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Where Do You Find Most Of Your Rings?


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I've primarily been a beach hunter and a coinshooter in the dirt but I'm looking to add parks and fields to hunt for rings. I'm curious where everyone finds the majority of their rings especially in park/sports field type settings. Over the years I've heard several things about where most rings are to be found in parks but never tried to prove them true. Since this is a forum dedicated to learning I'm hoping some of you ringmasters might share the best places to look.




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I can only speak for when i am hunting for rings and general jewellery here in the UK,for the most part as i live inland so far from the beaches that are traditionally the places for gold rings and jewellery in general it not often that i do beach detecting,so most of mine is done inland and specifically leisure locations as i find those are the best places.

One of my favourite locations is near a river crossing or ford going back well nearly 2000 years,so not only do you find coinage from folks who have dropped them while travelling through the ford but also roman votive offering to the water gods,and rest assured one can find some nice roman coins.

But the main reason i hunt this specific area is during the hot summer months its a haven for young mums who bring the young kids down to the shallow river mainly to paddle and catch tiddlers with nets etc,but usually the young mums have grannies old lumps of high class ice that have been handed down through the family,and as we are all aware that cold water makes the fingers shrink and unfortunately sometimes these rings do fall off and never seen again until someone comes along with a metal detector that is.

I prefer using a small coil setup and this can be either a VLF or PI machine and as the water is only about 8'' maximum finds can be easily found,surprisingly enough one machine that you would not expect to work well is the Compadre,but when fitted with the small 4'' coil its a deadly combination.Another machine i also have been using and mainly in the hunt for fine gold rings/jewellery is the TDI Pro with a 9x5 folded mono.Both these combinations work well and have recovered some nice finds from just this one small location in recent years.

Roll on the hot summer days again and that is mainly because the crops are still in full growth here till harvest time,at least it allow me to still carry on detecting.Of course this is only how i do this type of detecting and it may differ from other folks who hunt gold rings/jewellery inland.

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I highly recommend this book by Clive Clynick.  http://www.clivesgoldpage.com/

“DFX Gold Methods: Finding Gold Jewelry with the White’s DFX “E” Series TM Metal Detector”

While he writes to the DFX, the information is valuable for the inland jewelry hunter no matter what machine you use.

There is also this one, which is very good but I like the DFX one better...

Gold and Silver: Understanding Beach, Shore and Inland Metal Detecting Sites”

This is better than just telling you where to look as it puts you in the right mentality for gold hunting.


Shoot.....almost forget this one......

The Gold Jewelry Hunter’s Handbook: Finding Lost Gold at Beach, Park and Shoreline Metal Detecting Sites

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I've been through the books. I guess what i was hoping to hear was places that folks here have had success in terms of volumes of rings. I've been told the perimeter of the basketball courts (grass area), at the top of penalty area on soccer fields etc. I'm trying to treat my ring detecting as if it was a math problem of probabilities. If I do x and y the probability for success is z. I know it's not as simple as that but I'm trying to make my gold detecting time more successful if you get my drift. It's like when someone asks how to find more silver the first thing we tell them is you have to hunt older properties, etc., etc. 

It seems that most detectorists stumble onto rings and gold rather than actually hunt for it so I'm hoping to develop a plan to change that. 

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1 hour ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Most of my rings come out of the surf break zone of a beach. Dry land I target sports fields and any open space where a softball, football, or frisbee might get tossed. And the ever popular tot lots.

Ok, tot lots have always baffled me. Even though i've been detecting for years I have only detected a tot lot once and it was more because I was detecting with someone not because I chose to. My question is how big a ring (and how valuable) come out of tot lots? I'm envisioning 2-5 year olds running around and they don't seem to be the type who carry bling with them. What am I missing?

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Those 2-5 year olds have married mothers who wear wedding rings and tend to their children, sometimes dropping things along the way.

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Small neighborhood baseball fields. The ones that have been around since Hector was a pup and even if they are seldom used anymore. Be prepared to dig lots of foil. 

Fresh water, from the waters edge where mothers play with their babies out to the dropoff.  Wish I had taken up scuba diving in my younger years as I can only imagine the rings out of my reach.



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I believe TallTom pointed out one of the reasons why tot lots are ring territory. Here are a few more, along with their mother, those tots most likely have some or all of the following. A father, an older sibling, grandparents, aunts and uncles, a baby sitter and more. Now, think back to the last time that you pushed someone on a swing. When you start, your hands and  arms are cocked back to your chest, then they are thrust forward until they are fully extended. At this point your hands ( with fingers nearly straight ) abruptly stop. That is a pretty good way to lose a ring, or possibly even a bracelet or necklace with a weak clasp. Throw in some cool air temps and the odds of that ring leaving a finger goes way up!!  Swing sets in tot lots and play grounds always get my attention. The area under and around swings is pretty good ring territory in my world. 

Best of luck out there....

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Rings are where you find them. Just saying...The surf is a different story...things are moving all the time there. Big storms and big tides is the key. There are some great books on the subject. Getting wet is better.  In Parks and fields...just cover lots of ground. People loose rings in parking lots etc.. so there is no telling. I find lots of chains and rings in the middle of fields. Got a beautiful Sterling womens braided chain the other day in the middle of a park field. Sounded like crap but I dug it any way and was rewarded...I've heard all kinds of theories about how jewelry gets lost....and I drive myself crazy thinking about it...it's part of the fun of the hunt. Had a guy tell me once that the tennis ball launcher was the kill all for finding lost rings. Apparently rings don't fly of hands now that the tennis ball launcher has been invented lol. Maybe he was right? But I still try. Sometimes I look where lovers may lay...near trees..top of grassy knolls etc......search for flat spots on the grass where a blanket may have recently been...kind of like feeling if the ground is still warm like the indians used to do :biggrin:. The reality of it is the more you hunt... the more ground you cover... and your choice of which detector you use and which coil you pick for a given location will make the difference. Good luck!  Oh and don't forget to check the sidelines of the soccer fields!


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