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Montana Gold

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Nice, hope there are some lunkers waiting for you in that unworked ground! Definitely earning them in there...

They aren't letting you permit an excavator in there though? Looks like a prime candidate for a dig n' detect operation.


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Very nice and chunky gold you are into.  The size of those holes to keep open and finding the gold is serious back breaking work.  Nobody said it was easy and that's why so many people can't take the detecting for nuggets, as it can wear your mind and body really fast.  Well earned.


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Well today was another long day digging and detecting every 6". No gold. 3 targets that turned out to be slivers off of my pick. Definitely no mistaking a target with the 6000. I am starting to have my doubts about this line we are digging. I think the gold on the edge where my buddy stopped pinched out for some reason. I have to keep digging though till the bedrock is exposed over the whole area I am digging down and layering. I may go back to my old spot and layer down. I know there are more nuggets there but I seriously doubt there will be any nuggets over a gram there. I have to see this hole through to the end, even if it holds no gold. If that happens then at least I have data to apply to other future holes, if I start seeing certain features.






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Jasong, we are not going to try this year. That is disappointing to me but the equipment belongs to two of the other three claim holders. If we do that we are opening a very nasty Pandora's box. Including only being allowed up there to work ten days out of the year, from what I have been told. It beats this digging by hand though. ?

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Dig4gold- Jed? Who? Do you mean Jed Clampit from Beverly hillbillies?

rvpopeye- I am sorry this reminds you of ghost miner. I don't fancy being compared to him and his threads. I see him as a claim broker trying to drum up interested suckers to buy claims. Me, I am just trying to work my own claim that still has really good gold. The problem is beetlekill and forest service. Equipment can make this digging and testing the ground way faster as y'all know and I would much rather do that. This digging deep and big holes is for badger, not this old boy!?

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I got a mini backhoe and skidsteer, looking to buy a 303.5 when prices come back to Earth too. If you are looking for some equipment to use next summer to make test pits, have permits in place, and are on some gold that'd pay my towing gas and diesel use, let me know, I like digging holes. 

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