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GPX 6000 Emi Test


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Minelab service in NZ was actually really quick for me, they sent my replacement coil within a couple of days of receiving my dud.  JW on the other hand had to wait something like a month to get his replacement coil so I can only assume they had to get one sent from Australia to replace his, his didn't even require testing as it was completely dead, coil error!  I assume when they sent the replacement to the service agent for his they put an extra few coils in the parcel for future replacements, I'd guess the number of 6000's in NZ would be able to be counted on two hands.

I think what you're doing by trying to narrow it down is helpful for other users, the more information people can get the better to help if they suspect they also have a problem.

There seems to be no baseline as to what normal 6000 behavior is and because we all have different tolerances I think what some consider normal others would be annoyed by.  I wasn't even sure my coil was faulty until I tried a Coiltek coil on it, that confirmed it for me as the problem I was seeing seems to be quite normal so I assumed I was just fussy, how many people say their GPX just goes crazy sometimes? many.  How many people say they sit there detector down and it can go a bit nutty? again many... Emi troubles? Once again, many!  It's easy to see how someone could just assume their problems are normal like I was doing, I just thought it was a detector I didn't get along with after being spoilt with the GPZ's stability and If I didn't buy an aftermarket coil I would have just put up with it thinking that's how it is and never wanted to use the machine.

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Jason, i’m going to ask a stupid question but is your coil plug plugged ALL the way in? This detector has another flaw in it as well when you plug the coil in. You have to basically plug it in three times. You will plug it in, screw it on, push it in a little bit more, screw it on push it in a little bit more, screw it on.  Keep doing that until you can’t repeat that any more, at that point you will have it fully in. Might be worth a try or to double check anyways.  Other people had this problem until I pointed that out.


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2 hours ago, afreakofnature said:

Jason, i’m going to ask a stupid question but is your coil plug plugged ALL the way in? This detector has another flaw in it as well when you plug the coil in. You have to basically plug it in three times. You will plug it in, screw it on, push it in a little bit more, screw it on push it in a little bit more, screw it on.  Keep doing that until you can’t repeat that any more, at that point you will have it fully in. Might be worth a try or to double check anyways.  Other people had this problem until I pointed that out.


Agreed, it is a bit of problem that plug does not seat to the base without at least three steps.

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4 hours ago, afreakofnature said:

Jason, i’m going to ask a stupid question but is your coil plug plugged ALL the way in? This detector has another flaw in it as well when you plug the coil in. You have to basically plug it in three times. You will plug it in, screw it on, push it in a little bit more, screw it on push it in a little bit more, screw it on.  Keep doing that until you can’t repeat that any more, at that point you will have it fully in. Might be worth a try or to double check anyways.  Other people had this problem until I pointed that out.


Not a stupid question, you are right about the connector. My 11" took a few iterations to get tightened up when I first got the machine (and a reverse multi-step process to get it to come back off recently), and I had to do that multi step push/screw process to get the new Coiltek on too. 

I went to double check after reading this, and I was able to jam the connector on about 1/2-1mm further and get about 1/6th of a turn out of the screw afterwards. Took some real force. Not sure if that was enough to affect things though, I'll see next time I get out to the field.

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5 hours ago, jasong said:

Not a stupid question, you are right about the connector. My 11" took a few iterations to get tightened up when I first got the machine (and a reverse multi-step process to get it to come back off recently), and I had to do that multi step push/screw process to get the new Coiltek on too. 

I went to double check after reading this, and I was able to jam the connector on about 1/2-1mm further and get about 1/6th of a turn out of the screw afterwards. Took some real force. Not sure if that was enough to affect things though, I'll see next time I get out to the field.

Mine has zero wobble and i can no longer turn it.  Fingers crossed maybe that was it!

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On 8/22/2022 at 4:49 PM, jasong said:

There must be a problem with my control box shielding then. My phone interferes with the control box even when it's off. In the field and it's my only camera so I can't show it right now, but I'll post a vid of it when I get back home and find another camera to film it with. My S20 interefered with the GPZ control box too actually.

Maybe (just a thought), your cell phone shielding is not up to snuff?  Either way, I hope you find a solution.

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On 8/24/2022 at 2:14 PM, jasong said:


It's why I love Wyoming, even though it's too cold and too windy here for most people. I don't see another soul out when I'm exploring, I literally see more literal, real, lone wolves then people. 

Got a real soft spot in my heart for Wyo. Spent 2.5yrs in the patch (Exeter Drilling rig #24) down there and one of the things that has always stuck in my head was seeing wild horses run free down around Fort Bridger-Kemmerer area. I try not to remember the wind/cold....lol  Tuff country but good country.....

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33 minutes ago, oneguy said:

Got a real soft spot in my heart for Wyo. Spent 2.5yrs in the patch (Exeter Drilling rig #24) down there and one of the things that has always stuck in my head was seeing wild horses run free down around Fort Bridger-Kemmerer area. I try not to remember the wind/cold....lol  Tuff country but good country.....

Ah yeah, definitely familiar with that. Some of that general area (Pinedale to Kemmerer to Wamsutter) is mandatory arctic gear issuance when I was a directional driller due to the winds in the winter, 40mph with 80mph gusts at -25F is just brutal, the weather hurts, especially when you gotta take gloves off to strap pipe, scribe in, swap tools, etc. I was working outside of Wamsutter on a couple Nabors and H&P fancy rigs for BP - the kind that "walk" on rails. 24 well pads, 25-40hr shifts, no time for sleep. Just stand out on the rig floor for days in that nonstop wind, scribe pipe, survey, and try not to hit the other 23 wells at 7ft spacing. Brutal times, cured of my desire to work in the oilfield. ?

I don't miss those days, but I do love living here still. There are still a ton of wild horses out there. It's basically the one place in the Western US that no one still wants to move to though haha, well other than Jackson and Cheyenne maybe. 

Actually, that H&P rig was the first place I had heard a mud hand tell me they saw gold come over the shale shakers. I laughed, but then I heard it again on another rig from a totally different mud hand, and the derrick hand told me when he was doing mud he saw the same thing. I brought a pan out for a long hitch, but I just never had time to leave the doghouse or floor so I couldn't verify it. But it's what got me thinking about starting to prospect older sedimentary formations for paleo channel gold, way back before I even bought my first gold detector. 


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1 hour ago, jasong said:



Actually, that H&P rig was the first place I had heard a mud hand tell me they saw gold come over the shale shakers. 


put on your dive gear and dredge the reserve pit...lmao.  

Two towns I really like there are Mtn View and also Saratoga...  anyways enough of that but thanx for reminding me of my short time in Wyo....

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