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Reports On MX Sport Firmware Update - Post Here

Guest Paul (Ca)

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I just came from a local dealer here and purchased one of the new Whites diggers (made in Taiwan) to my surprise. I had a long discussion about things and he had no idea of any MXS problems. His distributor or Whites has never mentioned anything about anything going on with that detector. He did how ever  tell me that he has had reports from an owner about the detector leaking and fogging up the screen and moisture inside the battery box from being in a short rain storm. 

I do spend my time in the field hunting it is just that it has to be with another brand now. The mom and pop operation shows that mom is out of the kitchen and someone there is spoiling the soup. Maybe she is out hunting.

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I plan on this Friday to take the MXS and do some testing in  sandy soil in the country. Where I live is black dirt but it's only about 5 inches deep. The major part of the city sits on lime stone. The dirt is put in just so you can grow grass.

So I won't post anymore until then to be fair to all.

I say to all if you are having trouble with the MXS you need to say it now. We have a ear that is willing to hear what we have to say. So you need to step up and speak out.


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This pretty much confirms to me again what I have been saying for some time. Never, ever buy a new model detector until at least six months after release and after numerous real world users confirm unit is good. The ability to download firmware updates would alleviate the concern to an acceptable degree. However, I also will try to never buy a detector ever again that does not have some way to display the firmware version when the machine is turned on or in the menu somewhere.

The following is based on reports so far, but obviously is just best guess on my part lacking official information from White's. 

Version 1 Firmware - if three coins on top of the ground 3" to 4" apart read as a single target in coin mode, you have Version 1 firmware. A good detector should be able to separate coins 2" or less apart. This inability to separate widely spaced targets has been referred to as tone smearing but is just an exceptionally slow recovery speed.

Version 2 Firmware - according to Paul earlier in this thread Version 2 fixed the Version 1. It also changed the max SAT setting from 6 to 8. However, there is a bug that when modulation is turned on (1=on 0=off) "running at 1 slows down the recovery and creates some tone smearing". This is the version a few people are needing to return a second time to get fixed.

Version 3 Firmware - if the SAT can be set to max 8 instead of max 6, and if the problems noted above do not exist, you have version 3.

My parse of Tom's statements above, is that if your MX Sport seems to be doing fine, great. If not, contact White's directly. This is not an official place to report problems. However, reporting here may help others.

Chuck, does your SAT setting max out at 6 or 8?

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 You had said something about that before and I look at it then. Yes it goes to 8.

I understand that people need to report a problem directly to White's. That's why I wanted them to also report it here so others will know they are not the only one with trouble. With any kind of trouble on a detector you won't be the only one that's having the same.

Like a court of law we don't need hearsay. You need to tell that person they need to report it to White's and here. To do this will help others and help White's to correct a problem they may not know about.

You won't find any company after they send their product out the door they don't want it coming back. It comes down to profit and loss.. The loss hits us too if we can't get it fix the first time.

The Best to all and thanks again to Steve for having this forum.


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Thanks Chuck. That confirms from two sources a change in the max SAT setting.  So next step would be to try modulation on and modulation off to see if modulation on screws things up.

The way this is going to go down is White's will eventually say "good enough". Kind of sounds like what we are already hearing. No detector is perfect, so the job then is to find out what the MX Sport is good at and what it might not be so good at. Leverage the strengths for best capability, and perhaps use other machines in areas where it may be weak.

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2 hours ago, bowwinkles said:

The mom and pop operation shows that mom is out of the kitchen and someone there is spoiling the soup. Maybe she is out hunting.

That is funny, but also the kind of comment that will drive people like me away from this site. White's treats their employees like family. If I talked like that about your family you might take it personal. I won't take it personal this time, but I'm not a glutton for punishment and will walk away from DP if it continues.

I've done nothing but try and help. Please don't disrespect me or the company I work for.

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The problem is people feel like they are not getting the answers they want so they are frustrated. Tom on the other hand just chooses to be here and can leave any time. He no doubt has constraints on what he can and can't say. Don't take frustrations with the company out on the person.

There is a fine line between trying to help a company with constructive criticism and just being negative or outright bashing. As a rule I like for people to have their say but repeating the same thing over and over serves no purpose. The interesting thing to me is it is people who do not own an MX Sport who seem the most bent out of shape over it. I start these threads to give owners of the machines a voice, and others take over.

So, if you own an MX Sport and have anything to add about firmware versions and performance - the explicit reason for this thread - please feel free to comment. Anything else will simply be deleted or moved to the thread below if appropriate.

If you have issues with White's they need to hear, give them a call or write them a letter, or put it on the thread specifically created for that purpose below


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I was reading the book on prospecting and all metal mode and it says no discrimination in either program. Is this telling me I can't discriminate anything out ? The reason I ask is because I can like if I was in the coin and jewelry program.

Is it not true all programs has nothing to do with the other ? If so then why would anything turn on in another program have to do with the one I'm running in ?




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Well John

 I'll lay a gold nugget down and see where it hits on the scale first. Then I'll block everything else out and now I can just see myself picking all those gold nuggets up.


I knew I'd read it someplace but couldn't find it. Thanks for quick reply.


sometimes my light don't shine so bright. 

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