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Everything posted by WesD

  1. Good tips Steve! Cant argue with the dig and detect method. A lot of the guys in the CA Motherload caught onto that to chase gold up small drainages and dry creeks where its concentrated on bedrock.
  2. My buddy in Australia always called the stuff Axle grease, referring to Marmite. And Im sure it could be substituted as such in an emergency, as it sure looks the same! Better tasting of course ?
  3. I think what makes this coil a winner is the size and shape are ideal for hunting uneven bedrock areas, and ground other than flat. The bonus is they limit the emi noise and have a noticeably more stable threshold which is definitely easier on the ears. Id agree too that sensitivity and depth is comparable to the 11. You're not going to find piles of missed targets going over ground you already hunted with the 11 on totally flat terrain. Possibly a nugget masked by emi. Throw in craggy bedrock, bushes, rocky areas, and its game on for the 12x7!
  4. That's my guess too. A half inch can make a big signal response difference on tiny targets. If the flake is floating anywhere up in your scoop and not the absolute bottom, that could be what you are noticing?
  5. For Rye Patch, that's pretty good weight for 8 pieces, if I read you right. Over in CA, on old patches, its usually sub-gram stuff that was left behind for the 6k to clean up. The detector really likes those dink pieces like point 2 gram can hit pretty good.
  6. I also used a bafang bbshd kit, from Luna cycle, on a downhill full suspension frame. When I built it in 2017 the Ebiikes were far and few on the trails, but they seem to have really caught on as they are so fun!!! I also have a fat tire for my wife to use, but it is bouncy and really not enjoyable to ride compared to the downhill mountain bike.
  7. Yep thats the policy in my area. Now if you are deep in the Auburn Rec area away from the public eye, I bet you may spot a sluice and shovel or two.
  8. I had a blackberry thorn do similar but was able to pull it out. Sealed the spot with a wrap of electrical tape was the fix. Have also seen old cables go bad like Aureus wrote above. This was a bad one I had, except it was a brand new coil. Something to watch out for anyway.
  9. Very nice, I like your style, skip the little ones and straight to the heavy slugs! Congrats They do indeed look a lot like ancient river slugs, perhaps from the time of the Biblical flood.
  10. Yes sdc runs quiet and has a stable relaxing and calming thresh hum, but the 6000 will pick targets out of that quiet you never knew about. I loved the sdc for years and was a promoter of it, but once the 6 got strapped with the 5x10 Coiltek, I parted ways with the ol sdc. The 6000 folds down almost as small, better swing balance, and just plain more fun to use.
  11. You can look up the claims here: http://www.mylandmatters.org/Maps/ClaimsNv/GetMap
  12. Well Scott, at least you can be sure no one's highgrading your diggins ? Been an ugly winter for sure!
  13. Yep if you like smaller coils, there are some nice options for the 6000 - 5x10 Coiltek and 7x12 NFinder.
  14. Bill thats definitely not my book, I met someone that went to Mexican jail on trumped-up charges, and only by Gods grace did he get out eventually. I believe the guy I heard the story from was referring to $ value. There is always something guarding the gold. Here in Cal Motherload country we deal with meth heads, deep canyons, rattlesnake, mexican cartel grows, though that is not so much anymore thankfully, and the list goes on...
  15. Years ago I ran into a miner up in the Sierras that got to talking. The guy was a very savy miner and spent some winters down in Baja. He and his partner or it was his buddys, dug 1 mill in one season. I asked how they got the pile back home, as thats quite the handful. He said, carefully hidden in the frame of their truck.
  16. Ya I used to really like the old gpx sadie on the 5000. The price was good too, for around $200 back then. Good ol days ? As for sensitivity, I guess we'll have to wait and see...
  17. phrunt, What do you reckon the NF will offer in benefits over the coiltek 5x10? Just going by size, the 5 x10 seems ideal to me with a slightly tighter nose radius for pinpointing into cracks, and a little more sweep coverage with the 10" length. Although I wish the Coiltek wasn't quite so thick. A thinner body would have made it more maneuverable.
  18. I have to agree, it is no joy to swing. You are better off using a 7000 at that point. I used to think, It's too bad they didnt come with a smaller DD, but got to thinking there would be a considerable depth loss in any smaller DD coils. As it is now, the 14 did not appear to be much of a depth seeker considering its size, and smaller coils would really be lacking. Just my theory, could be wrong.
  19. The Goldhawk is a great little coil for creek hunting in bedrock. Nice and maneuverable to get into tight spaces. I usually have to run in difficult soil mode to keep the detector smooth and without falsing in mineralised soils/bedrock.
  20. What about using some faraday fabric tape to cover the control box? I wonder if it would be of any benefit on the 6, or is all the "noise" coming in through the coil.
  21. I thought the guys here were saying a noticeable improvement even with headphone connectivity? I know mine is bad, as headphone or speaker goes wonky when the coil is off angle, or if the detector is set on the ground.
  22. Now that you mention it, probably explains why I had had poor luck selling detectors here in the past. Thanks for the tip!
  23. Our local mountain dwelling tweakers prefer the Rottweilers. As you go up in elevation from the flatlands, the Pit bulls tend to grade into Rotts. Go figure
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