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Hi Chris,

Good to hear you and Dad got out and enjoyed the beautiful country. Perhaps it gave he and you some quality time to refocus at least for a bit.  Take care, and keep us posted.

LARGO    AKA:  Gary Long/Boise

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Break the Ice 2017! That's what its about! Nice Piece Chris :rolleyes: Yeah!

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3 hours ago, matt said:

Looks like a picture from the bridge at Mineral Bar?

Yup, the photo is from the bridge at mineral Bar - I wanted to stop there for a minute to see what the NF American river looked like. The last time you and I were both out detecting in the same spot, years ago, I remember you found a pretty decent one with your minelab. That same general spot is where this nugget came from, but lets not say the name of the location and keep it a secret. There are a lot of old hydraulic pits in that general area. Over the years, I've found at least a little gold in a bunch of them.

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You are right Chris! I found 5 in less than an hour that day and one of them weighed a dwt.

Went up to Downieville last Sunday for a day trip and the rivers are running high and it looks like a lot of material has moved around. Should be a nice summer up there this year for prospecting. Too bad we can't put a dredge in the water!

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Good find and fine company I say!

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