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1 hour ago, Rick Kempf said:

Nobody asked me any questions about the list. I was given no information regarding how they planned to use it to market the remaining AQ LTD production.

The spreadsheet was clearly divided into prospective customers (thank you all) - “withdrawn” prospective customers - and customers who had purchased a unit.


Rick - my response to you was merely to point out to you that Fisher is phoning it in and not even bothering to make good use of the well documented list you provided them.  Now they are simply spamming everyone on the list regardless of status, which, if you had a not so great experience, like Mitchel, might tend to tick some people off. 

Rather than shrugging it off with an "it's in their hands now" response, as a dealer, you might want to pass along to them that their lack of subtlety and thoughtfulness in utilizing the list is making it look like you basically provided them prospective buyer contact information at a price which could inadvertently blow back on you because they are being so hamfisted in the way they are using the info and that can damage future business for both you and Fisher.

It's a simple, minor annoyance for me because I never got to the point of putting any skin in the game.  But you might want to make a mental note of those you know whose experiences with the AQ were not all that great and whether it makes sense for Fisher to be blindly pitching an AQ sale to those folks because you turned over the contact info for a fee.

Your call...as to whether you should make that call to your former business partners.  Might save you some future grief.

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You read things and in between the lines when you made your post.

My email to Fisher was meant in much the same way.  I don't know what some of the others here on the forum might have to say to Arturo.


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17 minutes ago, mn90403 said:


You read things and in between the lines when you made your post.

My email to Fisher was meant in much the same way.  I don't know what some of the others here on the forum might have to say to Arturo.


It wasn't a big deal at first, but now I am getting unsolicited text and emails even after I already said no and that just left a really bad taste in my mouth because of the way my personal info provided to Rick is now being used by FT.  Not a good look for Rick or FT.  Thought Rick should know so he could at least minimize any blowback on his end.  It's all just business as far as Arturo is concerned...I suppose.

They could have at least thrown in a free hat or backpack as part of the deal to make you feel better about the privilege of buying a semi-finished design prototype.  :laugh:

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I too got the mail but it did not bother me in the least. The limited the way I see it was just that. A limited addition put in the hands of those who wanted it, so they could gain insight from the actual people who use such a machine and to put the information to use in the unlimited version. It seems that is what they have done. Weighed all the responses and changed the things that we in the field suggested. So I don’t think calling it a semi-finished design is the correct description. That’s just my way of looking at it. I am sorry to hear that some had some bad experiences with the AQ and Fisher. It’s sad but it happens with all products and as far as Fishers response to my issues I could not have been treated any better. I do hope in the end everyone is satisfied and I wish you all good luck in the coming season.


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If the above comments are accurate, It is a situation in which I am not pleased at the way Fisher has utilized the marketing information I sent them.

I sent the President of FTP a strong email protesting their pestering “declined” customers with emails etc. Imagine my embarrassment when I found the cause of the mess....

I just figured out what the hell happened.


I kept a neat list, all you prospective and committed customers, plus a list of those who had been on the list and declined later, plus all the buyers

All neat on my iPad in “Numbers” the iOS spreadsheet.

I just looked at what Fisher actually got. My spreadsheet converted to an incomprehensible list of Excel spreadsheets with all the data scrambled.

MY apologies to anyone who has been inconvenienced.

I will also have to apologize to the President of First Texas who I just sent a stiff email to!!!!!

I do wish however that they had sent me an explanation of what they intended to do going forward.

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1 hour ago, Rick Kempf said:

Sorry if some of you think I am to blame for the odd email you get from Fisher - my advice is to disregard it if it is unwelcome

Rick - that's the point...you're not to blame.  I had no issue with how you ran the list and willingly gave you my contact info.   I also don't personally care that they reached out the first time to solicit a purchase though I had asked previously to be taken off.  It's when I responded to that text with a polite thanks but no thanks and then got no acknowledgement, then get a separate email soliciting again that I wonder what the hell is going on at FT.  Seems they are more interested in making a sale than worrying about customer relations.

I'm here telling you you whats going on that you may not be aware of and how it can be all twisted around and blown back on you if other folks that are not as ecstatic as Joe and Carolina about their recent AQ Limited Edition experience get peeved about the repeated solicitations.  That's all.  You did the right thing alerting them, now hopefully they'll pay closer attention to just who they are targeting with their aggressive sales tactics for these left over prototype detectors.

PS Rick - saw your updated post.  That explains the FT solicitations to previous purchasers and those who later asked to be removed.  Still an aggressive solicitation campaign that they should have mentioned to you as a courtesy.  Don't let them off the hook too easily.  :wink: 

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Well my situation and experience says that 'I got a lemon.'  That happens.  I wasn't the only one.  I'm glad for those that didn't get one with major problems.  I'm also glad that the detectors work as planned.  It sounds like others had a communication channel to Fisher that certainly worked better than mine.  I didn't have any of those people call me as a courtesy call explaining the problems they found and keeping me in the loop.  I did communicate and post here with some other AQ owners during the repair silence.  I was just a customer service drop.  Chase assessed the situation correctly.

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Here's my view... I have an AQ also. It has been in for repair and returned to me. I received the email from FT offering me another. At first I thought it was some kind of spam. Then I figured maybe that was FT's way of notifying me that another AQ, or battery, or 8 inch coil was now available. I thought nothing more of it and didn't respond back to them. As long as they don't notify me about my car warranty, I'm not bothered at all.

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I was on the list for months before I eventually withdrew and I haven't gotten a single solicitation from FT.


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well ! Looks like the craze about this detector has died down. finally when we see the ratio of problem compared to the small number on the market, fortunately they did not send it to europe because by adding the additional delays of the trip of the broken machine, it would have suffered a lot of complaints and bad advertisements.

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