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Used Equinox Shortage?

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Checking around it seems there are few Equinox for sale used right now, a little surprising since there are some people out there in need of bucks. You would think with so many sold the last couple years more would be coming up used, but that does not appear to be the case.

I also saw under the eBay “Sold” listings a lot of control pod only sales out of the Russian Federation. That seems a bit odd to me. What happened to the rest of the detector? Minelab does not seem to sell the pod only, so I have to question how legit those things are.

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I keep tabs on craigslist and e-bay for detectors and have noticed the same thing lately. That and I have noticed that the resale for gold detectors specifically seems to have gone up. For the last few years a used Minelab SDC has fetched around $2100-2200, over the last few months this has spiked, as have most of the GP-GPX Minelabs.

For awhile it seemed like people couldn't get rid of their ATX's for $1,000 and now I see these without accessories or extra coils being sold for $1,600+. Supply and demand I guess. I hadn't started prospecting until after the 2008-2010 recession and gold spike so I am curious as to whether or not this same activity happened then? Definitely not the behavior I was expecting. I thought there would be deals galore with the high unemployment rates.

The cheap Russian GPZs and Equinox parts are tempting but I just look the other way - hopefully no one is getting burnt on these.

- Chris

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Gold price is staying pretty high...................

I have noticed the same thing. I sold a GPX 4800 on Ebay for more than I paid for it used. I also bought a brand new SDC 2300 from Rob's Detectors for about $300 more than the price they have been selling for used one of Ebay. I rarely see even a well used Nox 600 sell for much less than $499..........

These are great detectors for sure.



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I speculate that the Russian control pods are actually LRL's hence you don't need the rest of the machine.

Just hit the horse shoe button and your in Luck.?

From what I've seen running around the parks lots of people are quite happy with their Nox's, as am I.

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I read somewhere than around 150 nox were stolen somewhere in Russia there is no serial number on them on the remote but i have been told there is one on the PCB.....



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This may well change depending on repair cost once we start seeing them out of warranty.   Beaches are now opening up ... at least here in Fl to no restrictions.  Most still like this machine because it is such a good multi use machine..... and once paid for the warranty makes it worth hanging onto as well as its ability to easily travel with.   Not many said im selling it because i dont like it.   Money is tight.... but they paid so little for its ability i dont think they feel they can get much out of it.... especially with say just a few month left on a warranty.  Most people will opt to just buy new.  I know some has discussed selling after 2 years......getting a better price .... then replacing it new.

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