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Testing Steve's S-shaft Prototype For Equinox

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Great find and save on the ring, I guess the guy that lost it will now listen to his girlfriend to ask for directions.

Nice to see you testing the shaft and getting to know it and how it performs.

I will be watching for the full report when you are done.

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CPT --

OH MY!  What a great story!  And here I thought you'd just be testing a shaft today; instead, you did something much more important!  Terrific recovery; I am sure they were thrilled that you "fixed" their situation!  Outstanding!

As far as the testing goes, a YouTube channel isn't my concern; if you have enough experience on the Equinox to know how it "feels" to you, and if you are one of the "vocal minority" (LOL) who feel that the Equinox on an S-shaft will feel/swing better for you than the straight shaft, then I'm interested in your feedback...

THANKS for taking the time to do it!


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@CPT_GhostLight Thanks for the photo and well done on your community service deed.  Getting an S-shaft AND saving an ounce -- that ought to be a profit maker for steveg.

What's that wrap you have on the control pod grip?  I've not seen one done up like that before.

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Nice work on the S-Shaft Steve. Looks like you could mount a rubber grip to that too for other detector models or ones that have control boxes mounted on the S itself.

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14 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

What's that wrap you have on the control pod grip?  I've not seen one done up like that before.

It's silicone grip wrap tape I found on Amazon. It sticks to itself, not the control handle, so it will come off clean if you have to remove it. I've had it on there since last Summer and really like it.

Silicone Grip Tape

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Good on you Cap'n for turning a demo into a save. ? That S looks like a winner! I'm fine with my straight SteveG camo shaft, I have the counterweight frammis too if I ever get my hands on one of those big heavy coils. ? Of course he might change my mind if he did it in Realtree! ?

Seems to me Steve made a good choice. Looking forward to your future exploits, you lucky so and so. ? 

I'm also impressed with the grip tape. I used some ACU tape at first but with all the sand and mud here it got nasty fast. Then I got a hand stop, problem solved.

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10 hours ago, kac said:

Nice work on the S-Shaft Steve. Looks like you could mount a rubber grip to that too for other detector models or ones that have control boxes mounted on the S itself.

kac -- yep, the plan is to offer these for some other units, where the control box attaches to the shaft; the first one I'll be producing it for is the Garrett AT and ACE series (but will have those field-tested as well, prior to production).  I'm not sure if I'll include a rubber grip, or not.  It's actually pretty comfortable without, and may just allow those who wish to use a "wrap," to do so; others may not want to as I feel it fits your hand nicely, as is.  Not sure yet...


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13 hours ago, kac said:

Maybe making some Tesoros here, curious if you have lower shafts that fit them or not.

Not trying to cause steveg to miss any sales, but I think some White's lower shafts work with some Tesoro coils.  (My TDI and Vaquero, for example.)  They use different diameter bolts (nominal 3/8" for White's and 1/4" for Tesoro) but I think you can deal with that.

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