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Best Metal Detecting For Gold / Gold Prospecting Youtube Channels?

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What are the top half dozen best YouTube channels for good solid information on metal detecting for gold? I'm not looking for a comprehensive list - just the opposite. What do people consider to be the best of the best? The one or two you'd watch if you could watch nothing else? Thanks.

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I not big on a lot of hype, but love the comparison testing side of performance detectors and tips on settings, so it's

testing side;

Phasetech Nenad

Brass Medic

Benny Prospecting

Complete Prospecting

Smithsgold/TwoToes -- Outback Gold Fever -- Bill Southern, fun to watch their adventures.

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Over the years I've made no secret what my absolute favorites are, and they still reign at the top imho:

1. Anything Jonathan Porter has produced. His instructional videos covering a number of detectors released over the last decade or so which Jonathan shot, edited and narrated himself - an incredibly time consuming and expensive pursuit - are hands down the best instructional detecting videos ever made. Whether they are on YouTube or not, I don't know, but they exist on DVD's and actually the widespread pirating of them is what I understand ultimately led JP to stop gracing us with his efforts.
Our loss for sure. Happily he still visits this site on occasion and always furthers whatever discussion he drops in on.

2. The Goldhoundshttps://www.youtube.com/@goldhoundsnuggetrecovery1630 these gents made a bawdy, smart and personable series of gold detecting videos that were laced with all sorts of valuable on-camera experiences that were generously shared with us…their exploits were so captivating that they ultimately had to stop putting their videos out because so many people tried to find or follow them into the remote and difficult Queensland locations they explored. Another huge loss for the gold detecting population as a whole. 

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As a retired geologist I'd say that two toes has the best explanations of stream/river hydrology and associated where to detect.

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Two Toes and Bill Southern

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I'm not a big video watcher, I do enjoy the odd NuggetShooter (Bill Southern) video.



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Break for bedrock, two toes, nugget shooter journals, pioneer Pauly, ask jeff Williams, and chris ralph. I've also seen a handful of garrett videos, with a guy named Steve, who seems to know a thing or two. Some are more educational than others, but they all give you the fever. None of them claim it's easy to find gold, so they are at least honest about that. 

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Nugget Shooter Journals, Two Toes and I Brake for Bedrock. The Australian Vids are great, but I can relate to the Southwest and the Sierras plus they are instructional.

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