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Possibly A Meteorite?

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It should sparkle when cut. I don't see that. Another test is to rub it on the back of a tile. A meteorite would be black.

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Try a steak test and see what color it is.  Could be galena, thats what the rind suggests to me.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I looked on the web for galena, it looks like it should be close to lead in softness? However it did take me a while to cut it, I'd say it is as hard as steel, or rather stainless steel as it does not seem to oxidize in normal conditions. Maybe chromium... Washed it few times, few burnt crust flakes came off, other than that it looks solid. Not sure what it is. Not a meteorite most likely, but interesting to know what it could be. It was found in the farming field that is far from anything industrial or even habitation.

Not sure how to do a steak test, does the back of usual bathroom tile work?

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55 minutes ago, fredmason said:

Any unglazed ceramic tile or the underside of the lid to your toilet...

I can hear my wife now if she sees me wandering through the house carrying the toilet tank lid....


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Yep, any un glazed white piece of ceramic will work to get a color for the material.  But your saying its quite hard, galena is not very hard but it has a bit of brittleness....  found it on a farm.  Well it could be an odd bit of chromium steel as your thoughts suggest though I dont recall ever seeing that material deteriorate like that.  Could be something from a burn pile long ago as well.  Still be interested in the streak.

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