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Save A Bull Go Detecting


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I havent been here in a while due to an injury. I decided to ride a mechanical bull for 10 seconds then jump off. But I landed wrong and tore my acl on my knee. I ended up with a partial seperation and tear. I ended up having surgery and im now doing therapy. it is a long slow process but I hope to get back detecting soon. Meanwhile I have plenty of time to study how to dismount a raging bull properly.  It will do me good to read some gold detecting stories on here; so I can remember what it is like to hunt for gold

Good luc

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Thanks. Really it was a dumb idea to try that thing. I havent rode one in over 20 years, and im not getting any younger. I was just trying to show some younger friends that I still have ego. Evidently I still do, but my knee is a lesson to me to say no next time.

I hope to return to detecting soon; but that takes some good knees first.

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Sorry to hear that C-gold.  I did a dumb thing a few years back something like that.  I was doing some volunteer trail work and there as a large tree down across the trail.  It had blew down and had a big ball of dirt and roots above ground. I got my saw pinched trying to cut it and it was nearly though.  I was hot and tired and it was probably in the 90's.  I have cut a lot of trees in my life and I knew better but I got up on the tree and straddled the cut and jumped up and down.  Well I got the tree to break free but it catapulted me up in the air a few feet by one leg.  I know It would have been a 10 gymnastics move but it tore a couple ligaments in my knee. One minor ligament completely tore and another partially.  I landed on my back and just laid there a while, thankful I didn't land on anything real solid like a rock or part of the tree.  I crawled around for a bit and eventually stood up and made it back to my vehicle but was in some pain.  I went to see a Ortheo guy and they did a MRI but the MRI cost me so much out of pocket that I never did get any surgery done.  I could only imagine how much that would set me back.  I walk fine but I used to do a lot of running but I avoid doing that any more since the fall. 


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Whatever you do ... make sure you are able to go out detecting next week.  If there is a chance of an injury greater than that ... don't do it.

I had a slip and fall while detecting and my knee bent.  It scared me because I have always been protective of my knees.  I skied on weekend in my life and said never again because I knew it was just a matter of time on my knees.

There are too many things to do without an extended recovery.

Be careful out there.


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Hi there. So very sorry to hear about your demise. Injuries are no fun as I've found out. I'm almost healed from mine, but still some longer recovery time and physio to go to get back to normal, but I'm going out to take a peak at some bedrock this weekend (and do some "light" nugget shooting); however, I'm not sure how much time my body will give me yet. I guess I'll find out as I'm hitting the road to the mountains very early tomorrow morning . . .

All the best to you, and I trust you'll heal properly,


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