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I believe one of the best books available for the small scale miner and prospector is Fists Full Of Gold by Chris Ralph. 362 pages of chock full of information on gold prospecting, small scale mining, and metal detecting. It really is worth a spot on your bookshelf or better yet in front of your nose.


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Thanks for the kind words.

I've been prospecting since the mid 1970s, and ended up getting a degree in Mine Engineering at the Mackey School of Mines - part of the University of Nevada. Yet even though I got my degree, I kept up panning, dredging and otherwise prospecting out in the field - because I enjoyed it.

What you know makes all the difference when you get out in the field,  and as I was looking at the books available, I saw that most were written in the 1970s and 80s and did not include a lot of info which I thought they should.  

So I spent 10 years working off and on to produce a book that had all the info I thought a book on prospecting and gold mining should offer, including all the new info on metal detecting, because the world of technology has changed since 1980.

The book has been a big success, in the 4 years since it came out, I've sold more than 6000 copies. Its available at most prospecting stores and through Amazon.

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Thanks for the heads up. I'll check it out.



Ya Klunker, when you going to write, truck full loads?

Chris's book could be your only reference book about prospecting and you would be covered

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  • 1 year later...


On 12/21/2013 at 4:48 AM, Reno Chris said:

The book has been a big success, in the 4 years since it came out, I've sold more than 6000 copies.

A question for you Chris when you get a chance.   

Is this book available as an ebook (I cannot find one but worth asking)?  Or, will it soon be an ebook?  

Also, before I go and spend the coin is there a chance there will be a 2nd edition coming out soon?   I understand this may be a hard question to answer for legal/publisher/commercial reasons. 

Cheers, NE.  

Chris is rarely seen on forums these days so you will probably have better luck contacting him directly. https://www.icmj.com/magazine/about-us/staff-bio/chris-ralph/

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