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Cemetery Coin Hunting

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I’ve done this off and on over the years and you would be surprised of interesting things other than coins you can find.

 You have to look around but you can find a cemetery that dates back a hundred years maybe more.

I hunt where the people park their cars and way back when they park their buggy. The only trouble anything that had to do with a horse they didn’t need a key to start it .

One time I found this big form of jewelry I guess you could call it. I could see was very old but I was wondering how anyone could lose this and not know it.

I never hunt inside unless the cemetery it don’t have a gate. Now if I do I only hunt where they park but most of the time you got all the hunting you want around the outside.

I could never understand why they put a fence around a cemetery. I guess it’s because everyone is dying to get in. It could be to keep the dead from getting out.

Whatever the reason I plan on hunting three of them tomorrow.


PS It’s best to not hunt inside without permission. You can get your butt in a bigger crack than it already has .

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I'm surprised any maintained cemetery would give an OK to dig amongst the plots.  I thought lots of loved ones would bury or put momentos and jewelry near a grave stone.  GaryC/Oregon Coast

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Hi GaryC

If you will please go back and you will see that I hunt only where they park.

I may be a bull shooter but yet taking up grave robbing.

 The Best


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For the record, when I die, you all have my permission to dig me up, just be sure to fill your hole after.

I have a friend that gets really excited about churchyards like this. He figures that everyone used to go there to socialize on Sundays after church. Most likely there was at least some trade going on and of course the odd wedding etc.

Good luck on your hunt today.

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My bad Ridge Runner!  Always good to go back and re-read a post before commenting.  GaryC/Oregon Coast

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Hey GaryC

If that’s the only mistake you made in your live you doing great .

One hot day and on a downhill slide right away. One cemetery I haven’t been to it in years and I couldn’t find it . I just got to hunt one that had lots of parking. I dug so much beer cans and caps but only two pennies. The people in that cemetery has to be laying up in the day and party all night . I know one large chunk of metal was off a beer keg.

Then for a change of pace I went to a old school that’s not in use for years but again came away empty handed.

It may had been best I’d just stayed home and got some beauty rest. Lord knows I need it.

Somebody said years back “ I shall return “ and I will too.


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I've have a standing offer to hunt a very old cemetery for over 10 years.  I was asked to hunt for a class ring that was lost there many decades earlier by the person that takes care of the cemetery.  I have told her many times I might, just didn't feel real good about it but I have hunted church grounds before and found some relics.  But I may go ahead and hunt anyway.  

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If you have to hunt inside a gate then it would be best for you to get permission and let that person know what you’re looking for. If on the outside then I say happy hunting..Even if I do hunt inside I don’t get near a grave plot.

I take this like nugget hunting in if I’m a member on a claim and like this got permission then I don’t have to be looking over my shoulder. 


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