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Everything posted by geof_junk

  1. Gerry I am a bit disappointed after spending half an hour standing on my head reading your post, that I am excluded because I live in Australia, but I will forgive you this time. ?
  2. Tyres do make a big difference. I was going through 10 plug a season in West Australia with the standard Prado tyres. One day I hit a sharp square rock about a foot cube at a bit of speed. It took out both tyres on the driver's side. The single spare on the rear worked but had to use 6 plugs to seal the best spiked tyre. I was nearly at the stage of cutting holes in the sidewalls and stuffing the tyre with cut bits of my picnic rug( As Gibbs from NCIS say don't go anywhere with out a knife), but it sealed before I had to. I was 50 Km from the nearest road and the tracks were mainly wheel marks for most of the trip, but it took over 2½ hours to get back to town. The wheel alignment was also out of wack. I got a spare tyre for a friend and drove 230+ Km to Kalgoorlie. Wheel alignment done and 4 COOPERS AT steel sidewalls fitted.(Not saying Coopers are best but they are a big improvement on the standard tyres fitted) For the rest of the season and the next I had Zero spiked tyres.
  3. They should document them then return them to the finder with a note that they can not be sold or damaged until they are fully cleared. The way the system is going it is no wonder some people try to avoid declaring their finds.? The finder already had it before they disclosed the find, can't they be trusted now.
  4. A good link for batteries. ........Battery knowledge.......
  5. I liked the necks of the emu are different (Straight and curved) the second one looks like it is looking over it's back.
  6. I have done some business with them in Kal. they were very good with their service even those we are from the other side of the continent.?
  7. The nugget depth in the video above is very similar to my finds. Most were found with an old 7" by 14" Elliptical "Nugget Finder mono coil." As for the weight of 1 ounce plus it has been mixed ½ near the surface, the rest on the limit of the large coils. The largest was "16 ounce of gold in a hundred ounce specimen". The larger nuggets all up was less than a ¼ of the weight on the sub 1 ounce nuggets. I hope those that are new to the game find the information helpful, and take in the fact that flogged ground that the nuggets will be small or specimen and very deep for it size with a very small chance of getting a missed larger nugget missed by those that know what they were doing.
  8. Not saying this is your problem, I had a similar problem years ago and it turn out to fault shielding connection. I would see if you can use another coil from a friend or dealer and see if you have the same problem. Get the coil check under Warranty if the other coil solve the problem.
  9. Gerry I am very selective. I only take the ones that I dig up and leave the other ones undug for others to find.?
  10. And all gold does not Glitter well before you wash it any way.☺️
  11. I saw the proto Gold Digger Picks made by a prospecting wheat farmer. He used one of the used plough disc. He is a keen prospector that only chases gold for the enjoyment. One of the best things about Ozzie Picks is the mountain ash handles, take note that the best are the ones with the grain orientated the same as the pick blade.
  12. That is a great deed for the owner and he should be grateful for you actions. That act shows that we are all not only after the dollar.
  13. Most of the noise is coming from changing distance from the sand. Using Auto can get out of tune and the more it does the more it attempts to correct it, the worst it gets trying to compensate. With manual the variance is less and just go back over the beep more controlled to ensure it is not a target. My view is from using a VLF mono frequency detector and hope this will work with your Detector.
  14. What is the American advice. The only advice I got was to save my pennies, so you did not save the five pennies.?
  15. A lot of people want the deepest seeking detector (which can be also done by a larger heavier coil). What they need is a detector that has the highest yield for the area they are detecting. Virgin ground the quickest ground coverage ( light elliptical mono coil and detector) as a lot of ground does not have gold, hot soil a quiet coil (Slow coverage and DD or DOD etc) For ground that has been flogged/hammered then you need to get away from the general detector as they have already got most of the gold. At this stage you need one that excel on tiny or very deep nuggets so a choice has to be made which one does this and what coil would be best. So my advice don't think depth is the only thing that matters. The properties that you have at the location that you are doing are the most relevant.
  16. Quote.....Ya, I'm sure they would sell well, but the price of steel and material in general has jumped. It's funny, people will spend up to $8000 or more for a detector and accessories, but bitch about a high quality $100+ pick. And yet they are not happy with the selecting the pick that is only $25 dollars less expensive, as you say their total investment is $10,000 plus a very small saving in the overall cost.
  17. Good to see the old ruler. In real measurement that is 12mm * 19 mm in the true modern system of measurement to us Ozzies and other continents ?. BY the way it shows how small an ounce is, not big for $2 grand. In your case a person looking for it would be best off using a coin size coil.?
  18. When it comes to coils, I might not be fully correct but as a rule of thumb the size of the RX (receive) coil is the main factor in depth. The physical size of the coil varies depending on the type of coil. Mono, Double D, DOD, Concentric and Vertical Co-planar RX winding vary compared to the coil dimensions. So if you are comparing depth by coil size then you should use the same style. Mono and Vertical Co-planar have the same size transmit winding same as the coil.(allowing for casing) The DD,DOD and Concentric TX winding are smaller than the coil size. I forgot the Wheatstone (1 large transmit and 4 receive coils) but most of you are to young to know about them (History). The mono has to be tuned by the detectorist but the other uses the electrical characteristics of the coil design to reduce EMI and ground effects. The lightest would be a mono but the detector will have to cope with EMI and ground effects
  19. Eric I think the PUP would be the best choice for most people, well those the ask (those that know will have knowledge of the requirement of their detecting conditions and don't need help)
  20. Rob sometimes the weight does surprise you. I got one that was almost a cm cube and weighed over 20 grams. Nice bit but as you know sellers like them to look big for the customer to buy. ☺️
  21. Updating the software on your computer is to fix BUGS. This is to the advantage of ML but more so for the inconvenient of sending your Detector back to ML for the owner. (lost time in transit, repair time and postage costs.)
  22. And if it is the detector I would think you have a case for coil replacement if all is still in warranty period.
  23. You have to decide what suits your method. The bigger the coil the deeper it goes but remember that is only true for the same type of coil. At the moment the X-coil is hot but although it's appears to be a killer on deep small gold. It does not mean it better than a mono coil of the same size on larger nuggets (If it can be used in that location with out too much effort). Just remember that there are more small nuggets out there if you can find a location that you can get enough you are in front with the total numbers and hopefully weight too. I have a high quality phone (more money than seen) as I only use it as beeper system ie: the wife can contact me or I can ring her hang-up and she ring me back. However the camera was worth it better than my stand alone phone.
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