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AlgoForce E1500

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It looks as if it is a mobile phone stuck on a stick, is this the detector that woody was mentioning? In one of his YouTube videos he was saying not to sell old Minelab coils as there is going to be a large demand for the old coils.

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1 hour ago, stickswinger said:

is this the detector that woody was mentioning?

In one word....YES. I dunno how the discussions between them started, but he's been in contact with Alex (Roo) & Co for a year or two. 

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On 1/27/2024 at 10:41 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

No I hate the GPX 6000 DD coil and only used it long enough to decide I hated it. Hate is a strong word I rarely use but that coil truly sucks so it is appropriate. I do most ferrous vs non-ferrous work with all PI detectors strictly with my ear. I never use the Minelab or Axiom ferrous functions as totally untrustworthy for nugget detecting. I have seen 1/4 ounce plus gold nuggets called ferrous by those type systems and that's too much money to give up based on a poor result. Missing a bullet or a coin is one thing, missing a $500 nugget another. I honestly forget the feature exists as I never use it.


On 1/27/2024 at 10:41 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

So while I fully appreciate what you and Jeff are saying I personally will not even notice lack of DD capability as I really don't use them anyway. In the last 20 years of PI detecting I'd say I have had a mono coil on my various PI detectors for 99% of the hours run and that is a lot of hours. I have to except the GPZ 7000 and the DOD coil because except for X-Coil that is all you can run on a GPZ 7000.

On 1/27/2024 at 11:26 AM, abenson said:

Yea that DD on the 6000 is short of worthless. I used it beach hunting one time and figure it's probably a cancel coil. Depth is waaaaaay short if what a normal DD will get that size. I guess if EMI is an issue it's usable. For relic hunting I use the 11" mono on the 6000 and can say I really don't miss iron disc of the 4500/5000. If you use your ears and go by shape, sound and size, the 6000 is great. I know where the crossover point with both timings are and if I get a questionable target I'll flip between normal and difficult to see what happens with the signal. But overall I don't miss DD coils.

Having said that and swearing I'd never got back to a 4500 or 5000, I recently picked a used 4500 up for beach hunting and those real bad hotrock infested areas I gold hunt sometimes. The 6000 just doesn't do well in either of those scenarios.

I'm real excited to see what the Algoforce has to offer when it comes to some form of target ID. It should be an extra bit of information to use when hunting trashy sites and time restraints don't allow for digging every target.

I feel as if I was a little misunderstood on my 6000 comments, so I’ll just make a few additional comments addressing that below and exit the thread because I’m just a relic detectorist looking for bullets, no biggie if I leave them in the ground and so forth….:smile:   Bottom line if you don’t want to wade through all the words below - Thanks for setting the record straight and I agree with you (in fact I never disagreed in the first place, as relic detectorists and prospectors have many common viewpoints when it comes to a detector’s capabilities but also some divergent points of view on the value of certain features).

As I’ve repeatedly stated, it was never my intent to saddle the E1500 with suggested features and capabilities useless to prospectors or to cajole gold detectorists into defending why the E1500 doesn’t have these features out of the box.  And I will state again, for the record, that the E1500 is very compelling as is to me as solely a relic detectorist because it appears to hit all those cost/weight/performance wickets Steve set as stretch goals for PI manufacturers.  My intent was simply to articulate features and capabilities I have found useful as a relic detectorist that hopefully could be considered in the future for an E1500 without significant cost or complexity.  And if the E1500 proves in practice that its existing capabilities wrt to EMI, ground handling, and integrated ID/audio obviate the need for these additional features in a relic detecting context, so much the better.

Regarding my original comment on the 6000.  My point wasn’t about how the 6000 DD’s are great (I have no knowledge of that as I don’t own a 6000).   Nor was I asking for a defense of the Iron Check feature as great or necessary - I know and am constantly reminded by prospectors how utterly useless the feature is.  I was simply pointing out IN SUPPORT OF THE E1500 that the 6000 has no iron check feature and I remembered posts and and direct conversations were folks figured out ways to manipulate the GPX 6000 switchable automatic ground handling and timing features and/or used audio clues to interrogate targets on the fly to ID likely iron or junk targets (I.e., proficient 6000 users were not missing the lack of the iron check feature for either prospecting or relic detecting).  I just couldn’t remember if a DD was needed as part of the equation.  My bad - thanks for chiming in and setting the record straight as I hoped you would.  I wasn’t trying to use that whole 6000 thing to justify DD, I am actually glad it’s not necessary.

And, yes, I know a lot of of GPX 4K/5K and Axiom users (me included) that integrate the target audio with and without the iron check features to make dig decisions.  There are also situations where I would turn off the GPX iron blanking feature altogether because ground conditions were making it break on non-ferrous targets and go solely with audio to make dig decisions.  Finally, if I have limited time in a hot dirt field iron patch, I’m personally pulling out a simultaneous frequency VLF (probably a D2) given todays available PI tools and will gladly trade depth for speed and the possibility of getting non-ferrous audio hits in that situation.  If the E1500 can keep me from pulling a VLF out in that situation, that would be an impressive and welcome game changer.

So, of course, having the visual ID info provided by the E1500 will only help in this regard and could be game changing feature.

Thanks for indulging this relic detectorist’s perspective.  Chase out.  Wake me when these actually make their way to the US.

P.S. I finally managed to locate the GPX 6000 thread that Steve H. started on the subject of manipulating PI detector controls to interrogate and characterize different non-ferrous and ferrous targets based on how differently the targets responded to the different settings.  Below, I am linking the final post in the thread by Andrew Benson that documented his results on a variety of ferrous and non-ferrous relic test targets  You can dive back into that entire thread from this jumping off point, if desired.  It's not earth shattering or rocket science, but just providing it here for reference, to show how a PI detector without a dedicated iron check feature can be used to interrogate and differentiate between various ferrous and non-ferrous targets by manipulating controls and interpreting target audio response on the fly.  Indeed, as confirmed by Steve and Andrew, this methodology was executed with a mono coil.  The visual ID component provided by the E1500 should just add another tool in the toolkit to facilitate similar target interrogation methodologies for relic and gold hunting alike, despite the absence of a dedicated, DD-facilitated ferrous check feature. FWIW.


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4 hours ago, Elijah said:

a good device for finding golden fleas...Most are still waiting for a DEEP machine for a real hunt

You're already using one ? I don't think we will see deeper machines than already exist.

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28 minutes ago, Luis said:

We're going to have to wait for it to get to Simón to see it in action to see how it behaves

I'll be taking it out straight away looking for gold and doing some beach detecting so I'll put up video as soon as I can.  I'll be just learning the machine and clueless with it, but at least you'll be able to see it in action and some preliminary results.  It sounds very easy to use so I'm sure I'll be up to speed pretty quickly.

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24 minutes ago, phrunt said:

I'll be taking it out straight away looking for gold and doing some beach detecting so I'll put up video as soon as I can.  I'll be just learning the machine and clueless with it, but at least you'll be able to see it in action and some preliminary results.  It sounds very easy to use so I'm sure I'll be up to speed pretty quickly.

Since our ground here in the U.S is quite different from your ground phrunt my hopes are the company sends at least one over here to someone like @Steve Herschbach to do some testing, so us U.S detectorist can get an idea on the E1500 also


Hint Hint AlgoForce LOL

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