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Cooper's Treasure

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Has anyone been watching the show Cooper's Treasure?


What do you think about its technology?

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Cooper created maps that were described as:

The maps were created while Cooper was navigating the globe on his Mercury 9 Faith 7 flight. At the time, he was possibly on a mission to look for nuclear threats during the Cold War era, Miklos said.

“They were utilizing some kind of long-range detection equipment to look for nuclear threats. With that, his acute vision [and] possible cameras, he started identifying things that looked like shipwreck material,” Miklos said. “Once he had written all the coordinates down, he went back to earth and put together this incredible treasure map from space on a sea chart.”

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2 hours ago, mn90403 said:

The maps were created while Cooper was navigating the globe on his Mercury 9 Faith 7 flight. At the time, he was possibly on a mission to look for nuclear threats during the Cold War era, Miklos said.

“They were utilizing some kind of long-range detection equipment to look for nuclear threats. With that, his acute vision [and] possible cameras, he started identifying things that looked like shipwreck material,” Miklos said. “Once he had written all the coordinates down, he went back to earth and put together this incredible treasure map from space on a sea chart.”

I watch a lot of these shows, but with a skeptical eye.  This one I've been watching the repeat on Monday evening (6 days later) on the Science Channel, so I haven't seen episode 3 yet.

The part about "long range detection" is rather murky.  It possibly was some kind of gamma ray detector.  But it's not obvious to me that Cooper used this to aid in his search.  In fact, it wouldn't be of any use looking for treasure wrecks since they don't emit gamma rays, unlike nuclear fuel.  To me young Miklos (to distinguish him from his father) is making too much of that.  Maybe it sucks in the sensationalist searching viewers, but I don't see it has any meaning to finding treasure.  In episode 2 he interviews a NASA communicator from Cooper's Mercury mission and completely blows it -- pissing the guy off with his questions about secret, military intelligence, etc. so much that he walks off in disgust.  Scripted?  Maybe not the interviewee (NASA guy) but I wouldn't be surprised if the show's producer is pushing this part.

The jury is out for me, but I'm still watching.  That's more than I can say for Bering Sea Gold, which (at least a couple years ago before I got disgusted) is at best a soap opera, and a bad one at that.  Unfortunately there is a common theme among these shows, IMO.  They can't get sufficient audience to just show reality so they go and try to stir up and display conflict, confrontation, etc. to pull in the unthinking masses.

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I have met the guys from Bering Sea Gold up in Nome.  They were also at the GPAA show in Vegas this year just as some of the Gold Rush 'Dakota Boys' were at some of the last couple of years shows.

There is a certain amount of 'production' that goes into being one of the paid groups.  They must shoot and re-shoot scenes at the expense of the crews.  They lose production time and the crew-share drops because of this.  Not all who want to be paid will get it from the producers.

I know one of the backhoe guys who is a good friend of Shaun who has the first backhoe.  He asked for money from the show.  He was not given any as a production decision and he said 'get off my barge' and has made good gold without them being on board.

That is why I watch the shows.  It is just like watching Wicked Tuna.  I like seeing the fish.

I like seeing the GOLD.  It just shows me it is there.


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Now, let me give the negative ...

I just hate watching Wicked Tuna when they put together a 'scene' of fighting a fish or following an idea and you see some of the background is 'glassy' and other times it is 'rough' with wind waves.  It drives me crazy!  

I do know they do that with the gold shows too but am I supposed to watch Prime Time?  NEVER

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10 hours ago, mn90403 said:

I like seeing the GOLD.  It just shows me it is there.

That's why I continue to watch Gold Rush although it seems to get tougher every year.  I occasionally learn something.  I'd like to see the nice+intelligent people, but those are the ones who disappear.  Mostly we're left with a bunch of jerks who treat their fellow workers like garbage.  But apparently that is what the majority of the audience wants.

The obnoxious, belligerent people on Bering Sea Gold were too much even for me.  I'm sure there were/are some decent, smart people there, but the jerks were too over-the-top.  If it weren't for Freddy Dodge (who seems to know what he's doing AND treats people with respect) I'd be done with Gold Rush, too.


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On 5/4/2017 at 10:13 AM, mn90403 said:

Has anyone been watching the show Cooper's Treasure?

What do you think about its technology?

The 'secret sensor' strikes me as hoaky, and I've caught at least one faked 'quotation' allegedly from cooper in space.

I'm a retired 'rocket scientist' [www.jamesoberg.com] with an interest in 'space age folklore', and Cooper's late-in-life fables have been on my radar for decades. I've written two detailed critiques of this show on www.thespacereview.com, take a look.

The idea that the US needed to, or NASA was able to, place a secret nuke-detecting device on Mercury-9 is flatly preposterous. What puzzles me is why, then, that's the 'official explanation' of a map that does appear to have some interesting sites on it -- where did IT come from, if not 'from outer space'??

ADD -- exact links



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