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Why Do Some Find More Gold Than Others

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Some may say that it's the detector in front of the guy and others may say it's the guy behind the detector. I say it's a little of both and the guy who will admit he may not know it all. Like another post this guy was asking for help to bring him up to speed on his GPZ. Oh don't get me wrong you do have to be where the gold is to start.

Anyone who goes out and buys this hot new detector has to be willing to put in the time and make note of what works best. I say this has to be with you every time you go out in the field to detect. It's said the proof is in the pudding but in your case it's more gold found.

A lot of you know Uncle Ron. Well at one time he had this old SD 2100 and found more gold than most with a newer detector. If you would have seen the coil he had on it you may had felt sorry for him and gave some gold to him. I don't know what he swings now but it was all about him knowing his detector and what it could do for him.

I posted this just to give you more to think about to make you a better nugget hunter.



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My view,

1. They find good ground through research, local knowledge, experience in a given area, and boots on the ground.

2.  They spend many hours detecting.

3.  They have good detecting technique.

4.  They know the language their detector speaks.

5.  They are persistent and positive.

6.  They aren't 77.?



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90% of the"fish" are in 10% of the water! U just have to find that 10%........I'm bettn' gold's the same! Cheers, Ig (likes to all of the above! I'm outa likes again today:ph34r:)

1 hour ago, Northeast said:

Why do 10% of the anglers catch 90% of the fish?  Same, same but different :wink:

I watched an indigenous fella catch 12 barramundi with a handline and a soft plastic. My mate and I caught 1 barra with $1000 worth of gear. We were 20 meters away. 

Read the ground, learn your craft, adapt your technique to the conditions. 


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In more fishin' analogies :

My Uncle Joe's common line, "the catching wasn't so good today but the fishing was good".

Fishing and Catching are different elements of the activity.  You gotta like fishing (even if you're not catching) to have the tenacity to keep on  "spend lot's of hours doing it" so that over time it adds up to catching.  You have to overall enjoy - the environment, the prep, the travel, ...  non-catching stuff.  


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