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Detector Prospector Is Sadly Remiss


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  Here it is nearing the end of January and no one has come up with a "Year In Review" post or an introspective list of new years resolutions. Well, It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. So I guess it's up to me but be warned- I am the worst choice among us for the job. The reason being is I am a forward looking man. When I look to the upcoming prospecting season, I see warm days, deep blue skies, puffy white clouds, gentle breezes, and hours of mindless wondering interrupted only by the occasional unearthing of numerous nuggets.  Big ones at that.

 When I look at the year in review I see batteries left on the charger, broken pick handles, flat tires, excessive heat, frozen toes and fingers, flies and mosquitoes and Sourdough Scott pilfering my Snikers bars. 

 But what may be of interest is my last years detecting log. I have kept detecting logs for several years showing the date, location, nugget count,  gross weight and notes on any thing that may be useful later on. Last year I used the GPZ exclusively except for a little training for some folks with GPZs and using a 6" coil on the 5000 to clean up some rich bed rock found with the 7000. The interesting part being my nugget count is up by the hundreds and the gross weight is slightly down. Not sure what to think of it.

 Oops! I nearly forgot the New Years Resolutions.  I don't need any. The ones from last year are still in new and unused condition.

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I think KL you summed up my year too, except I don`t leave my Snicker bars laying around. Best for the new year

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I've only had my Zed for a little over 3 months.  Previously I flogged my known places with every GPX 5000 coil known to man.   Since moving to the Zed, however, I also have found many more small bits that my 5000 just couldn't hear through the ground noise.  .2 gram was my typical small piece size for the 5000.  But the ZED showed me those reeeally tiny pieces that I had been walking over (<.1g)  Very humbling to go back over and find SDC size flakes previously missed.  At least I am skunked much less.  I figure the tiny pieces are practice for hearing those lunkers that I have yet to liberate from the earth with my GPZ.  But I will ...  Oh yes I will :)  

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Thanks Klunker,

I too have greatly increased my total nugget numbers with the Zed.  I resolve to increase the size this year.

Unfortunately ... finding small gold keeps us going back ... again and again and again until we get every last scrap.  This can reduce the total weight because we are not out on new ground finding that bigger nugget that the other machines can only find.

It is like digging pennies on the beach.  I could dig all 25 that I see and hear on my 3030 and half of them now can't even be cleaned or I could skip some or all and dig a dime or quarter.  In the desert or the field I can't tell the size or depth of the nugget (with some exceptions) so I have to dig them all.

I need to give the 19 a good patch workout.


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My take was way down too thanks to our retail store, renewed focus this year still leaves me with not as many hours for detecting as I would like. But when I do get out I treasure it all the more.:wub:


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