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New White's D2 Coil Design For 2017

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The D2 is epoxy-potted, but not completely filled. So weight can vary a lot depending on how much epoxy was used. And that can vary a lot depending on who is running the epoxy machine, it's all a manual process.


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12 hours ago, Mark Gillespie said:

Actually hoping the 6 x 10 DD coil would be a lot lighter coil to swing since I had neck surgery.



If you shorten the rod and bring the coil closer to your feet you will accomplish two things.....

I......It will reduce the weight since the lever is essentially shorter and......

2..... It will slow your sweep speed down and that is a good thing too.

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Coil is at the front of my shoes now.  If I go any shorter I'll have to bend over which would be worse for my neck. 

I have a hunting buddy that is going to loan me his 6 x 10 DD coil to try and I'll report back.

The 10 x 12 SEF coil was noticeably lighter feeling (maybe better balanced not sure) than the stock 10" DD coil.  In my opinion the depth between the two is very close too.


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All I can offer is the 8x6 Detech SEF gives up a bit of coverage, but has great depth and is very light. It is my favorite coil in moderate to high trash when conditions allow for an open coil design. If I'm poking around, in and through bushes and scrub, or otherwise can't swing laterally... I choose the 6" concentric Eclipse. (That cork could use a makeover too, but keep it closed, please!)

That said, I'm looking forward to whatever coils come to market for the V3i.

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Actually got my answer, the White's 6 x 10 DD (not V rated) coil seems or rather feels heavier than the SEF 10 x 12" coil.

But a short visit to my test garden revealed the SEF coil way out performs the 6 x 10" coil.  The coil would not run without overloading until the RX gain was set to 8 using the stock coin/jewelry program.  Then I checked the 3 deepest targets and only one would on occasion give an audio in one direction, the other two were completely silent.  Changed every setting I could think of and no improvements to the response to one dime and a small copper rivet at 7".  Using the same settings the SEF will easily report an audio and valid VDI on every target.  Looks like I'll be pursuing a different coil than the 6 x 10" coil.  Since I rarely hunt in the brush an open coil will be good.

Oops, out of time.




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I'll take my coils to the post office today and get a weight on each and report back.

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Took all my coils to the local post office for a weigh in.

The 1 in front of the scales is 1 pound.




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G'day everyone, I have weighed all of my MXT Coils and here is the list which includes the Coil weight and the Lead and the Plug and Coil Cover, In the first column are the claimed weights and the second column are the actual weights, Please note the weight of the 14x10 Detech Coil compared to the factory D2 coil, and please note that the 14x10 gives the machine better balance and a couple of inches extra depth and the cost is another bonus being around the $130.00 Dollar mark.

Hope this helps,


 Coil Model,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FactoryWeight,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ActualWeight,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Difference. 5.3 /6"Concentric......14.4 /408.23gms .....14.715oz /417.2gms..........0.318.93 gram,,,, because of sealing tape ? heavier

4x6" Shooter DD.......12.8oz / 362.82 gms.............12.535oz / 355.3 gms....................-0.265 oz / -6.7 gms lighter

6x10EclipseDD,,.N /A...........................18.615oz /527.7gms...........................................N / A

6x10TwinD50khz............16oz /453.59gms........18.15oz /514.54gms........+2.148oz / +60.91 gms heavier

6x10 GM II Longscan Concentric,,,,,,,,........N /A...................14.61oz /414.3gms...............................N / A


950EclipseXtypeConcentric...........18.4oz /521.63gms....20.617oz /593.00gms.........+2.517oz / +71.37 gms heavier

10" D2/ MXT A/P DD..........17.9oz /507.4gms....23.670oz /671.10gms..........+5.77oz / +163.57 gms heavier


950 BlueMax 6.59khz BlueBox5900........N /A........................18.931oz /536.70gms.........................................N / A


14x8GoldMax50kHzConcentric..............N /A.........26.495oz /751.10gms..................N / A

15" MXT Max Concentric,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36oz / 1020.58 gms ........37.02oz / 1049.6 gms.............+1.02oz / +29.02 gms heavier

NON Whites

14x10 Detech Excelerator Pro2DD.......N /A...........23.838oz /675.8gms..............N / A

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