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Valens Legacy

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Everything posted by Valens Legacy

  1. Make sure that you have your scuba gear on when he hits the beach, sneak up behind him and drag him into the water to show him some new spots. after about 20 minutes of holding him down I think he will give up hunting your areas. Good luck and good hunting. Remember this was only a suggestion or a joke which ever keeps you out of trouble sa I won't say anything to get you in trouble.
  2. The base of which the bowl is mounted to reminds me of the shaft that attaches to a fishing pole. I have no idea of what it is but would like to know also.
  3. Great save on the coins and the silver looks very nice. Good luck on your next hunt.
  4. Great finds again, and the machinery looks like an old bailer, I see one just like it Down the road from grandmothers. The levers are used for the size of the bails and there is a place for the wire to slip onto the pegs at the top. I am talking about the second picture and not the first one. The first picture looks like a corn husker and separator. Good luck on your next hunt and those old horse barns have a lot of acid from the horses. I ran out of likes and will be back when I get some more.
  5. Glad your having fun down there Steve and getting the Garrett people some lessons I'm sure has helped them get closer to the equipment. I hope your having a lot of fun and staying safe. Should you find to much gold your putting yourself in danger from some of those Aussies as they don't like us yanks.
  6. Nice find, what kind of hot wheel car is it. Good luck on your next hunt.
  7. Very nice recovery and a great story. Good luck on your next hunt.
  8. I have found with the dry ground that it will cause problems that you are describing. I will turn the sense down a little bit and keep on going. Hope this helps and my detector is the 800.
  9. Forgot to say nice hunt and great find, now go back and get the rest of the buckle. Good luck on your next outing and stay safe.
  10. Looks very much like 1/2 of a belt buckle similar to the one I found online. Yes mine has different images on it but it shows both pieces of the buckle. The back has the same lines on them that hold the belt to this buckle. These are cherubs as the image where yours has an angel. Sorry I could not find the exact item, but I am tired tonight.
  11. That was a heck of a hunt, good for you on the nice finds. Good luck on your next outing.
  12. That had to be a lot of digging to get all of those bits out of the ground. Good luck on your next hunt and stay safe out there.
  13. I can only imagine what what is going to happen over this item, please keep it cleaner than the last time. Just kidding guys and I think it is nice how you two guys are trying to put all the pieces back together. Good luck on your next outings.
  14. So let me try to get this straight, Strick had to give Klunker a little head, because Klunker had 2 arms. I really don't know what to think about something like that, it just don't sound right. I sure hope that you 2 can use your detectors and find some coins next time you guys are out in the woods together.
  15. Very nice finds once again from your spot. Good luck on your next hunt and stay safe out there.
  16. Well that's unusual, if I had found that I probably would have buried it again because it looks scary and evil. I don't need any bad luck my way as i have plenty already. Good luck on your next outing and please find something pretty and nice.
  17. Great work on the trime and other items. I noticed that the 800 nails any silver in the factory settings and that is how I have 2 of them myself. Both were down almost 6 inches but the 800 rings out loud and clear on them or any silver. Good luck on your next hunt and stay warm out there.
  18. My 12 year old Tracker IV would have had a blown speaker if it went over that thing.
  19. Welcome to the forum and glad to see you here. Really looking forward to seeing some of your finds when you get a chance. Good luck and good hunting.
  20. Great hunt and a very nice save on the button. Sorry it don't look like the one in the picture, but you might be able to do a little bit of cleaning to it. I would be hanging that on a wall somewhere. Good luck on your next hunt and stay safe.
  21. Nice saves on the coins, thanks for sharing the finds with us. Good luck on your next hunt.
  22. Great looking ring again, glad your wife wanted to keep it, and you had it restored. Those are some of the nicest rings from the early 1900's, my grandmother has one very similar to it from that era. Good luck on your next outing and find yourself something nice to wear.
  23. Nice ring and a big one at that. Good luck out there and stay safe.
  24. Another nice hunt and your really getting the silver as you are learning the detector. Good luck on your next outing.
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