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Yes the photo was more for the funny side of it, it's a genuine photo but it was probably when they were closed or something.

I really hope they'll come back from the brink, at the moment it's not looking good but who knows, perhaps they're satisfied making low end gear for the big box stores, for all we know they could be the ones laughing as they're making a packet selling that type of detector and don't care about competing with the manufacturers making the high end equipment.  They could go on for years yet doing that using the same technology.

I was hoping this coil was going to come out though, I had plans to get one to see if it does anything constructive for my T2's, I have two of them sitting there that never get any use anymore but I really like the design and they're so comfortable to swing, they also just feel powerful.  They go as deep as any other detector I've got in the VLF's, but their ID's are terrible on deeper targets.  If I use a First Texas detector now it's my Gold Bug Pro's, I like their more stable ID's.  I think they've missed the boat on these new coils though, so much activity from other manufacturers now with new products the heat has worn off them already. 

If they want something to make, make a Gold Bug Pointer! A dedicated prospecting pointer with the ability to find tiny gold in bedrock.  I'd be on the pre-order list to buy two.

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I'd not make anything of the photo. Sometimes if you take a picture like that, you do it with no cars and other stuff around on purpose.

I'd was a huge Fisher fan for a very long time, all the way from original analog 1280X, Gold Bug, and CZ-5 days, to F75 and F19. But then things just stopped. New detectors were just old ones rejiggered ,and there has been nothing genuinely new on the top end for over a decade. The F-Pulse is for me, just like Jeff, the only FT product I still own and use constantly.

I'm still rooting for them, but the Impulse AQ saga has not left me with a warm fuzzy - just the opposite. The way the White's MX Sport went down told me there were problems at White's, and the Impulse AQ situation feels all too similar.

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12 hours ago, phrunt said:

Well, I discovered a photo of the First Texas Factory, and it appears the lights aren't even on, but certainly nobody is home, looks abandoned, not even a car in the car park.    ?


The coils still not out, I asked the guy that did the test videos of it on Youtube in action and he thought it was already for sale, I said nope, nowhere to be found, he seemed rather surprised it never made it to market and just assumed it did.  Looks like he spent all that time doing his marketing videos for nothing.

The other thing I recall it was discussed they were making a lighter version of the 15" monstrosity of a coil, this was quite a while ago now and I've heard nothing more and retailers are still selling the solid concrete 15" coil so it never made it to market either.

Judging by the shadows, the photo was taken before or after working hours.

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The photo is from Google Maps.  https://rb.gy/038sso   A few of the photos show cars in the parking lot.

They all say "Image capture Jan 2018", except for the 360 street view at the bottom which says April 2021 and shows well over 100 cars in the lot. 



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On Sundays the place is usually deserted. When I used to visit I was often the only one there on weekends. When the factory is running on Saturdays they all park off the left side of the photo. My office is the first window to the right of the main entrance. Haven't seen it in 2 years.

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  • 3 weeks later...

 ...Here is new information about the new 12 "DD coil from Fisher...?


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I think below is the Finding Alabama YouTube hunt she refers to.  Since it's been up for more than a month maybe someone has already linked it?  Spoiler alert:  they don't mention the coil nor really show it in action.  This is one of those "show digging and recovery only" type of  videos.


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That makes the new coil about 335 grams. What's taking so long. I want one. Still makes me wonder if a waterproof detector is coming that will use this coil with all the talk of using it in the water.

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