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Golden Nuggets, Gems & Gents

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Half the fun is meeting people.

I’ve been fortunate in my metal detecting career to find some Gems, both in gold and in Gents.   This industry has been in my family for 40+ years and 25 of it, me being a dealer of detectors.  Yes in that many years of digging lead, I screw up on occasion and find a nugget or two.  But on a really rare 2 moons shining, I cross paths with a Gem of a detectorist or two.  (Pic below is Darrell on the left, Pieter in the middle and I holding his book)AZJan21B.thumb.jpg.d624bc699112510c0bcedd2207a5490b.jpg

A few weeks ago I was fortunate to meet two outstanding detectorists, Gems of friends (Darrell & his detecting buddy Pieter).  Heck we hunted meteorites and gold, shared a couple beers & told a story or two around a camp fire.  It’s not often I find someone, let alone 2 guys who’ve been swing a detector longer than I.   But….the fun and highlight of the trip was yet to come and even more precious than the gold/meteorites I dug. 

The last night and after Darrell had left (I wish he would have stayed).  I was able sit down and listen/hear/dream of Pieter Heydelaar and his memories shared of the early gold hunts in Australia with his wife and the pounds of patches they recovered with early day VLF detectors.

Pic below is Lunk and Darrell.  Check out that fine 2 room camp tent.


Having Darrell and Pieter in the same camp as I, around the fire, and in the field swinging side by side was just amazing. Boy I sure found a couple true treasures and well worth more than all the gold & space rocks I found.  I have to give credit where credit due, so Thank you Mr. Lunk for putting this special hunt together and a few days in the field with some fine Gems & Gents. 

For those who are interested in prospecting Southern California and Arizona, I was able to purchase a dozen of Pieter’s book “Successful Nugget Hunting”, Volume #1.  What I like about this book is the pretty detailed map and directions to some of his gold producing sites, which he describes and shares.  The book is $17, but I only have 10 left.

A special thanks goes out to Chef Rusty as well.  His outstand chauffeur service, accommodating lodging and fine dining were top notch again.  After all, what are friends for.  (Pic below is Lunk on left, Pieter in the middle and Rusty on right who's mad as I ate the last slice of pie.)


One thing is for sure.  Even though Darrell & Pieter are 20 yrs (wiser) than I, they are hard hunters...so this young lad got schooled.

That's perfectly fine with me...they earned it.  (pic below is Pieter & Lunk at a meteorite site & the limo.


How many of you out there know Pieter and some of his accomplishments in meteorite and gold nugget hunting?  How about some of you Aussies who have been chasing gold down under for many years, I bet some of your stories are just as Golden.

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When I was in Q meeting up with Lunk he put together a lunch date for us with Pieter!  It was so much fun to hear his stories and he allowed me to pick his brain some too!  It was a great experience and one that I will never forget.  I “analyzed his maps in a different aspect” than how he drew them and shared with Lunk what I was seeing.  Unfortunately I never had the time to test my theories.  Lunk did you ever get a chance to check any out?

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Hella good times with great friends; truly, a greater treasure cannot be found. Gerry, I'm so glad everyone could attend this memorable outing. Thanks for sharing the story and some great pics.

1 hour ago, afreakofnature said:

When I was in Q meeting up with Lunk he put together a lunch date for us with Pieter!  It was so much fun to hear his stories and he allowed me to pick his brain some too!  It was a great experience and one that I will never forget.  I “analyzed his maps in a different aspect” than how he drew them and shared with Lunk what I was seeing.  Unfortunately I never had the time to test my theories.  Lunk did you ever get a chance to check any out?

Just a couple so far, Freakman; looking good!

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I'll take a book.  

I've had occasion to email with Pieter a few times but we never met.


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Gerry, glad to learn that Pieter is alive and still chasing gold. Seeing him brought back fond memories of the old "Treasure" magazine gang, Pieter, Ken Doe, Jim Williams, George Mrzkowski, Jimmy Sierra, Woody Woodworth...


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It's great to hear stories from the pioneers -- another thing I can envy you for.  Someday there will be a similar photo like the first one in your post -- you and Lunk standing next to some young guy -- that guy standing on a concrete block just like you did for that photo.

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12 hours ago, mn90403 said:


I'll take a book.  

I've had occasion to email with Pieter a few times but we never met.


Call my office when you get a chance and I'll run the card.

I hope you do get to meet him some day.


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