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13 hours ago, Cal_Cobra said:

I'm with Strict on this one, haven't touched half the features, but just from what I have used, I can tell it's a great machine with tons of potential, great depth, fast recovery, good unmasker, great in mineralized soil, with tons of additional features and settings for different types of ground.

Yes, Yes, Yes.  I too have not scratched the surface with potential adjustments.

Actually, I've not had a need to .

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Yeah the Nox just keeps surprising me every time I use it.  I came in with low expectations compared to the CTX as I love the CTX but the longer I use it the more confident I get and just WOW!  I am yet to have any of the problems with it and I have 100+ hours on her now.  Well done Minelab?

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I have had my 800 since May 5th. It is my first Minelab, so I am still trying to get down the very subtle audio nuances that signal good target but I am having a lot of fun learning this machine. Great, light-weight package. Love the rechargable battery and the wireless headphone options. Each of the different modes are vastly different than the others, which means it will be a long time before I get tired of playing with this one. Let all the nay-sayers do their thing. The less people that have this machine, the better it is for me. Is it perfect? Is any detector? However, all my complaints are nit-picky on this detector. Worth the wait!

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I'm Really enjoying my Nox 800. It has brought some nice relics. My hunting pal had his out for the 2nd time this Saturday past. He found a 1869 seated dime and a 1961 Washington quarter. We firstly went to a picnic grove that has been absolutely pounded to DEATH. He found the dime literally 3 inches down. It must have been getting masked somehow by some Iron. The 61 quarter (dropped by hunter most likely) was at an old house site and was bouncing all over with VDI. I told him to watch out for high numbers in the mess of readings..he did and there it was. He has never had a 2 silver day at two different sites like that! As for me I languish in the non silver camp ? I believe in my machine, I'm just not putting my coil over it I guess. OMG I want the small coil so badly...maybe then at my cellar holes I will get lucky. 

All the best


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11 hours ago, sillllvar said:

The 61 quarter (dropped by hunter most likely) was at an old house site and was bouncing all over with VDI. I told him to watch out for high numbers in the mess of readings..he did and there it was.

Good advice on your part; good job of listening and acting on his.  I never ignore a TID above 23, even if bouncy, even if from only one direction, as long as I can get it to occasionally repeat.  Sure it can be junk, but as your example shows, it can be treasure.  (Found a Wheatie on Saturday that lots of people would have ignored and I had missed previously with other detectors because of the masking.) The more experience I get with the Eqx, the more convinced I become that it is an unmasker.  That idea is consistent with the finds many people are posting, and in particular it is why people are making good finds in what were thought to be 'hunted out' sites, IMO.

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On 6/3/2018 at 1:26 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

Seems as of late there is as much focus on problems as benefits. I know it’s not true but I feel like I am on my own little planet because every time I take my Equinox out it just keeps getting better and better. So far there is nothing I have not been able to get this detector to do and do well. For a person like me who will this year be coin detecting, jewelry detecting, relic detecting, gold nugget detecting, and saltwater detecting.... I am still going with my opinion that no other detector will do ALL these things as well as an Equinox. You might beat it in any given category with a specialty machine that usually costs far more, but when it comes to running triathlons nothing beats an Equinox.

But what else would you expect from Fanboy #1:biggrin:


I know exactly where you are coming from Steve as I am much like yourself I am truly smitten with the my Equinox 800 and every time out detecting with it I can't stop being amazed at the capabilities and achievements of this machine, since I got it mid February this year I am having some great finds with very small cut hammered silver coins at incredible depths and mostly on fields which I had presumed I had detected to death.

My armory of CTX-3030, Deus and Explorer II is gathering dust as I just can't keep my hands off the Nox, and coming up to 76 I can still make sure I put in at least one 8 hour session each week.

I first started metal detecting in 1976 and in my 42 years at this great hobby I can truly say I have never been so smitten as I am with the Equinox and I hope it will long last.

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23 hours ago, fredmason said:

It is everything you say, Steve...I wish I could get out and use it more...I hope Minelab gets my elliptical gold-hunting coil ready by fall.



No telling what you have 'lost' in your yard or the previous users left for you to find.  In no time at all you will have hunted every house in the neighborhood!


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