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Dumping Minelab GPX 6000 For Garrett Axiom?

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2 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Me either, and I hope my agreement with kostas did not sound like I do. That said, I will bet on the person that knows the detector and the ground, and really knows their stuff, over the newbie with the best of devices, any day of the week. :smile:

Understood both you and Kostas and agree....  I had to give my opinion and a thumbs up on the 6 and the new tech.  The 6 was a game changer in a few ways (imo) and doubt anybody that has swung one can deny?  I've stated many times my issues with it and why I parted with it, once again, no problems with it and nothing a person couldn't work around but we just didn't mesh......

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I’ll keep this short…….sort of.

I’ve got a nice prospecting trip coming up soon with a couple of awesome sounding fellas from the USA. The ground we will be hunting will be quite mineralised and generally devoid of man made junk. The potential for bigger nuggets is good plus obviously smaller ones. They will be bringing their 6000 and 7000 machines which will be well suited to the area.

I will be swinging my GP3500 with either the 14” or 18” mono. I know the 3500 like the back of my hand and wouldn’t be using it if I felt it wasn’t an effective tool. My backup is an SD2100.

I have never owned a more recent detector but if I was to buy a new detector today (for my conditions) then it would probably be the 7000. I'm still reasonably fit and strong.

Now these two fellas from the USA have use of my campers hot water shower each day……if there’s any laughter or giggling when I fire up the 3500 or 2100 then those boys can go wash in a muddy puddle…….😁

Steve…..I cannot fathom how any sane person could misinterpret anything that you have ever posted regarding the Axiom / 6000. Gold does funny things to people…..balance and logic just flies out the window. 

At the end of the day, I will use a machine and coil that is biased toward bigger and deeper gold (that is the ground I seek). I am totally comfortable with missing very small gold whilst looking for the bigger stuff.


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3 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I'll be bluntly honest again. I'm feeling a little embarrassed over the whole GPX 6000 thing. I do think it is a great detector, but I obviously got a "good one" and am in areas favorable to the detector. I think in retrospect it is also obvious Minelab has been having more serious quality control problems with the 6000 than any of us are used to, with not only many failures, but some people having multiple failures. There have been bad coils right and left. What worries me most are ones that work, but are not running at 100% - how is an average Joe to know? There also are environmental issues at work causing problems.

Long story short I was quite vocal about how great I thought the GPX 6000 was for use in the United States, and now I feel a bit responsible for the problems some people are having. I know it's really not my fault, but like I said - I agonize over things over people might blow off. That is one reason I made this thread, so as to not end up with egg on my face again. I still think a properly operating GPX 6000 is a really great detector, but I have true concerns about who is, and is not, running a machine that is as it should be. I especially worry about units whose owners are experiencing various degrees of subpar performance, but don't know it. It's a real issue, it has marred an otherwise excellent detector, and in the end, it's on Minelab that it is still a concern to this day. 


That is as good as it gets.

I'm not a 6000 owner or want-a-be but I feel your pain.  It certainly shouldn't be on you for it or any other detector you review and help the developers recommend.  You simply want them to be the best they can be at whatever they do.



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Steve, your honesty and integrity is what has made this forum so invaluable. Thank you for being you!


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Thank you for sharing your feelings with us and I hope to never offend you in any way.

Your site means a great deal to many who detect, prospect, or sluice for all the knowledge and I thank you very much for letting me be a part of it.


Steve is my shepherd I shall not worry

He has guided me through the machines and what they do.

From his forum I have read many items that make my day.

Steve has gathered all the best knowledge for one to read

To improve their knowledge on what they do.

He is honest, loyal, and just a great man to give us all the best he can.

One of these days I wish to detect with this man

Just to show him what I have learned.

Keep him in your prayers to live long and prosper so that we all can learn from this man and his forum.

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I can totally see why you are switching to the Axiom...the nails...wasting time digging them...or worse yet passing up a real boomer of a signal thinking it's a nail when it's not...your going for that big nugget at this point...I think it's a brilliant move and I hope you find one hiding in all the nails in that hot Sierra Nevada ground..


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Steve it was great getting together with you and Condor over the last few days. It was also great to get the Axiom in my hands for awhile and try it out. It's one sweet machine. Very well behaved and fun to use. Garrett did a great job with the Axiom. I will be getting an Axiom and it will be replacing my GPX 5000 I recently sold. The 6000 is staying put and I'm very happy with it.

I can see where some may jump to conclusions and sell a poorly manufactured 6000 that may have coil and/or EMI issues in hopes that the Axiom solves those problems for them. I think it would better to send a 6000 back to Minelab and have it checked out prior to making a decision Ike that.  I personally have not had any of the radical behavior as some people describe with their 6000. In fact I commented to Steve that the threshold on my 6000 was identical to that of the Axiom, very smooth. The Axiom will have It's place and for some may be the only PI they need. For others like myself it will be another tool ro use on sites that require the ability to handle hotrocks or large amounts of iron trash. Steve thanks for sharing your opinions on the Axiom and where it falls performance wise as compared to other PI's on the market.

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Well said Steve , love how you don't go for any BS . Hope you have a blast over here and go home with over weight luggage .

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