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Whites MX Sport Waterproof Metal Detector

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On 2/11/2016 at 9:18 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

Interesting John, so your thinking is this official White's video and their rather clear stated conclusions that in their opinion the MX Sport outperforms the MXT, well, it's just all bogus?

Steve, I tried everything I could to make my MXT All Pro behave like theirs, doing anything I could to give me a new excuse to buy a new machine, So in away I am happy that the MXT does the job but I feel disappointed that I now have to invent a reason for buying the MX-Sport.

I even held the Quarter and the 2 nails between my thumb and finger and it still signal on the Quarter, and the only time it did signal the 2 nails (stuck together) was when I placed them east west on top of the Coin, I tried their test inside / out side and in the Air and it is driving me nuts because I have to buy one on the pretence of in case I get caught out in bad weather and we both know that it is really as a matter of want than need because the MXTs have seals on them and I always fit waterproof/ RAIN proof covers on my machines. So the only one I am fooling is my self.


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I guess I don't understand why you are even considering the MX Sport. Like you have said, it is not offering anything you need. I said it before and I will say it again - knowing what I know about VLF performance I do not see why anyone would ditch the MXT for the MX Sport unless there are features the MX Sport offers that the MXT lacks and said individual wants those features. For instance, if you have an MXT but want to put it underwater, then get the MX Sport. If you want the extra tone features or the notch discrimination, get the MX Sport. These are easy type decisions.

Chasing performance? No VLF will make me any more successful than any other VLF. All the performance I need already exists in dozens of VLF detectors. All I need to do to make more finds is put in more hours, not get a new detector. You have all the detector you need John, just go use it.

Unless you like playing with new toys. That, simply put, is why I get new VLF detectors. I am always looking for one that sounds better TO ME, feels better on MY ARM, and just generally does what I want to do in a way that makes it fun FOR ME. If I can get one machine that replaces two, I have made a major step forward. But more depth? Sorry, no, nobody will sell me a VLF with a promise of more depth.

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Over the years I've found that depth can be good but not totally always needed. Some of the oldest coins I've found was covered with no more what you would call dust.

 Coins can get deeper by someone stepping on it and pushing it down . If the ground is the type that gets big cracks you could find coins down 9 inches are more.

 So in my opinion you don't need a detector that will melt the candy bar in your pocket.  Now it is all about what fits your needs not someone else. The only thing I will say is buy the best you can afford. By doing this you will be happy for years with your purchase.


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Did Jake from StateFarm move over to Whites........geez  !! that machine sounds hideous.   :rolleyes:   Well I did learn a few things off the video.  Whites themselves just proved what a lot of us have been saying for awhile, the 10" D2 is not a good coil.....maybe thats what lead to their " Take your machine to the next level" campaign and suggested using a Detech Ultimate. It really would have been a better test if they used the same new MX Sport coil on all three machines................  Always said, if ya wanna take a good Whites machine and make it bad, hang a D2 on it. I think in this instance, it wasn't the MXT's fault, but only the coil choice.  Had he put the concentric 9" spider coil on all three machines while attempting the "lets play with a nail and quarter game" I would almost bet the results for each machine would have been very close to the same. Or had they put a D2 on the MXT and MX Sport then both would have achieved poor results.

And they finally admit they prob. should have put a Trac Lock on the MX5.  The MX5 despite its downfalls, no trac lock,headphone jack placement and a funky pinpoint button, actually performed well.

We also learned videos can be fun to watch. I am still curious if the MX5 and MXT(s) could prevail on the Banana test....I guess we may never know.

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The coils are not directly compatible, different pin arrangements, so they would have had to make a special coil for the video. Very good idea actually but not something they did. White's incorporation of the DeTech coil into the official coil lineup on the White's website does come across as a defacto admission the existing coil lineup is lacking, but I have thought that for over a decade. The number of molds they have got that have been in use for over twenty years is amazing. So last century....

But does raise the question - when will the new 12" round DD coil on the MX Sport be available as a version directly compatible with the MXT, V3i, M6, etc?

I took a look at the MX5 and took a pass for the sole reason it lacked a Trac Lock. Decisions like that get made too lightly when for lots of people it is a deal killer.


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The 9.5 and the 12" coils are killers on the MXT, and So far my D2 coil is very sensitive to the point that it will pick up my hand pretty much like the GMTs do so for a 14khz machine that coil is pretty hot, and it can see bits about 0.03 down to 0.02 grams or just under, Although it is a hot coil I would feel happier if it was the 9.5 or the 12" concentrics because the 12" pulls coins from 13 to 14 inches all day while running the gain around 6.5 to 7.0, and once you have done that any other coil seems to always put doubts in your mind.

After the News I just got it's going to be a long time before I can afford a new machine,


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      For me the MXS is a machine that gives me choices.  Unlike the MXT it has notch disc which I have grown to like.  I also like the fact that it's waterproof for the obvious reason but for other reasons such as rain and dust proofing.  Compared to the ATpro it has a ton more features.  I always wished the Garrett  had a larger screen, tone options and backlight.  The MXS has all that and more. All the MXS has to do is do everything well.  That's it.

      Some people don't want to carry a Swiss Army knife. They may just carry a big single blade knife.  But what if they need some tweezers or a Phillips screwdriver?  They will be the first to ask to use your multi tool in your pocket! 

     No detector can do it all.  But if your going to pick just one then pick one that can do most everything well. That has been the job of the ATpro.  But that looks like it's going to change now to the MXS. Some of us will still have our deep silver machines. Our Gold nugget machines.  Our relic machines.  But wouldn't it be nice to also have the Swiss Army detector too? 

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I agree, The only thing I don't like is how that video tries to make the MXT look like the worst one of the three when in fact it is still better and more industrial, And they do this every time, just like they did with the TDI SL,

And I am prepared to lay Serious money on it, and when one of our members comes over I will prove every word I have said, That video is a load of rubbish.


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I guess it's possible the new guy really didn't know the MXT as well as the MXS? What I learned is your not going to duplicate a mostly analog response when your running a digital version. It's the future though.  Our soft sweet target responses are being replaced by a harsher digital response.  But by going full digital more features can be packed into a smaller package at a lessor cost.  Will the MXS dethrone the Atpro?  From what I've seen already I'm sure it will. 

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