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3 hours ago, cudamark said:

Thanks. I don't want to pressure Doc. He'll get it done when he gets it done. Gives me more time to play with the AQ! 😀

You're right, he self-generates plenty of pressure and all the missed milestones must be disappointing, though not surprising as the schedule was impossibly aggressive from the get go under the most favorable of conditions.  Better late than never - just hope it is as compelling as he has claimed because credibility erodes with every missed deadline.  With FT and Garrett introducing some exciting new product entries into the hobby this summer and with White's biting the dust, coupled with the economic and supply line challenges of the pandemic, really is one of the worst times to attempt to break into the biz.  Anyway, looking forward to your reports on the Impulse, the irony being Impulse has been 3+ agonizing years in the making by a team of experienced detector designers and an established detector manufacturer.  So imagine the hill Doc has to climb...I do not envy that one bit.  Anyway, enough Cygnus talk from me, we're here to find out more about Impulse and hope you have a great time putting it through its paces.

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Well supposedly I was put on the list of buyers when it was at about 20 people but I cant get a response lately from Rick so who knows? 🤷‍♂️ Hope I haven't been ghosted for some reason...


Congrats to all those that have been able to get their hands on one!

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16 minutes ago, Slimpickuns said:

Well supposedly I was put on the list of buyers when it was at about 20 people but I cant get a response lately from Rick so who knows? 🤷‍♂️ Hope I haven't been ghosted for some reason...


Congrats to all those that have been able to get their hands on one!

Same here. Haven't been contacted for payment.

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21 minutes ago, Slimpickuns said:

Well supposedly I was put on the list of buyers when it was at about 20 people but I cant get a response lately from Rick so who knows? 🤷‍♂️ Hope I haven't been ghosted for some reason...


Congrats to all those that have been able to get their hands on one!


4 minutes ago, Elbert said:

Same here. Haven't been contacted for payment.

I am on the list also. I think Rick is busy and it sounds like he only gets 1 or 2 a week so number 20 on the list could be 5 weeks out. Could be less? I agree that knowing where you stand with updates for shipping dates and such would be nice. Communication is always a good thing!

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Everyone hang tight, from what I heard ..........First Texas still has the reduced work force. Rick has forgot no one and I am sure pushing to get them out as soon as possible. My advice is to continue taking notes as your hunting  and mark your treasure maps for POI...Points of Interest. 

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I have a bit over 50 on the list of folks who are ready to buy. At the rate that these are being produced, I can’t possibly keep more than a few of these folks happy per week. I am following the instructions I received when I was given this task. Ensure that the early ones go to folks who are experienced and active and who are likely to be willing to share their experiences with others. I think that so far I have done OK on that score and will continue to do my best. When they get to the point of churning out tens a week or more, the list will get quickly whittled down. Until then I request that folks re-read the Disclosure that Tom Walsh wrote, it pretty much explains the situation (copy below).

On one of the many forums where I have been a “piñata” for some folks to whack - it was suggested that to get an AQ you would have to - if I may paraphrase - “osculate Rick’s gluteus Maximus” - I assure folks that that is not the case. No one who has furnished full contact details and a brief description of their beach hunting experience and activity has been refused addition to my list. In fact, I would welcome another 40 or so ASAP.

One problem is these silly forum names. If folks used their actual names it would be much easier to address comments by folks questioning their status or not on my list.

In any case, my role as a dealer means that it is a business - my business contact is rickkempf@gmail.com

P.S. It is not my intention to “out” all the buyers of the AQ as they get their units. Notwithstanding my hope and expectation that they will be generous in sharing their experiences - they are my customers - not Beta testers. The AQ’s are their property - bought and paid for - and they are free to treat them as they would any of the rest of their personal property and say whatever they want wherever about their experiences - of course, on the latter point, I think we all know that this is the “prima” location for that.

Impulse AQ Limited Buyer Disclosure -- 03June2020.pdf

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I fully appreciate that it is a completely thankless process to have to dole out such a limited supply. I'm glad it is not I who has that job. Two questions, that I don't really expect firm answers to real soon, are: Does the not limited version (with battery cables not hanging out) have an anticipated release date? If so, when?

As a beloved boss I had about 40 years ago said when he saw great work "keep up the fair work"!



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