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20 hours ago, Cal_Cobra said:

Steve I take it your finally thawed out?  

Finally! Rainy now but that’s good.

9 hours ago, strick said:

I just cant bring myself to notch out stuff that would fall into the small gold range..for me the coins are a bonus because it's the jewerly I'm looking for in the parks

I find I prefer to either hunt coins or hunt jewelry. Different mindset and techniques employed so I do one or the other as a rule.

20 hours ago, Skate said:

Nice job steve. I played around with discrimination tonight and set mine up the same except I set my cut off at 19 so I can get all those gold coins I know are lurking on my rancho permission. 

I have found most of my nickels in my soil at 11-12 and 13 has almost always been trash of some sort. Hopefully I'll have a good report to share. 

You do have to pay attention to the Search Profile when employing notching, since target id can shift slightly depending on the Search Profile. Nickels tend to read 13 in Park 1 and Field 1 and 12 in Park 2 and Field 2. And $5 gold coins can come in at 18 or probably even 17.

From this thread by steveg - note gold coins...


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1 hour ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Finally! Rainy now but that’s good.

Good to hear!  It sure would be nice to get one desert trip in before the baby comes.

It might be tough to pull off though, ladies sure get cranky when their 7 months pregnant :rolleyes:

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22 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

The areas are not particularly old and so the last couple hunts I have rejected everything from 21 on down except for 13. I am in Park 1 but pushing sensitivity a bit too high probably at 21 or 22 so I am getting quite a bit of very high tone ferrous falsing in the high 30s. Iron bias set at zero. I have been half tempted to either block 39 and 40 or set them as a low tone ferrous. I do like hearing them though as 39 in particular is a “tell” that an item is ferrous so I may have to try the low tone experiment. Or lower my sensitivity. Or maybe even try iron bias! Still I am not getting hardly any ferrous fool me enough to actually dig it. The high tone, high 30s signals are very wishy washy whereas a coin signal tightens up and normally hits in the 20s except for those quarters coming in around 30.

 If the areas were older I would open it up down to 17 and include 12 for the nickels. Been running recovery speed at 7 or maybe 6. Getting very little trash fooling me at this point, especially in the high end.

When I say "hard 13" I mean a target that hits real hard at 13 and exhibits "roundness". The only other target tends to be newer square tabs, which being thinner and square generally do not sound as solid to me. The ones that trick me are less than an inch deep and at that point just easier to pop them out then spend time trying to figure out if they are good or not.

Tried these settings today in another area of demolished houses on the base here. Magic!  Dug so little trash (mostly on 13's) that I had to go to all metal to convince myself that there really was trash around!  This is perfect for the hunts on these fields I'm in the middle of. Still tracking towards the oldest ones, where I'm sure there is a lot of silver in the ground. Lots of copper dating back to 1951 in the areas now, but sporadic. I WILL find the housing areas that were built in the 40's eventually, and these settings will speed that process dramatically. THANKS! (Converted the 800 settings to my 600.) 

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Nice bunch of coins there . Is the ring Silver ?

So far i have used my Nox 8 times and have had 1 Gold ring , 8 Silver rings , 2 Silver chains and a Silver bangle and a Silver Pendent plus just over £105 in coinage .

All 8 trips have produced a Gem so far , dont think i have had that run of luck ever but i would have to check my records . 

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Sounds like you are doing fine Nuke even with the early struggles. Yes, sterling silver ring, rang up as one of our dimes around 26.

It just occurred to me I have forgotten what sterling silver is exactly. From Wikipedia (some interesting history there):

“Sterling silver is an alloy of silver containing 92.5% by weight of silver and 7.5% by weight of other metals, usually copper. The sterling silver standard has a minimum millesimal fineness of 925.”

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Nice digs.  I am hunting almost exactly the same settings as you, but running 50 tones, and when in trash, I'm doing the same thing you are.  Pulling lots of clad that I'm almost SURE I could not have identified as being "diggable" with other units due to the density of the trash, LOTS of nickels (though some tabs do hit at 13 -- but I think I'm maybe just starting to hear a subtle tonal nuance/difference as you said), and the occasional deeper, older coin...



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1 minute ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I am running 50 tones also - kind of my default. I will have to go to five tones though if I want to play around with the high 30s/40 tones. 

AHH.  Ok.  Since you were talking about playing with that 39/40 number, I assumed you were not running 50 tones.

I really related to what you wrote.  We are doing things very similarly, and having very similar results/findings.

I dug a 6-7" deep wheat cent last night that I could BARELY tease out a decent signal from amongst THICK non-ferrous trash, about 6 inches from the edge of the intersection of two sidewalks.  I have ABSOLUTELY passed over this spot numerous times with other units, as I hunt the sidewalk edges in this park (mainly because some old coins were "uprooted" when the sidewalks were put in, apparently, as I have found several of them closely adjacent to the sidewalks over the years).  I am almost certain that I could not have recovered that coin with anything I've swung before, except the EQ...


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23 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Interesting these days since copper pennies are no longer dropped that with clad dimes still being dropped dimes have caught up to copper pennies numerically....

A sterling ring, even without a nice stone, is as good as a silver Roosie in my book.  8 Wheaties says you are pulling out targets that others have missed.

I don't quite understand your "copper pennies are no longer dropped" statement, though.  Take a look at your pocket change.  I do mine and there are plenty of copper Memorials along with (majority) Zincolns.  We metal detectorists know the difference, but the general public doesn't know and doesn't care.  Pennies (copper, zinc, even the occasional Wheatie) are equally worthless to them.  Heck, a lot of people won't stop to pick up a dropped nickel or even dime.

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