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White's MX Sport - Sweet Home, We Have A Problem

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3 hours ago, bowwinkles said:

Tboykin, Get Steves address and give it to your boss and get one of the new and improved units (with return shipping labels) in an over night box so he can get yet another review started. He can use the box to put his in and have it on the way back to where it was made.

Think your sensitivity and threshold might be a little high as mentioned in the comments for your video. Usually when I hear a beep one way and not the other it's junk OR I need to ground balance as the soil conditions can change pretty quick depending on where you are. Coins will repeat on left and right swings unless they're on edge or really deep. Beep. Beep. Dig. You can give us a call here at the factory to talk to some one if you'd prefer that.


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I try to be a man of my word-

MX Sport Owner Firmware Update

We have updated the Sport firmware to address a concern related to audio on targets in close proximity. In some programs closely spaced targets will lock on as one long tone. This issue has been addressed and the resulting audio now sounds off for each target separately. 

While the update will be especially helpful to experienced users, the current version's long-tone "lock-on" audio may be preferable for some users. Updating is at the user's discretion. If you aren't experiencing any problems with your MX Sport, no action is needed. All MX Sports manufactured after 3-24-16 will automatically have the latest firmware.

If you would like to have your Sport re-programed, here is how to return to White's at no cost to you:

1. First, box up your Sport, preferably in the original box. Send the control box and search coil. Please include a note labelled "FIRMWARE" in the box.

2. If you have e-mail and access to a printer, e-mail sales@whiteselectronics.com and we will e-mail you a printable label. If you don't have access to e-mail, call us at 1-888-666-6121 and we will mail you the label. 

3. Affix the label to the box with clear tape. Drop off at a UPS Store or other UPS shipper.

4. Once we receive your detector, we will reprogram it as quickly as possible and return via UPS to the same address. Normal turnaround is expected to be 1-2 weeks.

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Tboykin, It appears you have associated my comments with someone else's threshold and sensitivity adjustments.However I will say that this issue was approaching my threshold level and my sensitivity was also being pushed to the limit. Your management saved the day by choosing to reflect the honor they have had over the years. Now on to the second part of your reply: 

  4 hours ago, bowwinkles said:

Tboykin, Get Steves address and give it to your boss and get one of the new and improved units (with return shipping labels) in an over night box so he can get yet another review started. He can use the box to put his in and have it on the way back to where it was made. Let us know when they honor this second task.

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Interesting how white's is responding to this problem with the software and are not willing to do a "TOTAL RECALL" of this MXS Metal Detector, as this will affect the resale of the machine if they don't do a TOTAL RECALL who would want to buy a second hand MXS Metal Detector not knowing whether they had one that was fixed or not, certainly not me that's for sure. 

If a car company only fixed a few of their faulty cars that the owners wanted fixed instead of a "TOTAL RECALL" to fix the problem so to back up their BUSINESS NAME in quality built cars, a "TOTAL RECALL" would be the only solution to amend this problem to any problems a rising in the future.

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4 hours ago, bowwinkles said:

Tboykin, Get Steves address and give it to your boss and get one of the new and improved units (with return shipping labels) in an over night box so he can get yet another review started. He can use the box to put his in and have it on the way back to where it was made.

No, don't do that! Frankly I have had enough drama for now. I will wander over to the factory with my unit in the next couple weeks and can get it sorted out then. Time to visit the new folks - if they will still have me!

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"No, don't do that! Frankly I have had enough drama for now. I will wander over to the factory with my unit in the next couple weeks and can get it sorted out then. Time to visit the new folks - if they will still have me"

Well darn, If this did happen you could have the new review done and we could start on leg#2 of this journey discussing the second review while you are on the road to Sweet Home:happy: 

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7 hours ago, Dingo Qld said:

a "TOTAL RECALL" would be the only solution to amend this problem to any problems a rising in the future.

I appreciate your thought Dingo, though I disagree with your car analogy. The old version of the firmware won't cause any fiery 'splosions on the highway, and most users seem satisfied with the MX Sport as-is. We jumped on this issue so quickly for YOU GUYS (specifically on this forum and one guy from Carolina)- the power users. Like I said, we owe it to you but also don't want to take perfectly usable detectors from people who have zero problem with their machines. But we'll gladly help anyone who does experience problems, always have and always will.

7 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Frankly I have had enough drama for now. I will wander over to the factory with my unit in the next couple weeks and can get it sorted out then. Time to visit the new folks - if they will still have me!

You're welcome here in Sweet Home, you haven't said anything wrong. Just know that when you have a problem we are listening, and if you feel someone isn't listening just ask for Tom and I will do what I can. It's taken a bit of time from my other duties to deal with this so I may not be as responsive to this thread over the weekend and next week (got grass to cut and coins to dig). Your call on whether to close it or not, but feel free to refer to my previous post regarding anyone wanting to return their MX Sport. Don't want that info getting too buried in replies (copy below).

We stand by our detectors but more importantly we want you to know we stand by YOU guys. 


MX Sport Owner Firmware Update

We have updated the Sport firmware to address a concern related to audio on targets in close proximity. In some programs closely spaced targets will lock on as one long tone. This issue has been addressed and the resulting audio now sounds off for each target separately. 

While the update will be especially helpful to experienced users, the current version's long-tone "lock-on" audio may be preferable for some users. Updating is at the user's discretion. If you aren't experiencing any problems with your MX Sport, no action is needed. All MX Sports manufactured after 3-24-16 will automatically have the latest firmware.

If you would like to have your Sport re-programed, here is how to return to White's at no cost to you:

1. First, box up your Sport, preferably in the original box. Send the control box and search coil. Please include a note labelled "FIRMWARE" in the box.

2. If you have e-mail and access to a printer, e-mail sales@whiteselectronics.com and we will e-mail you a printable label. If you don't have access to e-mail, call us at 1-888-666-6121 and we will mail you the label. 

3. Affix the label to the box with clear tape. Drop off at a UPS Store or other UPS shipper.

4. Once we receive your detector, we will reprogram it as quickly as possible and return via UPS to the same address. Normal turnaround is expected to be 1-2 weeks.

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8 hours ago, Ridge Runner said:

jt      I have the 6 x 10 with the same problem.


What you said I too believe it should be a total recall. The part I can't believe is with all the testing this detector got out the door at all. I would think White's would stop all sales and recall all detectors back. Some people may not know their detector has trouble and say nothing. 

Same electronics same program same trouble with all. Some just don't know it and be unhappy with the MXS the whole time they have it..


i got a solution!  have all who purchased, return 'em and get the mx-5 instead with cash back.
you can't submerse it,but you can "run" it in the rain!..no issues!..a genuine "sleeper" in white's lineup,
replacing former status of the m6 which is well known now. mx-5 is a "crackerjack" coin sniper with the 6" eclipse
concentric on board. great combo for the "junk" the 9" concentric coil is a terrific coil too!..great depth,stabile,
and excellent pinpointing. detector is outrageously fast!..passes monte's nail board test. rugged,light,and well built
with white's traditional build quality.



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1 hour ago, tboykin said:

Think your sensitivity and threshold might be a little high as mentioned in the comments for your video. Usually when I hear a beep one way and not the other it's junk OR I need to ground balance as the soil conditions can change pretty quick depending on where you are. Coins will repeat on left and right swings unless they're on edge or really deep. Beep. Beep. Dig. You can give us a call here at the factory to talk to some one if you'd prefer that.


It dont make no difference how you run it it dont make it no better.  If one is bad there all bad!!  Mine will be in mail Monday to you . 

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13 minutes ago, jmaryt said:

i got a solution!  have all who purchased, return 'em and get the mx-5 instead with cash back.
you can't submerse it,but you can "run" it in the rain!..no issues!..a genuine "sleeper" in white's lineup,
replacing former status of the m6 which is well known now. mx-5 is a "crackerjack" coin sniper with the 6" eclipse
concentric on board. great combo for the "junk" the 9" concentric coil is a terrific coil too!..great depth,stabile,
and excellent pinpointing. detector is outrageously fast!..passes monte's nail board test. rugged,light,and well built
with white's traditional build quality.



Gotta disagree, I have both the MX5 and the MXSport... Once the long tone issue is taken care of, the MXSport will be in a different class over the MX5.


I will say the MX5 is lighter though and you have a better selection of coils for it.

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