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Fenn's Treasure Found

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Ok, if they show it is found please delete or just put my post on that thread.

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My wife said to me 'If you don't know who found it and you don't have a picture of it, how do you know it was ever there?'

Fenn says he was sent a picture of the find but doesn't know who found it.  There has to be a better ending than this.

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From what I understand they are waiting til the story of how it was found is ready to be made public.
That was a hell of a run.


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My buddy, Dave, suggested the guy is probably going to write a book on the treasure hunt, which makes sense...might as well make few more bucks...LOL So, it may be awhile before we know where it was located, unfortunately.


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My preference is to keep the location a secret. Place a capsule there with a log book and let people keep searching. If anyone finds it, they can add their name to the log and keep the secret. Kind of an ultimate geocache, but without the GPS coordinates.


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If I were the finder I'd be taking a big step backwards and thinking about what to do with my new found wealth and unique, valuable treasure. With a big lottery winning you have to pay taxes. With this treasure...I don't know. I understand there are about 250+ gold coins, many nuggets and other treasures. I suppose you could sell something as needed, a coin or nugget and possibly stay under the radar; or come forward, write a book, be on TV and be famous for awhile and also face the droves of people who now want a share of your wealth?


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  • 2 weeks later...

How is it that Fenn is going through his own planted box?


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Here's a webpage shown in the sidebar of the 'newspaper' article Mitchel posted.  You can draw your own conclusions, of course, but it seems to be a pretty informed site with apparent input from Fenn himself.  It's way more interesting than the article, IMO.

No one will ever silence the conspiracy theorists.  Do we really care what they think anyway?

One interesting thing is that a go-fund-me page has been set up with a goal of half million dollars in the name of one of those who died.  (That's from the article Mitchel linked.)  It's getting there, all the way up to $315 (no, I didn't forget to add zeroes).

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