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Chinavasion Metal Detector

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Thanks so much! I have read Steve's review yesterday and I thought I understood it until you called my attention to it today. With the benefit of Steve's earlier explanation in terms of the frequency and the functions, I think that I am more informed to make the best choice. Though my budget played a major too. Another thing is that I am left handed.

I feel that I should go for

1, Nokta Fors Gold (Left-handed)

2, Fisher Gold Bug Pro

Can you recommend any shop with a good online sales and policy?

I am in Pretoria, South Africa.

From here, I think Kellyco looks to me like a serious online shop. Any other suggestion that may have better price?


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Thanks Steve for the candid advise. The analysis on the impact of frequency on the metal target and efficiency really made my day. I believe that I am informed enough to look for a functional detector. I actually intend to start a small scale mining and really need to use the detector to know where the gold really is instead of just digging anywhere in the name of mining. At the same time, I will be using the detector to find nuggets around same place because the location is believed to have huge gold deposit but it is highly unexplored as well. Please don't hesitate to give me any additional information that you know will help my new found love. Thanks so much again Steve

Hi Kenny

You sound like you do not have any mining experience.

No miner that knows what he is doing just digs anywhere.

You need to learn how to use a gold pan and sluice before anything, if you want to start mining!

A detector although it is a valuable tool is no where near as useful as a gold pan in an expierenced prospectors hands to identify mine grade gold deposits.

And you need to learn about sampling techniques before you embark on a mining venture.

Ive seen 100's of people go bust because they lacked a proper understanding of sampling techniques but little did they know there was gold a plenty.

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I could not get those two brands here in South Africa(Jburg,CpT or Pta). I would contact Fisher and Nokta directly to see how they could ship if metaldetector can't also ship.

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