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Joe D.

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Everything posted by Joe D.

  1. I'm sure Garrett would tell you, if you shoot them an email! Also, there are some light weight "fillings" with air bubbles, that are now being used to fill some coils, to save weight! Don't know if this is one of them! 👍👍
  2. Come on GB, I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express, while taking a MasterClass on heatsinking!! And, it was uphill, both ways in 10 feet of snow, riding on my Unicorn!! Isn't that enough these days?? 😜🤣
  3. Good going Pinger!!, Yes, definitely worth a try!! I have always had my speaker holes; at a minimum, covered with vinyl decals! (I never use the speaker on detectors)! No overheating issues with that alone! And no beach sand and water accessing the holes! I only ever had one "overheating"?? Issue last summer, on the beach, in the middle of a 3 hour hunt! (🥵👎🥵) It was too much for me, and the detector! But at that time, I had the black nylon cover on it! I have since ditched that in favor of a edge bumper and screen protector decal! And, I refuse to bake myself again in those conditions! Not worth it! (Full disclosure, ML replaced that Pod under warranty, and never told me for sure, what the problem was!) This is, IMO, a twofold problem with modern detectors!! Modern design is dictating smaller, lighter housings for the brains of the machines! The tolerances are tight, and thermoplastic is a poor substitute for heat dissipation! Now, couple that with, in most cases, a black, or dark color housing, and the results are predictable! There are solutions, but they cost more to manufacture, and like the breaking coil tabs, and leak issues that have been reported; are "few" enough for ML, that they are not going to change anything at this time! The good news is, after the warranty expires for many, the modding and ingenuity of our community will kick in and solve these issues for the people having them! I already have a few in mind! One is to simply spray paint the case a light, reflective color, to reflect a percentage of outside radiant heat! Another would be to install an external heat sink to draw heat from inside the case! Not hard to do, for many out there! Whatever the problems are, and I've said it here many times, as long as ML repairs; and in most cases replaces the parts under warranty, I can live with that! That's not to say that they shouldn't be paying close attention, and work on changing a few design "flaws" with the Nox, but I don't expect to see that, until the next production model!👍👍
  4. Mario, Thanks for a little back story on the parts, and yourself! Interesting stuff! Hope it continues! Hope you don't mind phone calls and emails now!🤣 Keep up the good work!!👍👍
  5. Welcome to the forum Mario, Good going "saving" those parts! You will have to tell us the story behind that purchase, and how much inventory you've got! That's your initiation task; and to also give us a forum discount!!🤣 Just kidding! Glad you found your way here, and good luck with the parts sales!!👍👍
  6. I saw a bag of those very similar in Lowes plumbing section! Sharkbite makes them! All copper for crimping poly water lines! Looks like a bag of rings!! 🤣👍👍
  7. Remember that poison ivy killer we discussed! Time to break it out!!👍👍
  8. Nice finds!! I say wait till it's cooler, and no poison ivy or ticks! Anything left will wait a few months for you, and be more fun to dig! Don't forget to note the spot though! I've "heard" that the scenery changes, when the leaves drop!! Don't have that here! Boring green all year!!🤣👍👍
  9. This subject has been hit many times! And based on this small sample of responses so far; as in the past, it's not a big enough problem for ML to change their designs at this time! It is deemed to be "user specific" for whatever reason! But, as long as they are under warranty, ML is replacing the parts! So I am ok with that, for now! According to one of the main North American Reps for ML, it's an issue of overtightining, and/or lack of replacement of rubber washers on a timely basis! Weather we believe that or not, appears to be our issue, not theirs! They, like many companies, are not going to admit fault, and have a flood of claims with no end! Shareholders are not willing to take that kind of hit! They will just honor the warranty (Thank you!), and quietly address any flaws in their next production model that replaces the Equinox; ideally, and hopefully! None of us that have had this problem, have to be happy with this, and have the option to buy elsewhere! But I don't think ML will loose any sleep over a small amount of lost sales! This has been a record earnings year for them, and as long as gold remains high, will continue into the foreseeable future! This all, of course, is one man's opinion, and in no way speaks for any of you great people on the forum, or others! I just wanted to lay it out for anyone who may not be aware of the background thus far! These are only the facts as I know them, and there are others here that know much more about the internal workings of company sales and service, than myself! Including having to answer to investors for such things!👍👍
  10. Look's good Simon, I have one on my last coil; fingers crossed!🤞 Soooo....one of these days, we yanks may show up on your doorstep..... We may warn you ahead of time!....🙈🤣 Just kidding, we will warn you; so you don't answer the door!!😂👍👍
  11. I've had three 11" coils break ears! And replaced under warranty! (And yes, I replace my washers as directed!) And also two Pods! The last coil broke right before a trip out of state, so I used JB Quick Weld, and fiber washers on the outside, to rebuild it for the trip! It worked fine, but when I got back, I emailed ML with pictures, explaining the situation, to be sure i could still replace under warranty! They did send me a new one with no questions asked! I only paid to ship the old one to them! MLS warranty work has been great so far; kudos to them for that!! But I would like to see them fix the flaw's eventually; including the Pod issues!! I'm no engineer, but I think I have a good handle of what the issues are, and have sent them my suggestions to remedy; for what it's worth! And I'm sure many other's have done the same!!👍👍
  12. Alright guys, After Covid is under control, i say we get a group of us to go hang out with Simon in NZ! I don't think they have any of the nasty critters you've dealt with above! And I'm sure he won't mind if we take away a few of "his" silvers back to the States, that seem to be everywhere!👍 Caleb, I think Australia may drive you over the edge!😱🤣 Lots of things to kill you, and creep you out there! 🐍🕷🐊 But than again, there's the Gold......... and it is on the way to NZ, so..........😀 Besides, the things you have already done in the ocean, ain't for the faint hearted; so I know you are made of some tough stuff!! Keep up the good work!👍👍 BTW, I'm no softie either, but I do get severely motion sick in the ocean🤢, and riding in the backseat of car's ain't fun either! I'm either driving, or riding shotgun!!🤣
  13. You might as well do the other side now, because it will go too! Also, doesn't doing the inside change the tolerances for your shaft end to fit, or will you just shave it to fit? Good luck with your repairs!👍👍
  14. Farmland in general is subject to a lot of chemicals and fertilizers that will speed up decomposition of metals; among other organics! Not to mention the constant soil disturbances from tilling, which exposes metals to more oxidation from oxygen, acids in rain, and a host of other elements!👍👍
  15. Sounds like an aftermarket opportunity for an enterprising "young" person to create in their shop!🤔🤣👍👍
  16. Joe D.

    Pinger Here

    Great choice Pinger, And congrats on the new detector! As you saw in my post yesterday, I don't necessarily like to give a cookie cutter "one" choice to anyone seeking advice on a new detector ! There are many fine units to be had, and it can be highly individualized, based on the intended uses! That's why we ask questions of you! The good thing is, if you feel you don't mesh with the Nox, you won't loose much selling it! That being said, take the time to learn it, and you will be rewarded! Like anything else, there is a learning curve, and nothing worthwhile is always easy! Most of all, be safe, legal, enjoy, and have fun! And don't forget to share you finds and stories with us!!🍀👍👍
  17. Hey Rob, Thanks for the video, and congrats on those great nuggets! The Hilti is definitely a time saver, no matter what it's used for!👍👍 BTW, you forgot to leave a link for your YouTube vids! Took me a bit to find! And I'm "link" illiterate, so I'm not much help!🤣🍀
  18. I learned the same with hunting over the years HP! Last few years of "winter hunting" have been in near summer gear!🤣👍👍
  19. Welcome, D4G, North or South Island? Look on the forum for Phrunt (Simon), he is there with you, among some others! He also gold hunts, and finds many silver coins in virgin detecting grounds! He's a great source of information for multiple detectors he uses there! Sorry for the lockdown, but beyond that, you all are blessed in many ways over there! We are very jealous, but happy for you being in such an extraordinary beautiful country! Stay safe, and find Simon, and us here, for any questions you may have! 👍👍
  20. Joe D.

    Pinger Here

    . Welcome to the forum Pinger, glad to have you! There are several detectors on the market that would fit the bill for park, beach, and even shallow water detecting! Waterproof my be an option for you, but can up the price! My suggestions are as follows: Non-Waterproof Multifrequency $$ MineLab- Vanquish 540 Garrett- Apex Waterproof Multifrequency $$+ MineLab Equinox- 600 or 800 Nokia Makro- Anfibio and Multi-Kruzer There are others that are single frequency that will work just fine too! One example is the Simplex+ by Nokta/Makro! It's Waterproof, and relatively inexpensive$, as compared to those above! But may give you less adjustability for various conditions! You can look at "Steve's Detector Reviews" on the forum, (His forum BTW) and also research the numerous posts on most all detector brands and categories by us members! Take the time to fine-tune exactly what you want! Then have fun! Good Luck!!🍀👍👍
  21. Great amount of info guys, but your driving up the Tesoro marketplace with all this! Now how am I gonna find a good one at a reasonable price?!🤣👍👍
  22. Nice work Kac, I'm sure many will benefit from the information! 👍👍
  23. That's the way I like my info Steve, exact and to the point, no sugar coating how you got there; and the mistakes are part of the learning curve! Just what works, and how you get it done! Thanks!! I would like to think that my learning curve on all things detecting, and hopefully prospecting one day, will be less steep, thanks to all here! But sometimes, i can be a hard-headed idiot!!😤 🤣👍👍
  24. Caleb, You will be amazed at what you will either like, or adapt too, if or when you have kids!! They change your life!!; mostly for the good!🤬🤯 🤣👍👍
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