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 Today's hunt was in an old field inland about 5 miles .
Short session.
Did a grid on a section with lots of moss under a tree.
Swept it with the 15x12 ,marked targets and switched to 6" to pinpoint. (9v dead in the 35)
Would have switched to the small one anyway , still aching from yesterday.......
Half a rivet , an old nail and a 3" piece of barbed wire. 
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But you got out and had some fun.  Tomorrow maybe some nice silver?!

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Already planned. yup yup.

The stone walls will get their own turn under the coil.

I haven't even really started on the field yet , No crops these days but want to beat the hay for easier swings. The guy that lives there found a clad quarter right at the entrance to the field from the woods.

There will be more from this spot..........an old dump in those woods between the field and the house too. (plus another hundred acres across the road on the old farm that this property was once a part of.) Stay Tuned...

Digging through the roots trash my elbows , so need some easy(er) Son's Of The Beach time first !!!! 






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14 hours ago, kac said:

Barbed wire sounds like you were near a property line? Try following that line at all?

OK, you've stumped me.  Would you please elaborate on why this is a good lead?

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Barbed wire is usually used along property lines. Like stone walls people go along them and may dump their yard clean up etc. Basically like a higher traffic area than just open fields.

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1 hour ago, kac said:

Barbed wire is usually used along property lines. Like stone walls people go along them and may dump their yard clean up etc. Basically like a higher traffic area than just open fields.

I agree, but electric fences are right out. ? The other thing to consider is the barbed wire indicates a desire to keep people or animals out, so it's protecting something. It would be a sign of traffic, but I would try to get inside where it was to start looking for foundations. Ridges, rises, and level areas. When you hit lots of iron you've found a barn or farmhouse!

I mentioned it once before, find large old trees that are on field boundaries. Search where the shade would be after mid day, if there is any grass it will be greener than the other areas. I've found old coins and buttons there. Picture someone taking out their handkerchief and flinging their pocket money!

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Some People had talked about a house in the woods near one the lakes near me and no one could find it. they were looking for a traditional dug out cellar but I looked at the land and realized if it was near the water it couldn't have a basement or it would be flooded. Barb ware lead me to the area and near one the rock pile posts I found an old pocket knife and a ww2 zippo.

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I've detected three different former fencelines with nothing to show for it.  In one case some of the fence wire had been left afterward and buried, driving my detector crazy.  If people sat on the fence (or boundary wall) then maybe things fell from their pockets.  I didn't find those, though.

I agree that anywhere humans have been there is a chance they left something behind for us.  And three instances, all busts in my case isn't much of a sample size.  I'll try again, but you better be right, kac.  :laugh:  And if I find a post-hole bank I'll give you a royalty.


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THAT is exactly why I picked that mossy spot under the tree to detect first !  There's an abandoned road with a stone wall about 10 feet behind the tree that will be checked . It all was also on a hill overlooking the field.  The property was once part of the old farm across the road that one of the kids put a mobile home on back in the 70-80s judging by the design of the interior , so the junk pile will wait a while... The piece of wire said "cows" to me .

I really want to get to across the road areas soon too , big barn falling in on itself plus much more fields.   

Tendonitis trashed elbows reminding me of old far worse pains so scoops on the beach twice for every shovel day on the farm is what I going with this summah . 

Maybe some relic hunting on colonial sites for good measure in there too , me 'ol Cap is gonna be here researching his Mayflower grampy's old place. (Yup , I think I got 'im hooked on detecting .......)     

Yo 'oh !



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