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TDI SL Coil For The Beach ?


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I just purchased a TDI SL special edition. The unit came with the Miner John  8x12". It seems to do OK at the beach but leaves me wondering if another coil could do better.  Not overly concerned about finding all the tiny bits. Also I find the walking pace when using the 12" mono, for complete coverage, is a challenge for me on the beach.


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I found when the TDI first came out the coil it came out with was great . That coil was the dual field that I found myself digging deeper than ever before.

 If you wanted to beach hunt you may have been better to buy the regular TDI SL .


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Chuck, this is not my only machine. I have some others that do fine on the beach. This is my newest and I want to learn it while possibly finding some stuff. The ground is frozen here and will remain that way for another month so the beach is the only area I can swing. The dirt is my main interest and just wanted to get some time in prior to spring (here).

Also I purchased the TDI I wanted knowing it can use more than the stock coil. I have read that the Miner John coils are good gold coils but I expected the depth to be a little better than I have seen.

 So that brings me back to asking about a better beach coil. Very little info is available on that beach hog and I wonder, minus coverage, if it will be any deeper than the 8x12 I have. Maybe the dual field is what I should be looking for ?

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I have limited use on a TDI, but did notice that getting depth on the TDI SL I used was more about getting the ground balance right and getting the pulse delay to operate as close to 10 as possible. Before getting a new coil maybe PM some users and see if they are willing to give some settings out. I know I watched a bunch of you tube videos and one guy got excellent depth with his. I usually use a GPX and it has taken me years to get the depth I now get from it. You may consider binging on some videos one evening, and watch who is getting great finds and see what kind of coil they are using.  Just some thoughts.


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  • 1 month later...
On 3/8/2019 at 6:26 AM, FWest said:

I just purchased a TDI SL special edition. The unit came with the Miner John  8x12". It seems to do OK at the beach but leaves me wondering if another coil could do better.  Not overly concerned about finding all the tiny bits. Also I find the walking pace when using the 12" mono, for complete coverage, is a challenge for me on the beach.


Have you done any air test with this coil?

I know  a lot might say that an air test gives a false impression, but it is a very good starting point for depth capabilities.  I will say, I've found most TDI coils all get about the same air distance with the exception of the 12" dual field.


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12 hours ago, Mark Gillespie said:

Have you done any air test with this coil?

I know  a lot might say that an air test gives a false impression, but it is a very good starting point for depth capabilities.  I will say, I've found most TDI coils all get about the same air distance with the exception of the 12" dual field.


Was the Dual field more or less??

Thanks Jim

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My testing indicates the 12"DF is very good. Only exceeded by the Nugget Finder 8 x 6 Sadie, and the Sadie, while being more sensitive to really small gold, doesn't match the 12"DF for depth on the bigger items. That said, I haven't tried any of the larger coils by other manufacturers. I liked using the MJ 5 x 9, but it didn't equal the Sadie on the small stuff. The only thing I didn't like about the 12'"DF is it's cumbersome for prospecting in rough terrain.


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