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2018 - Year Of The Equinox!

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Based on what I know about where gold coins will ID, and what Steve has shared about the Equinox, I'd guess...

$1 -- 12 or 13ish

$2.50 -- 19ish

$5.00 -- as Steve said, the 22 vicinity

$10.00 -- 25ish

$20.00 -- 28ish


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Ok, its time for me to 'blow' Steve's secret.  

Every detector that Steve uses is Max Out without a reject (unless he is testing reject settings)!  How can he do this?

Steve's brain will take all of the data he receives from a detector and process it through his own algorithms.  It will be these personal algorithms (experience) that will let some people find more with an Equinox than others.   

Many have been doing this already with other detectors but now with a 'smart' detector in your hands you will be more productive again.  I hope I am.


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3 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Two rules for success...

1. Eliminate as many things in life as can be eliminated that interfere with your detecting time. Any other outdoor hobbies? Ditch them. Spending too much time on yardwork? Get a smaller lawn. Etc.

2. Never, ever, under any circumstances let your wife think she might be subject to rule #1. If she suggests you go see a movie, then have a bite to eat, then walk the pups when you get home, do it. In my case that is easy since that's my preference anyway, but just saying! :smile:

So no silver but if you want to see some great acting go see Gary Oldman portraying Winston Churchill in Darkest Hour. An amazing performance - I hope he gets an Oscar.

#1 You are positively 200% wrong Sir! Not having enough time on my hands to go Fishing is why I took up Detecting. Batteries charged, gear in the car/4x4 and you’re away. You can pick up detecting as you left it behind. Those 2000 year old targets aren’t going anywhere. Maybe George with his Ace 250 will find that Viking hoard, but after all the commotion is done and gone. He’ll have to go visit it in a Museum. I prefer the Outdoors.

I say NO to smaller yards,... you need a bigger yard. Preferably with a driveway you can see anyone coming from a mile away. 2 things that go with a big yard: John Deere tractor and a Stihl chainsaw. But pick very carefully because both will last longer than most modern day relationships. When the grass is too long to go detecting, you mow the lawn. When the ground is frozen too hard to dig, you cut down firewood. When the rain is pouring down in winter, you put another log on the fire and enjoy the warmth of summer in your home!

#2 My wife agrees with you on that one. I,... well let’s just say we beg to differ. I’m not into the Chick flicks, veggie dishes or walks in the park “other than with a detector”. The dog mostly agrees with me as well. We like a steak on the BBQ and walks should be in the countryside or by the sea where he can run, chase, dig, sniff at hearts content. Likes his fresh caught fish as well.

I’ve seen people turning into this single minded focussed on succes monster. Be it a gold coin, hefty bank account, fish of a lifetime, car of their dreams, etc, etc. But what happens when you achieve your goal, achieve your dreams,... just like a silly computer game you push a button and go to the next level. Even harder, more difficult to obtain, requiring more of your time and resources. People aren’t addicted to detecting, fishing, working, earning, etc etc. People are addicted to that adrenalin rush you get when you achieve your goal.

My goal in life, after they removed the brain tumor. Before I was this monster always wanting more and more. 

My goal in life is to wake up in the morning with a smile on my face. Enjoy my family, work, fishing, detecting and try to give my honest sincere 100% effort at it. That’s my gold every day!


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C'mon Minelab, it's January already!  JK.  Sort of.  :laugh:

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Nice job photographing that coin.  I just can't stop looking at it!  You really nailed the focus.   Mark gave it a XF grade which I think is fair but probably on the conservative side.  It also looks like a strong strike.  Check out the top edge of the sun -- I don't think you get that sharp rim on a weakly struck Walker.

I've been working on a post about mint distribution patterns (more on that when I get it done).  Just for a single datapoint, does this coin have a mintmark?  I would have expected an S (San Francisco) mintmark based upon a combination of its condition and where you found it (Nevada?).  Second guess would be a D (Denver).  If it has no mintmark (Philadelphia) then it kind of puts a crimp in my distribution hypothesis....

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I am loving this forum.  Just joined.  What you have been saying about using full tones, integrating the audio, using the display as confirmation, and interrogating iffy targets really resonates with me.  I am primarily a Deus user (but use a Minelab GPX 4800 in the mineralized farm fields of central Virginia for relic hunting) and this is exactly how I use the Deus.  I am really excited about the Equinox because I have been waiting for Minelab to integrate multi-frequency technology with high recovery speed - waterproof, wireless, and an intuitive user interface/ergonomics are just icing on the cake.  This is sort of the missing link for Minelab and the reason why I have (until now) stayed away from Minelab VLF/FBS machines despite the rock solid target IDs they produce, especially on deep silver.  I recognize that Minelab may have to compromise a little on deep silver capability with the Equinox Multi IQ system vs. the CTX FBS for both technological as well as marketing reasons (why would they want to obsolete their own flagship detector?) and they have said as much on their website when comparing Multi IQ to FBS/BBS.  Regardless, the combination of features (waterproof, relatively light weight, Multi IQ, high recovery speed, and wireless audio) are killer.  I originally envisioned the Equinox (with Multi IQ) as a gap filler for my Deus with respect to salt water/beach hunting where the Deus does not fare well and perhaps as an alternative non-PI detector choice for relic hunting in highly mineralized soil (I use the Deus in Gold Field mode for this when I am not using the GPX).  However, I never envisioned the Equinox as a REPLACEMENT for my Deus.  Other than the feather light and compact nature of the Deus (I like it as a most capable grab 'n'  go detector and as a low profile machine to enable me to no draw a lot of attention when hunting in public places like parks and beaches), I am starting to realize that that the Equinox may be more than just a niche gap filler and may indeed become my go to machine.   This is based solely on the way you describe how you use the Equinox.  First hand experience will tell the tale but at this point I am super excited about this machine and what it can unlock for me.

One thing I am excited about is the HF capability of the Equinox 800 and it has nothing to do with gold prospecting.  As you know, XP released its first HF coils for the Deus in 2017 and you successfully tested them with some favorable results.  A group of us regular Deus users for relic hunting are starting to realize that the HF coils may have usefulness beyond their increased sensitivity to gold and other mid-conductive targets.  We are finding that they actually are enabling us to pluck high conductive targets (in addition to the expected mid-conductive buttons and brass) out of the ground better than the lower frequencies in some cases.  This is obviously counterintuitive but it is happening on a wide enough scale and frequency that we believe this is not just a coincidence.  We have not figured out why but some are speculating that the reduced ground penetration afforded by the HF modes are enabling shallower high conductive targets to be unmasked where they would otherwise be masked by deep, large iron BELOW the non-ferrous target of interest (vs. iron at or above the same depth of the desired non-ferrous target).  Just wanted your thoughts on this and whether the 800's HF frequencies in Multi-IQ mode can perhaps out-Deus the Deus in this regard?  Minelab certainly seems to be headed in the right direction with Equinox and it is refreshing that they are paying more attention to user interface design, ergonomics, and cost vs. just throwing a new detector technology approach at its customers.  Thanks and keep up the good work.

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Welcome to the forum Chase Goldman , your spot on a great forum to participate on . I detect in Australia in the Golden Triangle for gold with a SDC2300 . I am purchasing a Equinox specifically to hunt down a gold sovereign . I hadn't given much thought to using the 40kz in the trashy camps , but I will have to experiment  with it . I was going to use the 40kz chasing small gold where the SDC has been successful . Interested in Steve's response to your thoughts . All the best for 2018 .






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