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Equinox Ferrous / Iron / Steel Responses

Daniel Tn

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What a great thread--lot of good information and practical test ideas.  My spin on the EQ's operating characteristic is this:  I get the sense that to "reign in" the info from all these fqs, some really heavy filtering is needed.  These filters take even "mixed" FE / NFE responses like caps and narrow them down--into the middle if you will.  Steel ones with not that much rust--go up high--to 16/ 17 or higher.  Rusted ones go down to 10.  All of these would be "off scale responses on a simpler machine--"low tones" or responses with obvious iron characteristics.  This is the price we pay for the plusses of multi fq.  With the amount of information that's available with the EQ as one poster has mentioned--there will always be one kind or another "hint" that something is FE or NFE.  This may require some cross sweep or PP testing but it will be there. As well this is a detector that processes really well--you could say it does the BBS "wiggle" in one pass.  When you keep on a signal and slow the coil down it either inhibits or enhances.  There is a lot of information to be had from where it begins to fail--it's limits.  It then reports the target's exact relationship to the ground.  FE and NFE responses are so different that there will be "tells" in this information.  Not to say this it's possible to be "surgical" in IDing iron or caps but when you start with the two extreeme cases (good and bad) targets will usually fall in one direction or another.  I like the term "constant" to describe what to look for.  With the EQ this is not just a circular or non circular target--but also identifies objects that are too big (wraps) too small (minus numbers) elongated or containing any rust or corrosion.  It's as if the "benchmark: has been moved up a bit--a great tool.   You could say that the EQ has no "12-line" it's up to the operator to create one via target testing.  cjc

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Part of those high caps are from having copper in them..... corrona and bud light.  You are right thou rust ..... and those deeper ones come in around 10..... and surprisingly can give a steady tone for that digit and not jump around like the shallow ones.    I believe they played with the wrap around in some ways.   Either that or the tones that sound like iron minerals that jump to the second bin are because its running extremely high gain with no modulation and is picking up tiny tiny concentrations of aluminum can slaw.    Ive hit some big iron.... but im running in AM..... there you start digging and then realize you have a big targets..... but like you said Clive for the most part it IDs iron pretty darn well.... normally dropping it the -5 range..... bobbie pins and such are -1 range with a hope to the good size in AM.... just enough to get you to stop.

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On 10/5/2018 at 6:21 PM, dewcon4414 said:

Part of those high caps are from having copper in them..... corrona and bud light.  You are right thou rust ..... and those deeper ones come in around 10..... and surprisingly can give a steady tone for that digit and not jump around like the shallow ones.    I believe they played with the wrap around in some ways.   Either that or the tones that sound like iron minerals that jump to the second bin are because its running extremely high gain with no modulation and is picking up tiny tiny concentrations of aluminum can slaw.    Ive hit some big iron.... but im running in AM..... there you start digging and then realize you have a big targets..... but like you said Clive for the most part it IDs iron pretty darn well.... normally dropping it the -5 range..... bobbie pins and such are -1 range with a hope to the good size in AM.... just enough to get you to stop.

Thats kind of the sense that I get from running this detector and listening to what's being said:  With this level of processing / bias / multi fq cross confirming--there aren't a lot of problem targets you can't learn to recognise if you work at it.

Always great to hear your opinion, Dewcon--let me know if you have any best practices that are working for you to go in the new book.  Good Luck Detecting, clive

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On 9/30/2018 at 1:04 PM, Sinclair said:

I am running beach1 with default IB and RS.

Both set at 6?

On 9/30/2018 at 1:04 PM, Sinclair said:

If you're running high RS settings, you notice small differences in how long a signal is ringing, depending on the target size. You can then swing suuuuper slow to verify (like ~5-15cm/s).. that way you really get a good idea of the target size..

You can move the coil this slowly with a recovery speed of 6 and get all that info??  This is one thing I've been concerned with -- how slowly can I move the coil vs. recovery speed settings and still get reliable info.  I tend towards (too?) fast.

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6 minutes ago, GB_Amateur said:

Both set at 6?

Yes, this are the defaults in beach1.

7 minutes ago, GB_Amateur said:

You can move the coil this slowly with a recovery speed of 6 and get all that info??

You loose some depth, but you can swing very slow to narrow down the object size - afaik you even get a pretty stable target ID. I often forget to swing that slow, but I try to do it every time I stumble across a suspicious target :happy:

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Some way Clive i kind of wish they would combine the two programs.   On my beach.... the new programs seems to throw off the digits in wet sand.... and doesnt seem to like coins as well out deeper in the water.   But the old programs i dont think handles bottle caps as well..... a lot more positive tones to them.   Depth (new program) seems less between the two beach modes and beach 1 doesnt seem as sensitive.   Yes you can run higher sensitivity in the new program..... but i dont think it equates to depth...... more smoothness.    I been at this 6 mos now Clive......... and you want to know what id really like?   a button to toggle between the two PROGRAMS..... just cant tell much swapping them in and out lol.    For the conditions weve had...... ive done pretty well so far with the machine.   Maybe be luck of the draw ..... but ive gotten more chains and a lot more high K gold so far.   No real tiny chains....... smallest was .4 grams .... with the XCAL lol.   But....... ive gotten several rings at 18k, couple 22 and one 24k which id never seen before.   But here we go........ most was found with the old programs.   So...... is the the program or with Red Tide keeping people away for 3+ months just nothing to find?

I have found when i think im running the right sensitivity and dont want to reduce it........ just moving from 3 to 4 sweep speed seems to do the same thing to quiet the machine.

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That's true--new Beach modes seem to be better on the cap they are more in the minus digits--maybe a bit rougher audio as well.  That's kind of the lines Im thinking about for an Apendix in the new one a section just on some of the ways to settle the machie down so as to allow more Gain. Faster works, more Bias works, slower coil works....raised up coil works...slighly high TB base works (.4 gr. chains notwithstanding...).


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On 10/9/2018 at 7:41 PM, cjc said:

That's true--new Beach modes seem to be better on the cap they are more in the minus digits--maybe a bit rougher audio as well.  That's kind of the lines Im thinking about for an Apendix in the new one a section just on some of the ways to settle the machie down so as to allow more Gain. Faster works, more Bias works, slower coil works....raised up coil works...slighly high TB base works (.4 gr. chains notwithstanding...).


Come again on that last one, Clive.  You lost me on the shorthand.  As a matter of fact, even though you and Dew have the ESP going, would you mind expanding what you were driving at with that last sentence without the shorthand? It has me curious and though I think I deciphered some of it, I do not have it all figured out.  Thanks.

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