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Reports On MX Sport Firmware Update - Post Here

Guest Paul (Ca)

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   I understand you may be limited on what you can share here, but could you please provide a list of issues addressed with the latest firmware? At this point, I'm not sure what has been addressed and what might still be under investigation. This would be a big help and much appreciated! 


p.s. I'm all in on the MX Sport, so let's make it all it can be!

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I just got my MX Sport back today with the new firmware update and I am very pleased. I live in PA and it was only a two week turnaround to Sweet Home and back. White's sent me a pre-paid UPS label, so there was no cost to me.

The target recovery is now lightening fast with no tone smearing. Same performance with Audio Modulation on or off. SAT now goes up to 8. Pinpoint audio works as it should... Very loud on shallow targets and gradually modulates all the way out to about a 12" depth. The MX Sport is stable, quiet and also deeper than my MXT Pro (which is also a great detector).

White's has always stood behind every one of their products I've owned. They have the best customer service I have ever experienced. Currently, I own several White's detectors, Racer 2, F75 DST, Excal II and a bunch of Tesoro's. They are all great machines, even though I could pick at minor flaws in each of them. In my opinion, the MX Sport is one of the best values available... Rock solid build quality, waterproof, excellent ground tracking system and a reasonable price.

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How do you know it is Deeper have you done side by side testing, As In both machines on the same target on multiple targets, Also if the pinpoint mode is only reaching out to 12 inches then that is still running at Loss and should reach out much much further, Because the pinpoint mode is the most powerful mode and if that is only going out to 12 inches then there is No way is it deeper than the MXT Pro using the standard 10" DD Coil.


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John, the MXT Pro is one of my all time favorites, as I prefer the analog audio. It will not be replaced by my MX Sport. I did do a quick side by side check in my test garden using the 10" DD, from my V3i, on the MXT Pro. I observed a stronger signal response with the MX Sport. My deepest coin is a quarter buried at approximately 12". I tested the pinpoint function, on that quarter, as other reports suggested a loss of audio after only a few inches. I had no issues with the pinpoint audio at that depth. It will take me several months to do a thorough evaluation of the MX Sport. So, I was simply sharing my personal experience with the firmware update (the topic of this thread). I wasn't happy with the machine before the update and I am now. You may likely have different observations with your equipment, in your soil.  Tom

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Sounds like a winner Tom, that's great it is all coming together, That's the news we have been waiting to hear, Yours is the first machine we have had good feed back from and that is a good thing, So keep the reviews coming, Mate.

Good luck and welcome to D/P


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I don't know if something has been said about this but I am.

One of the big things going for the MX Sport is it's all digital and I know that's why I like my Eagle 2 so much. Too many times I've been nugget hunting and look down to find one of my knobs is off.on my PI detector. The headphone cord is the cause of this trouble most of the time but it leaves you wondering just how long has it been that way. Over time a knob can get off by just hitting your detector on your leg. It will get off by setting it down hard on the ground. Just any kind of shock to the detector will cause the knobs to turn some as it get age on it  You may know the fix but I'll tell you anyway. Buy some small O-Rings and put one under each knob so it will drag on the O-Ring as you turn it. It's too bad that couldn't be a fix for us as we get older.

For me I wish all detectors would be digital. You look at the MX Sport face I don't see anyway dirt could get into it. I'd think it would be easy to may one that's digital waterproof than one with all the knobs sticking out. I know it's detector out there that have all kind of knobs on them and work great in water. The sun and age affect us all and it will them too.

Don't let my trouble I've had  cause you not to buy the MX Sport. I've been known to be wrong but I think my first detector had trouble other than the firmware update. Then I get the second one and it didn't have the firmware update too. Things can happen to a person one has no control over but that's okay I'm still waking up on the green side of the grass.


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you're a good egg chuck. :smile:

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 I can say for sure that's the first time I've been called a good egg.Haha

Now let me tell you another one for the books. You can go write this down on the bathroom wall and be sure to put the date.

Chuck Anders is not trading his MX Sport off for a MXT ALL PRO. Yes you heard right. I'm going to stay with the MX Sport and come hell are high water I'll make it work for me. I know the other detector is great but I just don't like half analog and the other digital. I'm saying it's all are nothing as in digital.

I sent the MX Sport back for the firmware update today and they will have it in their hot little hands by Tuesday of next week.

The best to you Gambler


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way to go chuck:smile:

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