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1st Run With The Xceed 12x7 Mono


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The 12x7 has been getting a bit of a run over the past couple of weeks. It continues to impress as a well behaved coil that responds quietly to most conditions. As with all of the coils that currently run on the 6, wet ground cover or damp mineralised soil can be a bit of a pain when running the machine flat out but this really comes down to the price that you pay for sensitivity. Hot rocks love this coil when running in normal but a quick button press into difficult usually provides the answer that you are after. If the signal disappears a hot rock is usually the culprit. Anything else is worth further investigation. One thing I have noticed about this coil compared to the Coiltek 10x5 is that the broader signal heard on the 12x7 has a bit more tonal variation than the Coiltek. Steel, lead and gold are a bit easier to pick with the Nuggetfinder but both coils can trick you consistently. Junk signals that give a harsh scream can end up being gold and silky smooth, mellow tones can result in a small piece of rust. You really do have to dig everything. Had a pleasant morning out late last week and was pleased to come home with some small pieces from heavily worked country.

This coil is very good in tight areas and works well in all positions. The larger piece was detected in a vertical wall and gave a good, clean signal.  

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