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Do Any Of You Plan On Purchasing The GPX 6000 For Use East Of The Mississippi?

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Not really recommended for relic hunting at the release price without the iron reject feature of the GPX 4500/5000 series (which works really well for relic hunting). Despite the Geosense and ergonomic improvements, I would be hard pressed to recommend it for relic hunting even if it was at the GPX 5000 price point, but that would be more palatable and I would genuinely have to think about it at that point.  If it had iron reject, I would spring for the 6000, but would probably buy one of those moderately discounted "used" units dumped by prospecting newbs who thought it was going to be Harry Potter's magic gold producing wand until the realities of what electronic prospecting actually entails became apparent to them. Something I like to call the GPZ effect. :smile:

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   The difference between the 6000 and the Nox is the 6000 will be used in a few specific places by a few specific  individuals  for 1 specific  target(gold)  mostly vs. the Nox which is can be used almost anywhere by everybody for all targets and provide  good results.  The main target for the 6000 is a very valuable target indeed and for those who know how to use it the 6000 will produce good results to offset the cost.

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The GPZ 7000 never found favor with relic hunters due to a lack of ferrous discrimination, combined with extreme sensitivity to ferrous objects. If anything, the 6000 promises to be even more sensitive to tiny ferrous bits than the GPZ, making the GPX 5000 a superior choice over the GPX 6000 for relic hunters. The Equinox versus GPX 6000 argument is a straw man argument, as the question never was about Equinox versus GPX 6000. The better question would be, why use a GPX 6000 for relic hunting instead of a GPX 5000, which is better equipped for the task, and at a lower price?

The only application I can imagine for the GPX 6000 outside of nugget detecting might be beach detecting, if the DD coil can handle a full on saltwater beach. That remains to be seen however.

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1 hour ago, Steve Herschbach said:

The better question would be, why use a GPX 6000 for relic hunting instead of a GPX 5000, which is better equipped for the task, and at a lower price?

Yep.  That was the question I was attempting to answer with my response.  

For those who don't know - the backstory on why the GPX 5000 is used for relic hunting over the Equinox 800 is related to detecting highly mineralized hot dirt sites.  That happens to be the case for a number of prime CW sites in Virginia and Pennsylvania.  Culpeper is a popular CW detecting area because it was the site of a few battles but mostly because both North and South Army units regularly used Culpeper for long-term winter encampments.  As a result, hundreds of thousands of soldiers had nothing to do to pass the boredom than drink, play cards, shoot their weapons, try to stay warm, and not get sick.  In the process they lost or left behind a lot of accoutrements (buttons, badges, belt plates, brass knapsack hooks, personal items, coins, bottles, and of course dropped and fired minie balls).  It also happens to have some of hottest dirt in the region.  Pegged magnetite meters are the norm.  Therefore, when you observe the detectorists in the repeated semi-annual and annual group relic hunts, you will see 200 - 400 people gathered at a 4000 acre farm and 90% are swinging a GPX to achieve the depth needed to find the deep relics that were missed by the years of VLF detector cherry picking.  The NOX will find stuff in those fields if it just happens to be hanging out at 4 to 6 inches and was somehow missed, but nowhere near the foot and half of depth you can achieve with a GPX under those conditions.  It is not an either or proposition.  The Equinox and any other VLF is just a backup substitute if your GPX breaks, shoulder gives out, or if you can't afford a PI.  If that's the case you know you are running at a disadvantage compared to the other folks swinging the GPX's

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My only interest in the 6000 for relic hunting would be to find tiny brass items. I mean tiny! Some rolled brass beads are 3-4 mm long. Other brass items can just be shavings from cutting brass in strips.  The 5000 finds them occasionally, but only under ideal conditions. Also for slightly bigger pieces, a bit deeper than what I am getting now.  For the beach it would be for the EMI cancellation, unless it's just like the anti interference coils, or for real deep coins, but it doesn't sound like it would beat the 5000. So just slight interest on my part for the 6000.

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Are you referring to this?  First Texas seems to have fallen a long way since then....


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