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Joe D.

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Everything posted by Joe D.

  1. Sorry to hear that Simon!? I would shoot Delik an email or PM, and make sure she is aware of this, as they should be able to make some adjustments for the dealers there!! If they are going to compete in ML's back yard, they need to make it equitable! ??? KFC?
  2. Right there with ya Rob, This is a little off topic, but every price range has idiots! Price is not a limiting factor for stupidity or lack of common sense! But for the most part, it's the few beginner's who don't bother to learn anything about the hobby; just buy an "off the shelf" detector, and dig away without any knowledge of ethics, or consequences! Of course, there are exceptions, and some "seasoned" people who just don't care! Or are trespassing, and digging illegally! We can't police everyone! But on the plus side, many new people that I have seen come to this forum, and others for advice, info, etc... seem to care, and are mostly aware of the general rules of the field, as they have been reading this, and other forums, as non-members for awhile, which is good to see! You also have to remember that there are "those" that don't approve of "Treasure Hunters" in general, and are willing to go to great lengths to throw us all under the bus, every chance they get! Even to the extreme of "staging" spots to "blame" on those ? metal detecting guys!! ??
  3. I'm not going to attempt overthinking any covert maneuvers, that any of the companies are possibly attempting! I consider myself, an intermediate detectorist at best, and focus on the most bang for the buck! Under a thousand dollars is where I live! You all, that have been at this a long time, generally have higher expectations and needs, than myself! That being said, I'm not worried about too many people sticking with the hobby! The Legend is squarely priced in that "sweet spot" for people in my intermediate realm! Many will probably buy, use a handful of times, and give up, or sell! Great for the secondary market, and NM's bottom line! Or maybe some of them may simply move up from one of NM's lesser models, and stick with it for awhile! I'm ok either way, as I don't look at other's detecting as competition, but rather as allies against the overregulation of our hobby, and more voices to help change some of the limiting rules already in place! Many of us aren't getting any younger, and personally, l don't mind a younger set, who know the proper rules, to follow behind us, and keep the hobby alive and well! JMO??
  4. Thanks Simon, You and the family are good people!! I was really hoping that you would take a wack at finding whatever she lost, when the time was right! The hidden compartment was a bonus! And very cool scenery, as usual, from NZ; beautiful there!! I hope the Good Carma generated nets you some good finds! A gold coin, ring, or decent sized nugget will do nicely! Anyway, thanks for taking us along, and may Good Luck follow, and catch you!!???
  5. I have never been one to be an early adopter of anything untested! But the fact that Delik, and NoMak actually listened to what people want, is a "big" plus for me! So I am already on a pre-order list, as of today! No real downside here, as I have a few very nice detectors and coils, that I can sell, and was planning too next year anyway! I'm very hopeful that NM did a bang-up job on the Legend! So I am stepping up early this time!!???
  6. Thanks, Always learning something new from you guys (and girls)!??
  7. Hey Joe, Great job! Is that some kind of police/Sheriff badge in the pile? You know your areas, so go with the one that you think holds the most promise! If you can pull of two locations, even better! But that sounds like alot of gearing up/down for one day! Safety first always!! Good luck, wherever you decide to go!!???
  8. ? Yeah Strick, That's for my removable counter weight! The removable part weighs 16 oz. And the insert weights another 4 oz., And are brass plumbing parts! It's made out of an old brass hose nozzle that i found detecting! Than I added a solid steel knob on the end, and a hardened steel spike in the other end! So I have a chipping tool for embedded items! And lethal/non-leathal defensive weapons, if the need arises! And the whole thing is wrapped in paracord, with a loop that I can hang on my beach scoop, so my detector is hands free, and doesn't fall in the sand, when I stop for a drink, picture taking, etc!! ??
  9. Great reporting as usual, Glad you are at least, able to access the areas now! I'm surprised that you haven't found more sight finds!! Maybe after some good rain! I love hunting plowed fields in Georgia after a few good rains to hunt for flint and arrowheads! But took years to find the good spots where there was enough activity!! Continued Good Luck for old finds and silver! And don't forget the orange, and the air horn! Buck fever is as real as gold fever, but more dangerous!!??
  10. Caleb, Exactly why you see those waterproof/sweatproof earbuds in the picture! Only use the muffs when it's cold! So like hardly ever!! Also those allow me to wear my sun hat! They have been very good, albeit not the sound quality of my good wired headphones!!???
  11. I agree with all above!! Direct to the detector, or WM08! Not a big fan of the Nox headphones! I have my Nox with the Nox accessory wire($20) run up underneath to the bottom of the cuff with tiewraps! Than I can use whatever plug in headphones I wish to use without the cord in my way! (see pic) If not using wired (to detector), I use my WM08 in a waterproof phone arm band on my detecting arm! This gives it direct sight to the detector, with no dropouts! No hassles like the wireless headphones give me!!???
  12. Welcome to the forum Dz, Beautiful terrain you have their! Would love to see more pictures! My nextdoor neighbor is from Poland! You have many great suggestions above! I think the two top pics for you, based on location, availability, and warranty are either one of the Rutus's-Alter or Atrex, or one of the MineLab Equinoxes- 600 or 800! Price is always a factor, if you also have to buy other equipment for pinpointing, digging, pouch, etc... If possible, find a place to test drive a few models! If not that, maybe a club! Be sure to buy; new or used, from a reputable source! Lots of counterfeits lurking from shady sources! Also see what others are using in your area, and why? That may give you a better idea of what works best in your type of soil and terrain! Good Luck!!???
  13. Speaking of coins no one wants to carry, how many Susan B. Anthony, and Sacaagwea coins have any of you coin shark's found?????
  14. Great Job on the 3D nail board!! I was working on a similar version myself, as the "single plane" was the only thing I didn't like about the original! I think it would be easy enough to make the nails/coins more or less interchangeable to accommodate different conditions! But overall, that may be splitting hairs for a standardized portable test platform! As far as trying to replicate any "Halo Effect" or soil conditions in a portable platform, it's possible, and time consuming, but again, would probably not give you much more information than you can already acquire with that setup!!??
  15. Great way to highlight one of the problem's Simon! I like the epoxy, and hope it does the job and wears well!! I guess my hope with each coil i have sent in(3 so far), was that the replacement would be, at some point, improved! With either a new formulation of thermoplastic, or a redesign! But I have since given that wish up, and will just ride out the warranty, or sell all before expiration! As any capitulation on ML's part, other than warranty, would likely; as we have said many times, end up with a large loss to their; and investors bottom line!!??
  16. Chase and GB, I've looked at all the points you both made, and actually find them complementary to each other in many ways! You both are well versed, and all the observations made have truth in them! I've also done some of my own research on both "treasures"! And when taken at face value, without all the hype, are both valid in there own right! I have a love of the history, and ingenuity that went into both stories, and all the work that was done in both cases! And especially with Oak Island, l try and look past the personalities of the particular players i find sometimes irritating, and floating false narratives; including the constant "Could It Be??" narration!! Not always easy, but necessary to enjoy the core of the show's story, and get what I really want, which isn't necessarily the monetary objectives being sought after! But that is unfortunately, usually the driving force to make any of these attractive to the TV masses! ??
  17. Mine is now completely better for now too! Just one of those health and body things that happen, especially as we age, that if you don't stay on top of, gets worse!!??
  18. If i had to choose using between the two, I'm sticking with my 800 for multiple reasons, which have already been stated! Now if ML wants to give me one to use, that's another story!??
  19. Thank's Simon, That's great info, and a warnings for anyone, about counterfeits! Name brand or not! I'm sure it adds to the cost of what we all pay for the genuine machines, as the companies have to constantly spend to fight this at every turn!!??
  20. May very well have an RV parking spot there next year, and we are allowed to cruze the neighborhood streets in golf carts, so......! And the northern most 1715 fleet wreck site is about forty minutes away......??
  21. BTW, That was not a genuine Thank You Joe! It was a snarkey one!! Just in case anyone was wondering!?
  22. I N F L A T I O N!!!!? I don't like saying that word Mike!! Please don't make me say it again!!? But I must say, that the Florida real estate market is booming! Thanks for that, Joe!! (as i just sold my house!!?) ???
  23. So that's what black walnuts look like!! Never seen one, or been hit by one!?? We do have Mahogany trees down here, and as kids, we use to pretend they were hand grenades due to them breaking apart when thrown! But they hurt if you were hit by one, falling or thrown!? And nice saves on the artifacts! Hope you find many more, with some coins mixed in!!? I'm still waiting on my backordered 5×10!! Been a month and a half! ? Though my emanate move a few hours North may limit my prime "winter" detecting time this year!! Oh well! At least I will have many new parks and beaches to detect next year!!? I'll just have to detect vicariously through you guys for awhile! So keep finding stuff for me Bob!!???
  24. Nice 3 ring Tom!, One day I would like to find a few!! ??
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