in the early 1940's-50's. These coins have sank super deep. The first time I hunted it I was in Park2 until the very end of the hunt. I was finding deep coins, but I switched to Park1 and it lit up big time. The other site is a hammered park I have been finding deep Mercs for awhile, but since I lowered Recovery to 4 I have gotten 3 of the deepest Mercury dimes I have ever dug out of heavy clay soil. I run Park2 there because I get a lot of iron falsing in Park1. Park2 does not false on iron nearly as bad. Pics are from today the last Merc I dug. Heavy fairly mineralized clay.   



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Great machine isn't it ?!  My personal feeling is that recovery speed of 4 is a bit of a sweet spot in my settings for many areas , combining good depth , and separation if you slow down your swing . Interested in other opinions on this .

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8 hours ago, Hunterjunk said:

Great machine isn't it ?!  My personal feeling is that recovery speed of 4 is a bit of a sweet spot in my settings for many areas , combining good depth , and separation if you slow down your swing . Interested in other opinions on this .

4 is probably as low as I would personally go because I usually hunt with no disc to avoid disc clipped non-ferrous tones.  Much lower and sweep speed becomes an issue as you cannot slow it down enough to overcome ground feedback (even with a sat GB).  Probably a non-issue in "0" soil conditions such as at the beach, but then again, you don't really gain a raw depth advantage by lowering recovery speed, just a better ability to hear blip iffy tones associated with lower modulated micro or edge-on targets at depth.  I really mostly just stick with the recovery speed defaults for any given mode as a decent starting point, and find I rarely have to (or want to) tweak it in the field as most of my sites are heavily mineralized.  If I do, it's at most a one click tweak from the default.

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14 hours ago, longbow62 said:

One buddy used his Etrac, Deus, and Anfibio and was skunked on the deep silver at this place.   

Somewhat surprising - the machine setups matter and no clue on how this guy 's machines were set up, his proficiency, and ground coverage strategy or discipline.  If he switched around on all those detectors during a single visit, sounds like a classic skunk desperation death spiral move  (been there, done that).  When your confidence is shot, believe me, every detector you grab for is probably going to disappoint.  Not necessarily a reflection on the machines' capabilities in that case.  But if your buddies were indeed not picking up the signals on your targets before they were dug, that is saying something, again, as long as those detectors were properly set up.  I assume your buddies are experienced and know how to set up their machines properly, those machines are relatively complex, especially in regards to disc, and you can easily set them up in a manner that would degrade their performance if you are not proficient.  Barring that unlikely situation, silver depth in the absence of high junk and mineralization is not something you would expect an eTrac or CTX to struggle with, especially if the Equinox is doing just fine.

Nevertheless, great saves and congrats on the finds and the bragging rights over your buddies' misfortune. :smile:

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9 hours ago, Hunterjunk said:

Great machine isn't it ?!  My personal feeling is that recovery speed of 4 is a bit of a sweet spot in my settings for many areas , combining good depth , and separation if you slow down your swing . Interested in other opinions on this .

Recovery Speed 4 is where keep it most of the time when hunting deep targets with a moderate swing speed.

In my test garden, I saw no increase in depth going lower than 4. The only time I might go lower would be when using super slow swing speeds hoping for something right at the fringe of detection. For instance, if I had just dug a deep coin spill and wanted to see if there might be a few more just out of reach. If the ground is fairly mineral free, I might set it at 2 and slow my swing to a crawl. I also might go through all the single frequencies while doing this.


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