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GPX 6000 All I Want To Know Is

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Awesome Steve can't wait to hear your thoughts on the machine!!  So they really did customize it for you! ?

Trolls are few that ruin for the many.  Just remember there are the many that are not.  A troll is called a troll for a reason and live under the bridge for the same reason.  Forums need a "block caller" button for members, then people a user don't like would never have to see there degrading posts, then they may wonder why they never get a response. ?

Its sucks too because we sometimes have critical responses that we want to know opinions on but the trolls set off people and then those folks get thrown under the bus too.  I have learned to ignore, I had a blow up once on a Pickleball chat, it pissed me off, but after the blow up I was still no where closer than I was after reading the trolls post.  Blah. Little people behind a big keyboard.

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Trash is easier than gold so far this morning :smile: good showing already though so no worries, will finish out day, be home very late.

I just wanted to note that fact production unit was delivered to my doorstep means dealer units are not far behind, probably on the way right now.


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3 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I think JP summed it up nicely. Yeah, 6000 gives Monster run for the money, but I still bet on Monster for the tiniest bits.

Yeah, the 6000 gives the 7000 a run for the money, but I still bet on the GPZ for the deepest bits.

For me 6000 is SDC that should have been, in regular box, with swappable coils. And better ability to obtain a smooth threshold while retaining power. SDC is more compact, fully submersible, less expensive, and will kill hot rocks that will bother 6000. But for me there is no comparison. Maybe an SDC owner that has Coiltek coils, but not really. That’s an aftermarket kludge, and looks it.

So you could say the 6000 is like an SDC done up like a normal detector. But for me in my mind it’s “GPZ Lite” as the 6000 audio responses largely mirror GPZ responses as far as hot rocks and salt, though the 6000 handles salt way better. But anyone used to a GPZ will find 6000 familiar, just easier and smoother.

It’s all very straight forward, with the only calculus here one to be made by people weighing 6000 vs 7000. For the power users, it will come up GPZ or GPZ plus 6000! For people like me.... 6000 all the way. I’m enough older than JP that our paths have now parted ways. Power guys are more in JP camp, I’m more in retiree camp, slowing down, and the GPX 6000 was made for me. Perfect detector at perfect time of my life. It’s 6000 + Equinox for me, 100% covered for anything. 6000 first, Equinox for trash and the tiniest bits (also gives Monster a run for the money there).

All I can say is I let the 7000 go when 6000 entered radar, have not regretted it yet. In fact after yesterday, I’m happier than ever. Just spent a day digging Nevada nuggets, my shiny new GPX 6000 is no longer a gold virgin! Dig some more today.... report soon. I think I’m ungagged :laugh:


You got my attention at "happier than ever"! Let us know how that elusive 17" coil works for deeper targets...it may just reduce the GPZ edge on deeper bits. WOW, so excited I pre-ordered a GPX 6000 and traded in my GPZ, this is going to be a game changer for those of us in retiree camp and slowing down.?   Thanks Gerry McMullen.

No more: Heavy detector, ML harness with struts, ferrite to GB, GB decision of Auto, Semi-Auto or Manual, trying to maintain proper coil control with a heavy coil, not being able to scrape the ground, X signal and saturation signal confusing the detector, wet salt signals that make the detector go crazy, etc, etc, etc. I'm FREE!



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18 minutes ago, cobill said:

No more: Heavy detector, ML harness with struts, ferrite to GB, GB decision of Auto, Semi-Auto or Manual, trying to maintain proper coil control with a heavy coil, not being able to scrape the ground, X signal and saturation signal confusing the detector, wet salt signals that make the detector go crazy, etc, etc, etc.

I am a contrarian: i still like all of that! But also will enjoy the 6000.

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2 hours ago, Swegin said:

I will never play poker with you. LOL


This was the most secretive project yet. Picture Steve crouched in bottom of ditch with prototype wrapped in garbage bag because a car came up. The protos spent most of their time in garbage bags, for fear a telephoto might see something. The actual shape was a big secret, no photos, don’t be seen.... adds a little extra challenge to nugget detecting.

I am however, a lousy poker player, so no worries there!

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9 minutes ago, Jonathan Porter said:

So scraping the coils is still a no no

Not for me, been scrubbing the heck out of the 11” coil, going to need lots of scuff covers. So funny you say that... I’d say just the opposite for what I’m doing. Just goes to show why people are needed in different areas with different focus. And 11” mono handles salt so well, way better than GPZ, that the DD will be for truly worst case scenarios here... and the beach! :smile:

JP and I hunt different ground, and I’m half nuts, so my Nevada recommendations will tend to be “hot” compared to JPs. I’m running the 6000 like it’s a Gold Bug 2, already lobbying for smaller “scrubber coil!” :laugh:

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19 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Not for me, been scrubbing the heck out of the 11” coil, going to need lots of scuff covers. So funny you say that... I’d say just the opposite for what I’m doing. Just goes to show why people are needed in different areas with different focus. And 11” mono handles salt so well, way better than GPZ, that the DD will be for truly worst case scenarios here... and the beach! :smile:

JP and I hunt different ground, and I’m half nuts, so my Nevada recommendations will tend to be “hot” compared to JPs. I’m running the 6000 like it’s a Gold Bug 2, already lobbying for smaller “scrubber coil!” :laugh:

I presume you’re spending a lot of your time in Normal timings then Steve? ? (Indicative of the ground you’re working)  And your right it’s vital that a wide variety of ground types are accessed during field testing. ? The GPX11” mono will handle salt better than the 7000 because it is a smaller coil than the GPZ14. But when the ground is wet or its a very conductive/salty area the only choice will be the DD coil. ? 

Tip: ?

  • Difficult has just as much sensitivity and depth as Normal on the smaller sub gram targets.?

Please note: A lot of  our OBP customers read this forum so think of my advice as being  generally aimed at Australian conditions and users and Steves advice for the US conditions etc.

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