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Succeeding In Hot Soil

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We had 70 and 80 degree temps all week in NE Illinois, now its back to  45 and rain for the weekend...why are the weeekends always so crummy weather wise? Somebody told me they thought it was because of more airplanes flying on the weekends?

Am rebuilding my big highbanker in the meantime...

Ps, nice gold...sure am glad I am not the only one who digs empty holes...


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Thanks for the advanced lesson Rick. I know I have left a few very small nuggets behind with the Zed..I'll try kicking the pile next time! The hot spots are what frustrated me early on. High Sierras can't come soon enough...


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I have done the same in a few really hot spots.  Specifically, red hot schist crossing a wash .. right under a tree root.  I came back and hiked in a hand saw so I could get in and under that single root... only to dig down 2 feet without an increase in signal strength.  Truth is I came back three times to dig deeper because I knew there had to be something there.  But there wasn't.  

Also, out here in Arizona, I find barrel cactus love to grow in the iron deposits and give very strong false signals.  But they don't get louder when you dig in a foot.  Seems the cactus absorb those minerals.   So I dig a mote around the roots until I can convince myself of this and then grudgingly fill it back in.

But then there was that tree root.... maybe I should go back and dig just a liiiiiittle bit farther ....(4rth time is a charm)..  LOL

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Another tip for hot noisy ground is to hunt in Ground Balance Mode in Manual, and turn your sensitivity down to 9 - 12.  I have my quick button set up with a push of the button to switch from Manual to Auto Tracking.  I don't want to say that the GPZ, will track out a target...but, switching back and forth on occasions has added a few nuggets to my poke!


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On 5/19/2017 at 9:48 PM, Andyy said:

I have done the same in a few really hot spots.  Specifically, red hot schist crossing a wash .. right under a tree root.  I came back and hiked in a hand saw so I could get in and under that single root... only to dig down 2 feet without an increase in signal strength.  Truth is I came back three times to dig deeper because I knew there had to be something there.  But there wasn't.  

Also, out here in Arizona, I find barrel cactus love to grow in the iron deposits and give very strong false signals.  But they don't get louder when you dig in a foot.  Seems the cactus absorb those minerals.   So I dig a mote around the roots until I can convince myself of this and then grudgingly fill it back in.

But then there was that tree root.... maybe I should go back and dig just a liiiiiittle bit farther ....(4rth time is a charm)..  LOL


First time I used my 7000 I went to Quartzsite.  I didn't get a lot of targets but I thought I had one at the base of a BIG saguaro.  I waited and didn't dig.  I tested the other cactus and all of them set off the 7000.

It would have to be a huge nugget for me to fell a saguaro.  I don't use a 7000 around them (and most tree roots) any more because they are all false signals.


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I think that I should also add that most large, living cactus are more valuable to me than a nugget.  I don't want to make a choice.  Now if you are talking about cholla, I hate those things!  haha

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