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Zed Strangest Target


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Well done. 

I once found a 30gm nugget down about 40cm in red clay that gave off a very warbly tone that wasn't overly loud. I usually only have those sounds with either bits of wire, bits of brass cartridge casing or just ground noise. What made it unusual was that the nugget was a solid lump and I would have thought it would have been a solid signal. I also put it down to the red clay distorting the response from the nugget.

Just goes to show that you really have to dig most targets - well at least remove a few inches -  and see how the target response changes. I'm pretty sure that most of my recent finds from supposedly 'flogged' ground have been those dismissed as ground noise by other prospectors.

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 That could have been Eric's hole , he was out today said he found one piece but he did not tell me where he was.                                                          Steve that sounds like the same weird target response i got on a couple of pieces i dug in a wash just over from the wash Eric found that small patch in when Paul was staying at your place. there was rotten granite all down that wash with pockets of that red hot clay eight to ten inches down under the sand and gravels.       Just talked with Eric and he said he was over on the west side of the gun club past the archery range today.

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Good job sticking with that target until the end and not giving up on it like the first guy. A very good lady nuggetshooter by the name of Lucile Bowen once told me that persistence pays, and that if a signal persists, keep digging until you find out what it is.

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WTG Steve!

 I always enjoy your write-ups and observations. I use the B and Z booster and have found several nuggets in areas that have been detected by myself and many others. I'm thinking it was the booster that helped me find them.


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And sometimes it's just a seam of hotrock.  This started as the sweetest sounding target signal all day.  Faint rising tone, kept getting better and better the deeper I dug.  I turned down the sensitivity and kept digging expecting the signal to overload the tone any minute.  Then it stopped getting better and got weaker.  I scanned over the pile and got garbled tones all over the pile.  I walked back to my truck and got out the Nox 800 with 6" coil.  Back down the mountain and scanned the hole and piles.  Nothing but -9 tones everywhere.  Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. 

no gold 001.jpg

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