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Your Techniques For Trashy Tailing Piles

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Looking for tips on detecting tailing piles...

I have the Equinox 800 and the Minelab 5000.

and a lot of trashy tailing piles to detect !!!  ?


BTW----- Looks like we are running low on masks ? and gowns here in LA--- but we will survive--

Vets have been exposed to tougher stuff than this!!!


Social distancing does not have to be social--------- but it should be physical-!!!----

I cant see why most of you would have to learn how to do that-???

-- you been practicing it with me for years??


Carry on and thanks for any tips on the tailing piles..


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If not too trashy I’d be running the GPX with 18” round mono coil and digging everything. There is nothing magic about detecting tailing piles with a VLF. Either no discrimination and dig everything, or minimal ferrous rejection. Looking for nuggets so Park 2 a good place to start, see https://www.detectorprospector.com/forums/topic/6799-equinox-800-gold-nugget-detecting-tips/ for possible settings. I’d be using the 15” coil with steveg rod and balance kit.

Check out my Steve’s Journal and tales about Ganes Creek, Moore Creek, and Fortymile country (Jack Wade, etc), plus 2013 and 2014 adventures.

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Paul, keep up the good work, buddy! Every life you help save is wonderful! I agree with Glenn in Colorado, powerful magnets are extremely important for removing the tiniest bits of iron. The problem with trashy sites is that no form of discrimination or target ID is going to prevent you from digging a lot of trash. That's just the way things are. One such pile I dug, at an old minesite, about 8 cubic yards total, was full of square nails and other bits of 1890's trash, and yielded one piece of rich highgrade ore for each 100 or so pieces of trash. Thus lots of digging. Very tiresome, even using a magnet, but gold is gold. HH Jim

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1 hour ago, Steve Herschbach said:

If not too trashy I’d be running the GPX with 18” round mono coil and digging everything. There is nothing magic about detecting tailing piles with a VLF. Either no discrimination and dig everything, or minimal ferrous rejection. Looking for nuggets so Park 2 a good place to start, see https://www.detectorprospector.com/forums/topic/6799-equinox-800-gold-nugget-detecting-tips/ for possible settings. I’d be using the 15” coil with steveg rod and balance kit.

Check out my Steve’s Journal and tales about Ganes Creek, Moore Creek, and Fortymile country (Jack Wade, etc), plus 2013 and 2014 adventures.

steveg rod and balance kit.????? What is this???

I cant believe there is a piece of equipment i havent seen or bought yet!!!! ?

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I can swing an Equinox with 15” coil all day long day after day with the stock coil. I did just that in the U.K. but it is nose heavy, and I’d be lying if I said it did not have certain back muscles protesting mightily at times.

The fix is a steveg carbon fiber rod with counterbalance. It perfectly balances the 15” coil and although the counterbalance adds weight it actually feels much lighter. You are not fighting that nose heavy torque. A huge improvement and in my opinion a must have for anyone using the 15” coil for anything other than very limited times.


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you know what i am waiting on is that person who tells me how to discriminate out the trash.... ?


Of course if everyone did that i wouldnt have gotten my keys back would I??? lol

_________Thanks for that btw!


If any of you wonder..............

this has to do with the time i lost my keys in Yuma desert mountains and had to have beatup tow my Seqouia out to the main road,,which was an interesting ride with no brakes or steering to speak of..

Cost about 2000 dollars for new keys and fobs at Toyota, but other brother eric or brett ??? found them this year in a wash where i lost them.... he also found 3 or 4 nuggets with in 10 feet ...that i am sure fell out of my pocket too--- i couldnt have missed that many could I????????????? lolol---

Thanks for returning the key and I  am still waiting on him to return the nuggets--? Just do the right thing!! ?


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