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Reports On MX Sport Firmware Update - Post Here

Guest Paul (Ca)

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Went over to Findmall and White's main forum. Paul is saying he had to sent his MXS back in again because White's had put the wrong Firmware in the first time. You may want to go read it for yourself. Paul posted this on 4-18-16.


PS He stated he was told a few went out with the wrong firmware. One guy called in and was told there is no other update.

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Have you got a Link to that thread on FM Chuck Thanks,

PS I fixed my MXT, it was one of the springs in the battery pack not sitting in the right place, I fixed that But I Bought a few spared Dry cell packs a few months back so all is good and the machine is fine No problems with the MXT,

all is well,, John

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I spoke with Bob and a few of the other engineers here. We are hitting coins deeper in the ground than you are getting with your air tests. But your ground number (40s) is pretty hot. You might try balancing the MX Sport over a different patch or use a piece of ferrite to get the GB number closer to 70-90.

We tested the new firmware and have heard from users that confirms the update has no ill effect on depth. So you might try ground balancing the detector over milder ground, and try a slow swing over the coil with SENS set to 8 or 9 and see what happens.


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16 minutes ago, auminesweeper said:

Tom has whites changed the Ground reading scale on the MXS compared to as it was on all older whites machines,

thanks Mate,, John

The number that shows up on the MXS is the VDI reading of the ground (without the minus sign). So our test pits come in from around 90-70, with ferrite being at the bottom end of that.

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2 hours ago, tboykin said:

The number that shows up on the MXS is the VDI reading of the ground (without the minus sign). So our test pits come in from around 90-70, with ferrite being at the bottom end of that.

So the Answer is yes, ?? because on other Whites machines it says  GND=83  which is quite High, where as GND=50 is normal-ish no plus or minus signs This new way seems to be the wrong way because the Higher the mineralization the Higher the number which makes sense really, You would not fit a speedometer in a car with the numbers back to front, but this new way of doing things is going to cause a lot of problems Because Whites are basically telling the detecting world to forget all they know and retrain their way of thinking,

I have to ask why because they are designing these setups like a computer Games, That's not how it is in the real world and they need to remember that they are supposed to be making things that we like Not what they Like, The whole purpose is to get us to buy them, Everything I Buy is because I like them not because someone else does. Which is why a lot of us are going to look towards other companies,

Thanks for your Time and efforts Tom, But will you Please copy this post and show it to who ever is in charge over there Because the more I see the further away I am moving from Whites.  Tom,  If they want their machines to sell then they need to talk to serious users NOT the Sheep and Not the Yes Men,

PLEASE Tom, copy this and show it to them.

Thanks mate,, John  

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 To be all on the same page I put on the 10 inch coil. Now with the sen set at 9 I just too much snap crackle and pop. It look at first I was getting good depth but then it crackle and pop but after that I lost it. On the wheat cent I get 8 inches but after the noise I couldn't get that on a nickel.. I gave it a shot on a quarter but it done the same. First good but again i couldn't get a solid tone at that depth. I notice in the past at a lower sen. I'd get a tone but I already had removed the coin from in front of the coil..

Sorry I was outside doing this test.


PS the ground is at 51

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you said " We tested the new firmware and have heard from users that confirms the update has no ill effect on depth." 

Please tell us which version of the "New firmware" did they test? Seems from the reports there are more than one version. That is the type of data the users/owners need to know in order to to get real support for their issues.  

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