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I Hear A Difference


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Dear Mike, I was in the same situation with my hearing that you describe. From experience I can promise you will be blown away by the change in your quality of life when you are able to hear well again.
Detecting is one thing, but the other 99 % of the time as you go about the rest of your life, you will remark to yourself again and again, "why didn't I do this sooner?"

I hope you decide to go for it...Your Holidays will be amazing 

best wishes...

People may wonder why I jump into this topic with such enthusiasm.
It's because I have never had one single person who took the plunge into the world of renewed hearing by getting hearing aids say they didn't love it. I don't have any connection with businesses that sell them, I only know this is one of the most under-appreciated bonuses for those of us in later life. Your life will literally change for the better.


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I thought this might be of interest to people who are on the fence about getting a hearing test and perhaps hearing aids:


Don't wait, it matters to be able to hear well.

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My wife was bugging me about my hearing.|

To shut her up I go get tested.  I need hearing aids.  So I figure I'll get them to keep her quiet and after a month I'll throw them in the drawer and she will forget about them.  She will have moved on to something else.  Like when are you going to clean the garage?

So I get the hearing aids.  This is like 5 years ago.  I wear them for about two weeks, and I suddenly realize when I wake up in the morning I grab my glasses and put in my hearing aides.  It makes such a difference I had no idea how deaf I am and how much I was missing

When I was fitted in the audiologist's office with the new hearing aids, I told the audiologist, "These are defective.  They have a click in them.  CLICK CLICK CLICK.  I take them out and the CLICK is gone.  I hand them to the audiologist and said, "Here!  You listen.  Do you hear that CLICK CLICK CLICK?"  He gets a smile on his face and says,  "Oh I know what's wrong.  Here, try them now."

I protest, and say no that didn't fix anything these suck they still have that CLICKING noise.  He said, can you do me a favor? Turn around and look at the wall.

So I turn around and look at the wall.  I start to get all emotional as I realize the CLICKING noise I could now hear was the second hand on the large clock on the wall TICKING off the seconds.  I couldn't believe I had that much hearing loss.

So I'm a believer.


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2 hours ago, Doc said:

I wake up in the morning I grab my glasses and put in my hearing aides.

You have put it together Doc.  Hearing aids are reading glasses for the ears!

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Avantree Aria Me Headphones are aptX HD and are programmable to your hearing loss just like your hearing aids..

They also have Active Noise Cancelling which can be toggled on or off.

Absolutely recommend for 6000 users with hearing issues..image.thumb.jpg.1221f80fb04693c4c3412d0a078d2c9e.jpg

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On 12/18/2023 at 2:52 AM, peterinaust said:

Hi Qlden, these look/sound pretty good. Will they pair direct to the 6000? or do I need a separate transmitter? Thanks for posting.


No transmitter necessary as long as they are APTX Qualcom technology headphones.

All Aptx Headphones should pair with the 6000 no problems.  I carry the AVANTREE Torus, which also pair beautifully as they are also Qulacom APTX.  They are $90.  They have speakers which are amazing, and if it is too windy then you can use the retractable earbuds.  When it's 112 degrees in the desert not wearing headphones is a blessing.  Sound is fantastic.  I wear them to hear the television.  I was watching a high speed chase and it sounded like the cars raced up to my right ear went right through my brain and exited my left ear.  It was cool, but a little weird too.  The thing that makes it weird is because they sit around your neck, you get a vibration from the speaker.  So not only do you experience the sound of a racing car, you get the shifting vibration which makes it seem even more real.

Another really nice set of headphones is the Ncredible APTX.  I don't carry them but they are good ear muffs blocks external noise, great sound and only $55 on Amazon.  They also pair with the 6000.





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