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Whites MX Sport Waterproof Metal Detector

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It is one of the few detectors with a special waterproof headphone connection that is coming with an adapter to use regular headphones. That is a big step in the right direction as we all own headphones better than what most manufacturers ship with a detector. That being the case it should have shipped with underwater phones and the adapter because few of us need their dry land phones. Or no headphones at all and drop the price $50

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I have no further information on an actual release date.  Like someone said, they are ramping up production right now to fill all the orders.  Probably doing some last minute testing and tweaking.  I would guess early March too, realistically. Personally, I would wait for the second "batch" or production run, in case there are any unforeseen issues. Seems like there are always "bugs" that pop up in a new machine that no one noticed in testing.

As far as the MXT vs. MXS goes, I've heard that there were some "holes" in the MXT circuitry that affected performance, as good as it is.  Those have been corrected now and real time performance should be better over all.  Reports back from the field will tell in a few months.  And it's a pure digital platform now, so those of us used to analog sounds will have to re-train ourselves to interpret signals.  Old dogs, new tricks.

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Looking at the back of the MX Sport I see the coil plug is on the right as you look at it . Now I swing a detector with my right hand. That tells me being the headphone plug is on the left the cord will be coming across the top of the Sport. I sure it was a simple cheap fit for White's. I wish White's would come out the back above the battery box. Now if you a left hand swinger it may work better for you.

I like all the other the MX Sport has to offer. But just maybe it would be good if it will come in right are left hand detector. It could be  I'm standing on the wrong side.


PS Pass it on to White's Digger. It's a easy flip flop between the two plugs. 

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Looking at the design of this machine and thinking about where the headphone socket is from how I envisage holding a machine, To me instead of placing the headphone socket on the back of the Pod because of the Tension on the pod along with the lead flapping around in front of the user would it not be more useful/accessible if it was placed on the forward facing panel of the Battery box, because then the lead would hang close to the body and not have to be rapped over the shoulder along with stopping the headphone lead getting caught up on over hanging twigs and branches when a person is working the Creek banks, which is a problem when ever a person is working any wooded area along with relieving the stress on the Pod it's self, If Whites could make this adjustment it would be a great asset to the machine it's self and the end user.


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I agree the placement of the headphone connection is less than optimal. My preference would be to mirror what White's has done for good reason for decades - under the elbow next to battery access cover.

I reckon it is "pod thinking". You look at the Garrett AT and what they are doing is putting the whole detector in the pod. The front is a sealed panel and for being waterproof and ease of manufacture the guts go in with cable connection and headphone connection exiting rear of pod. Then lid/control panel goes on, job done.

Makes sense but it does put a 180 degree bend on headphone cable. And in case of AT the recessed access points are a true pain, although they do serve to protect the connections from harm.

White's used the same pod thinking, but in this case there are wires running to battery box under arm anyway, so headphone connector could go under elbow. Maybe it is just using the same pod as used in Treasuremaster to reduce multiplicity of parts? Probably. The more machines that share parts the lower the price will be for you at retail. But if that is case the hole could have a simple plug and headphone connector still put under elbow. I do understand the engineering reasons why it got done the way it did, but engineers exist to fix customer issues, no the other way around.

To be fair it has been done this way forever by others also. Look at the Fisher 1280X, CZ-20, and now CZ-21 and of course the Garrett AT models for instance. That still does not excuse it but White's is not the odd guy out here either. My Surf PI units were all that way and it bugged me. I could have the coil cable and headphone cable both point away from me, or both point towards me. Either way one was pointing in the wrong direction.

I do like that it is easier to get my fingers around the connection. For dry land use I would use the headphone adapter cable that comes with machine and route to rear to plug in my own headphones. For underwater use a person would be wise to route cable back and fix in place to prevent undue repeated bending and stress on headphone cable.


How it actually works


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I agree because if a person is using a detector under water a person is more focussed on what they are doing and we tend to forget or become unaware of what is around us and submerged twigs and branches are a problem hence why machines of the past always had the wires concealed or kept to a minimum somehow, I really think/feel this would transform the MX-Sport in to a truly universal machine whether it be on land or water, Another thought is NOT to mount the socket/connector to the side of the battery box because it would make the machines more dedicated towards the left or right handed person, So it really needs to be mounted on one end of the box or the other just so it does not encroach on the person using it.   

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Like Steve said - At least the coil connector is very accessible compared to the Atpro.  Even though I had accessory coils for the Atpro I really didn't use them because it was a PITA to change them out.  No problem with the MXS.  I can overlook the phone connector position because of all it's bringing to the table. 

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